Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why is pe only in the underground


PE just doesn’t work for everyone! Some of us can gain an inch in a couple of years. Some of us couldn’t gain a 1/4 of an inch in 5 years. There is no guarantee that you will gain anything regardless of how much you work or injure. Hard to back that up in the medical profession….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

Originally Posted by dowman5
It’s been debated here often and some of the members’ reasons sound valid on why its popularity hasn’t spread faster:

*Many penis growing supplements/methods are fake, so it’s no surprise PE would be seen with reluctance and disbelief on part of the consumer
*At face value, advanced PE looks dangerous to the consumer, especially clamping and hanging, so they may show reluctance because of permanant injury (then again, if that scares them, surgery would too)
*Quite a large number of articles supposedly proves the PE methods are a crock and unfortunately, not possible…or worse yet, might exaggerate the negatives and injuries of it, which will make the public further reluctant to try it
*We’re basically seen as crazy, dick obsessed people by the public. Somethingawful even ridiculed this website from our obsession…

can i see where somethingawful ridiculed this website?

Originally Posted by SimonClass
I hope you got my ideas, to sum it up, I do not see any reasons for all this players and businesses to hide pe like I could read in all the threads here in this forum.
Since I’m here in this forum, it seems that everybody thinks that pe is like the x-files, there is some higher power that wants to hold the people down and wants to keep pe private. There is fight club spirit or underground spirit along the forums that fought against this higher power to educate the people and wants to bring it to mainstream.

What are your ideas about this?

As far as I can see, it’s because doctors/people in a position of repute generally stick to what they’ve learned in med school or whatever to avoid "rocking the boat" and/or getting themselves into trouble. For example, if a doctor told one of his curious patients that PE indeed works and then the patient goes and busts his dick, the doctor’s job/reputation and thus life/family/future is at risk. It’s similar to how "the food pyramid" () is still taught in school and is promoted by doctors, despite being pretty much a dated piece of crap with stupid balances of nutrients. It’s "by the book". Although by the book there is no cure for cancer, a lot of herbal and natural remedies are very good in fighting cancer (and in some cases curing - if skeptical, check out "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases" by Dr. Johanna Budwig, nominated for the nobel prize seven times, and see various sites on flax oil/cottage cheese combinations) if caught in the early stages. However, no doctor in his or her right mind would condone it — "just in case" — and would rather sign a cancer patient up for 25 sessions of chemo and radiology because it’s "by the book" and it clears their back.

AND… the whole concept of penis enlargement is pretty taboo. It’s very un-PC to admit that penis size matters. It’s kind of like how a lot of people look down on others for trying to improve your appearance to make them more successful with the opposite sex. "Just be yourself" and all that. The same girls that rattle on about how "personality is what matters, just be yourself" have posters of Justin Timberlake on their wall.

And as with most things, the people who are most against the idea of something are those that can’t see themselves doing said thing. Fat people criticize their friend that decides to make a change and get into shape. A lot of my friends showed animosity when I started learning the art of attraction and seduction and started getting great results with women. Even now they refuse to accept that it’s something that can be changed or learned. They seem to have blanked out the fact that I used to SUCK with women in their minds. And similarly, people that don’t like to think their penis may not be "good enough" or know that they wouldn’t be able to stick to a PE routine (due to a lack of willpower usually) will act like PE is impossible or say that even if it was possible, it’s shallow and pointless.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Originally Posted by motivated

What are some of these Internet sites?

Some European sites, not in English. They are saying that pe is true but you can only gain close to an inch, if you are lucky, may be 1.5 inches, but it’s very rare and it will take years.
You can also read, that hanging will work, but you have to use it for 10 hours a day.

I also read some English sites, they were also saying that a 1 inch gain is possible when you work a year or so. I can’t remember those sites. I also think, that pe was in English television last year.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
Some European sites, not in English. They are saying that pe is true but you can only gain close to an inch, if you are lucky, may be 1.5 inches, but it’s very rare and it will take years.
You can also read, that hanging will work, but you have to use it for 10 hours a day.

I also read some English sites, they were also saying that a 1 inch gain is possible when you work a year or so. I can’t remember those sites. I also think, that pe was in English television last year.

There’s quite a bit of truth is this. 1” in length is probably some kind of average of what people here gain, or close to this. Some people gain less than this, or gain nothing at all. Then there are some who gain 2” or more! Yes, it takes a lot of time. But, again, how long varies considerably. Some people can gain 1” in a year or so. What kind of exercises one uses and the time involved vary also. Very few people hang for 10 hours a day, yet many get gains.

And don’t forget girth. 0.5” girth is probably average gain, with some gaining less or nothing, and others gaining more. Again, time and hours spent, etc., vary from person to person.

But 1” extra length and 0.5” extra girth is a lot!

What I’ve always wondered is how I can manage in four weeks to stretch the back of my legs so that I can palm the floor with only 20 minutes of stretching a day. That stretched distance was over 7 inches.

Yet I can’t stretch my dick 1/2 inch in three weeks 20 minutes a day.

I’ve never researched it either, but it does pique my curiosity from time to time.

I’m asking me, why people in this forum gain up to 2 and more inches from manual pe, while guys who are doing surgery get only 1-1.5 inches when they are very lucky and lot of the doctors who are specialized in cosmetically surgery are stating that you can only gain 1 inch or a little bit more.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I have an idea that today, PE is just about as popular as it is ever going to get.

I agree.

As much as I’d like to see Thunder make a lot of money for creating a pioneer website in PE, I really don’t think it’s going to happen.

2 Reasons Why:

1) There’s no money it! Most PE exercises don’t require any tools, and those that do are fairly inexpensive.

2) The internet popularizes everything so fast nowadays. Those who wanted to know about PE have already found out about it.

North America is so sexually repressed, it’s not even funny.

People go ape-shit after seeing Janet Jackson’s titty, but don’t even flinch when they hear of how many people are dying in Iraq, or starving in Africa, or get mugged down the street from their house.

If CNN ever did a story on PE, the majority of people would either think it was bogus or filthy.

And those that did try it, after finding out how much work was involved, would give up too soon before any gains and would convince themself that PE didn’t work.

Long live Thunders!

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by sabbatia

PE needs hard work. Everything needs hard work won’t be popular.

One of the most reasonable answers, doctors think themselves as saviors, how can they let their patient to cure themselves by their own hard work?


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