Originally Posted by wbassett
one of the hallmarks of evolution is the idea of survival of the fittest. If the average dick was ‘perfect’, then the ‘fittest’ men would also be average, and this is clearly counter to any evolutionary progress.
The idea of the “fittest” organism in an environment is somewhat misleading. There’s really no such thing as “fittest,’ at least not in the sense of the organism being “more evolved” (a ridiculous concept, purely the result of ignorant folks trying to make sense out of a complex science). There is a great deal of room for a man’s penis, as far as reproducing goes, and it really has little to do with our ability to reproduce—that size, that is. A two inch penis can make a baby; a ten inch penis can make a baby. In a nutshell, that’s the purpose of a penis: to inject man-seed into a woman.
The “fittest” organism—or human—in one particular environment might be quite weak and prone to such horrible things as, oh, an early death in another environment. Our penises don’t guide how bodies evolved: the ability for our ancestor’s bodies to survive in an environment to reproduce children who could also grow up and reproduce is the greater factor.
And, obviously, the size of a man’s penis is not the sole contributor to whether or not a man gets to bed a woman, or women. Social status, whether it be today or ten thousand years ago (in which time early humans lived in small communities, most likely with a social leader, who undoubtedly had more booty than your average dog), was a far more important element than how high the flag flies.
It may be said that one of the hallmarks of evolution is the idea of survival of the fittest, but never underestimate the power of a scientifically-ignorant group of people to misunderstand a short phrase made up of two words. Some may not like them in politics (where I do believe they matter), but there’s no question that nuances are incredibly difference in understanding subtle, but significant differences in scientific terms and phrases, and general colloquialisms. Sometimes it’s necessary to split a hair, for one side of the hair may be black, yet the other is white.
"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger