Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Thunder's place is leading a new PE subculture.

hear me say, “he whom seeks, shall find”

In other words, he who finds this god blessed place are welcome.
But only if he finds it by his own will. (or help by one who knows he needs it.)

Its like medical drugs like morphine and stuff.

I once posted a link to Thundersplace on another message forum, and I was instantly banned!

That place can go to Hell!


There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Once again, anonymous07128 is on point with what he’s saying.

I really don’t care how many men “find out” about PE… it’s really more about how many women find out about it. Hey, maybe if chicks know about it they’ll still keep their traps shut, but man… could you imagine your wife or girlfriend giving you the nudge like, “Hey honey, I think it’s time for you to do some PE.” Ugh, I was never on the other end of that quote, and I never want to be… and probably never will. But imagine if you’re the 4.5” guy. You’d be crushed. It’d be like telling an insecure girl to get breast implants.

Sure, there’s plenty of info on losing fat and there are plenty of fat fucks out there, but when you’re dealing with the penis it’s an entirely different issue. The penis is more important and more personal than having a beer gut.

And about the raising of the national penis average….eh… that won’t happen in our lifetime anyway unless everyone wakes up with a 9 inch cock tomorrow.

PE will go mainstream. There’s no doubt about it. Penis enlargement is already within the collective unconsciousness of the public thanks to penis pill infomercials and dick pump jokes. As soon as some scumbag can figure out how to make people pay for exercises you only need your hands for, PE will hit the mainstream. It’s really all about money. If you keep PE info free, it’ll have a harder time being really well known.

The only problem with “sharing the wealth” is that you’re training the next guy to fuck your girlfriend (or your girlfriend yet-to-be) with a bigger dick. I’m sure anyone would wish PE was still a “secret” after they find out their new girlfriend’s ex had a fuckin baby’s arm between his legs thanks to PE.

As for guys who are already big doing PE, who cares? If you’re already big, you’re already big. You’d be big if you PE’d anyway, right? Big is big… if you’re 8” or 10”… what’s the difference? Once you get past a certain point, it doesn’t really matter anymore. Besides, with the exception of a few guys, most bigger dudes wouldn’t be so motivated to PE because it isn’t something they had to be concerned about while growing up.

The next few years will be interesting.

Good point Lurk, it is less likely that a guy who is already really big would dedicate as much time and effort that is needed, since their size is probably not near as much an issue as smaller guys.

>I want her spam filter, as apparently she doesn’t get any of those “Gain 3”s on your dick in 3 weeks!!” emails.<


I think that spam was why she was on the internet trying to see if the pills worked and could make me bigger, bless her heart :) . I hate spam, but this is one time I’m thankful for it. It begun a chain reaction that caused me to find out about jelqing and then eventually Thunder’s.

I personally like the “Fight Club” atmosphere of this place. I’m all about helping my fellow man, but I don’t feel like I owe it to my fellow man to tell him how to grow a bigger penis than mine or develop a nicer body than mine or how to make more money than me unless he comes to me and asks me.


"Where was the Ka-Boom?! There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!"

Marvin the Martian

Originally Posted by beenthere

I think that spam was why she was on the internet trying to see if the pills worked and could make me bigger, bless her heart :) . I hate spam, but this is one time I’m thankful for it. It begun a chain reaction that caused me to find out about jelqing and then eventually Thunder’s.

Me too!

The first rule of Thunder’s place is you do not talk about Thunder’s place. The second rule of Thunder’s place is; YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THUNDER’S PLACE!


Shall we all start making soap out of human fat aswel? We can sell it with the Thunder’s place logo on it. Or we can use the human fat to inject it into our dicks. Maybe Not!! We can make some nitroglycerin with the fat and start blowing up all the companies that sell enlargement pills. lol

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 06-01-2004 at .

By the way, for those who ever wondered if nitroglycerin could actually be made like you saw described in fight club, yes it can. The glycerine comes from the soap making, but glycerine needs to then be purified and then subjected to nitration. You mix deadly compounds like sulphuric acid and nitric acid with the glycerine and unless you can control the following runaway reaction it explodes in your face. Many people have killed themselves trying to make nitroglycerin. If you have survived the making process you can mix it with silica and it becomes much, much more stable. Then it is called Dynamite.

Glycerine is a natural by-product of the soapmaking process, and hence the boom in do-it-yourself craft soapmaking and the high prices of handmade soaps. Glycerine moisturizes the skin, but commercial soap manufacturers remove the glycerine for use in lotions and creams, which are more profitable. Handcrafted soap retains the glycerine and is soft and kind to the skin.

The thing is, nitroglycerin is actually a substance that can be used for PE aswel.

"Nitroglycerin’s action as an effective vasodilator led in 1998 to the release of RESTORE, the "first ever fully tested, effective topical cream for the safe treatment of male erectile dysfunction (impotence)".

"Restore" contains 1% nitroglycerin and is "effective within minutes of application of achieving an erection of up to 45 minutes duration. No significant side effects or instances of priapism were reported."

Want to double the effect? Forget it: do NOT take Viagra (sildenafil) if you are taking any form of nitroglycerin, whether for heart pains or erectile dysfunction. The combination could kill you.
http://www.cnn. com/HEALTH/9805 … viagra.warning/

The doses are extremely small. 1%. This may be because nitroglycerin isn’t only a deadly explosive, it’s also a deadly poison: the lethal dose is only 2 grams, but toxicity begins with a much smaller amount.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 06-01-2004 at .

The first rule of not attracting the FBI is you do not make nitroglycerin.

The second rule of not attracting the FBI is YOU DO NOT MAKE NITROGLYCERIN!


Cappy, they have been to my house so many times along with other branches of law enforcement, I know what they drink when I offer them refreshments as we chit-chat. Knock on wood, but so far airtight alibis and insufficient evidence for any indictments.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Goverment agenets are not bad. Everytime a past or present president comes within 50 miles they take me and a dozen people out to see a movie or get ice cream. They even pay for it too. I want to see Kill Bill Volume 2 before it goes out of the theatre. I hope someone has a campaign rally close by very soon.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


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