Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who's the growinest grower on Thunder's?


Who's the growinest grower on Thunder's?

I guess I’m not as on top of Pop Culture as I thought, because I just heard about the Jude Law Nude Shots. I like the guy, so I was thinking of ways to give him the benefit of the doubt. It may be that he is a real grower.

So, I was wondering, how much do people here “grow”? I know there are a million different variables, but I’d like to try this unscientific method.

1. Measure your warm, completely flaccid cock, NBP.
2. Measure your ragin’ hard-on, NBP.
3. Figure out the difference.

Here’s mine:

4.75” flaccid, 7.125” NBPE, Growth=2.375”

How about you guys?

Haha I love the avatar.

I would participate, but I am not measuring for a few months. :(

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

4.75” NBPFL versus ~ 6.25” NBPEL. Grows 1.5”.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

wow slack thats amazing.

Ahh sorry forgot the caps :( . I’m a failure.

I must seriously have the weirdest cock on thunder’s. Flaccid, I’m 4”, erect, 8.2” BP. The thing is though, I can’t even stretch my flaccid further than 7” at most.

I remember a porn star in the 70’s named Mark “10 1/2” Stevens (I think that was his name). He had the smallest flaccid I’ve seen in porn. Yet the minute a chick started sucking, he more than doubled. The guy was like 3 to 4 inches soft, probably a realistic 9 inches hard. It was like watching an accordion being stretched out.

I gain over 2 inches from soft to hard. That is my main motivation right now, to increase the size of my flaccid. I want a shower. I want a thick 8 inch flaccid on a cold Monday morning after 4 cups of coffee!

Originally Posted by freestyler00

I must seriously have the weirdest cock on thunder’s. Flaccid, I’m 4”, erect, 8.2” BP. The thing is though, I can’t even stretch my flaccid further than 7” at most.

I can’t stretch my flaccid penis to my BPEL either, makes you wonder about the BPFSL measurement.

My Measurements | My Favorites

Can’t stretch my flaccid to my BPEL values either (but rather 90-95% of BPEL).
BPFSL was never really doable for me.
It’s probably a good tool for others though :)

BPFL 5.5”
BPEL 7.75”
BPFSL 7.2”


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9
I gain over 2 inches from soft to hard. That is my main motivation right now, to increase the size of my flaccid. I want a shower. I want a thick 8 inch flaccid on a cold Monday morning after 4 cups of coffee!

I like to read about this great motivation from a great “vet” like you.

I am training only for 9 months now but I am very dedicated.
My BPSFL has increased a lot but my BPFL is only 4.5” in good days ( today isn’t a good day ).

But I started at 2.3” in bad days.

At the present I think the best ways to increase FL are

1) Multiple stretching sessions during the day
2) Use of an extender at low-medium tension.

What do you and the others think about that?

I grow three inches, from 4.5 to 7.5 NBP (just over 8 bone-pressed).

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics


If I knew how to grow my flaccid size, I would have already done it! Seriously though, I have increased my flaccid, but I am still a grower. 6 to 8+. I would LOVE to have my erect size while flaccid, but after years and years of PE, it still wants to return to a smaller size. I am convinced it is a genetic thing.

What do BPEL, and BPFSL stand for?

(I’m new to PE)


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