trips -
Thanks for the advice, I agree with you totally, but you didn’t have to start off below 5, you wouldn’t know how it feels. Its almost like a disability, believe me if I had a 6.7 I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on my dick either, to tell you the truth if I had a 7 I may not even bother with PE at all, most men have feelings of inadequacy, but most time they have adequate cocks. In my case I truly have the size to justify those feelings. Its a case of I know a man isn’t defined by his dick and I shouldn’t give a shit, and I would be much happier if i didn’t. But then next time a beautiful gal want to see my dick then BAAM!! the whole small cock thing hits me in the face, and disaster follows…… so in the end, I know you are right, and I’ve tried to do what you suggest and I wish I could, but I cant….. but I really think I could if I had a 6.7 :)
Back on topic, well i think not many people know about PE because its not an exact science, 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. What works for the one guy may not always work for the next and we have a huge variation of results from the same routines. Its very much like Chinese herbal medicine, we know that it has been known to work, but then we also know that its been known to NOT work as well, so what do we do? If we had a headache or a cold we may take the herbal stuff, but if I found out I had a brain tumor or broken rib or any thing I’m goin to the HOSPITAL!!!!! I’m Chinese by the way, and hence I have a good excuse for having a small dick…. but then its probably because of it that I have a small one in the first place….. its a love hate relationship.
On a lighter note, all this thinking about PE has reminded me of those Indian women that can make their necks grow longer with copper rings, c’mon guys if they can put 2 inches on their necks, I’m damn sure we can do it to our Willy’s. Its all a matter of TIME & PRESSURE, but they are a dedicated bunch though, they devote a life time to their craft.
I hope you are not only reading, and have actually have started on this journey with me, but having as much information before you start is a good thing. but remember… life is short, and PE is long. Happy gains friend.