Sorry my first post and it’s a bit too long like my unit will be one day,
I was lazy as well, being pressed for time with privacy issues, and have acquired some pretty bad bruising/discolouration on the underside and sides of my unit and some numbness as well on these areas. It alsohave developed what appear to be varicose veins on my unit in the bruised/discoloured areas.
I believe skipping the warm up and warm down segments of my dry jelq routine for about 3 months was the cause. I should also point out that I only dry jelqed, very intensely and trying to mimic the power jelq gadget with my hands, for 10-20 minutes per day, on a 50-80% erection. Now these are quite negative results for such short sessions. As a result I stopped all jelqing 2 weeks ago and won’t begin until I see significant improvement. Believe me, the set back is punishment enough.
Prior to this, when I did warm up properly, I rarely had blood spots or other minor bruising/discolouration that lasted long and no numbness or sensation problems in the now affected skin. You don’t want your unit wasting time healing when it should be growing. Of course, we are all different in our physiology so maybe a brief massage of sorts would suffice prior to and following your pe but I have not found this to be the case.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that warm downs assist in waste disposal from those spaces where blood has collected that are not used to blood flow. Bib referred to them as semi permeable membranes in the “Wrapping to remove discoloration ” thread in the Hanger’s Forum. ThunderSS also pointed out in that thread that when he stopped pumping he noticed accumulating discolouration. For Thunder or anyone that wishes to provide edification on this point, “Do the warm downs not serve the same purpose of keeping the blood vessels open for waste disposal as wrapping and pumping do to a greater extent?”
In hindsight, a warmed up unit always responded better to my efforts as well. You are placing yourself at a disadvantage because you are in essence using up the first few minutes of your jelqing for warm up of lesser quality when the warm up itself floods your unit with blood and prepares it for the oncoming onslaught with minimal effort on your part. Now that I warm up as part of my treatment with a cup of hot water I have found that ten minutes of this causes my unit to swell up significantly. There is much more blood available to work with if I were to start jelqing. I now strongly believe that a warm up and warm down routine does contribute to gains since I didn’t gain during my “no warm up routine” phase but did gain some in girth prior to this.
I am afraid the bruising/discolouration/varicose vein problem might be permanent but I follow the warm up with wrapping and the application of arnica, as per Bib’s advice in the Hanger’s Forum threads on the subject. These are not top rated threads for nothing! I strongly suggest that everyone involved in pe reads them at least once!
So Jelqist, keeping injuries at bay and enhancing the blood flow are two definite advantages of warmin up and warming down the unit. Anyone else please feel free to add to the benefits of warm ups and warm downs. Again, if I have made incorrect assumptions someone please provide clarification. Oh, and it’s great to finally be here!!!!!