Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Thunder's place is leading a new PE subculture.


Why Thunder's place is leading a new PE subculture.

A woman from a training forum I’m a member of, followed my Thundersplace link in my profile. Her and another woman were in disbelief and she thought Thundersplace was a “fascinating website”, lol. She then posted the link in another training forum which I visited, with the thread title “can you believe this?!!”. I told her that I had seen her post on the other forum and she said this…

“I was just a little surprised to find that there seems to be a whole subculture devoted to enlarging ones manhood.”

I answered her post like this…

“Medusa, it’s because guys get real results, so a subculture grows and starts to thrive. If the exercises didn’t work, everyone would eventually leave and a thriving population and society could not be built. It is the success of so many that allows such a subculture to exsist. Just like bodybuilding though, it takes months to see any real results. The people without perseverance fail and leave but the rarer breed that stick with it for months get results and stay. Slowly the percentage of members that persevere becomes larger and larger as the inpatient members become “drop outs”. This builds a subculture where almost everyone is getting results and has good experiences to share, which spurs new members on to become the perseveering type and the site and subculture becomes highly populated due to few drop outs and low failure rates, becoming notorious and starting to set the standard for penis fitness and enlargment techniques. Breeding it’s own scholars and setting up it’s own research programs to revolutionise the techniques and understandings of penis enlargment.

All of this was able to come about by taking a few initial steps down the correct path. These steps were to make the site completely free for everyone, make the site interesting to everone and broad in it’s subject matters and lastly to bring on board the most experienced and most generously natured members of past sites, to pass on their wisedom, set new standards and offer their creativities for a blossoming site.”

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 05-29-2004 at .

Well put Gottagrow.

How surprised could she actually have been, assuming her IQ exceeds double digits?

Is she hot?


Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Come on, though. You can’t let everybody in on it.

Come on, though. You can’t let everybody in on it.

That, I suppose I can see that point of. If people find out - they find out. But what is the point if the average is changed from 6” (if that’s what it is, I really don’t keep track of that stuff) to 8, 9 or 10”? To be ahead of the pack you’d have to be 16, 17”.

Most guys goals are to be on par, to a little ahead of average or what is considered big. It would defeat that purpose if guys who are already big found out, and started enlarging what was already above average, I woud think.

Chickenchocker, she is a female bodybuilder. Although I don’t know how big she is. I wouldn’t mind her wrapping her legs around me and squeezing me hard. lol

Anonymous, to be honest I think that is a little selfish. Look what Thunder and the other founders of this site and numerous other free PE forums have done for us. They were unselfish and charitable enough in their hearts to help all of us, when they didn’t have to at all.

We should continue as they started. Where would you be without places like Thunders place to help educate you about what you can achieve? It is important that we try to give other suffering men the same oportunity that people like Thunder have given people like you and me. To keep it to yourself, for selfish reasons is to go against what this place stands for. You can’t just, take, take take. You have to give back. It is only right. We should help others the way we have been helped. Where would so many of us be now if people like Thunder took the attitude you do? Think about it.

I don’t want other men in this world who might be small and emotionally hurting, to have to go through the rest of their lives thinking that nothing can be done and that they have to suffer such a tremendous emotional burdon for the rest of their lives.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 05-30-2004 at .

I want her spam filter, as apparently she doesn’t get any of those “Gain 3”s on your dick in 3 weeks!!” emails.

Years ago a friend of equine proportions made the following observation to me “Only two sizes of penis, too small and too big.” He went on to say that if the penis fairy visited him and offered a bigger unit he would say” no thanks, but could you take an inch off?”

We are all very lucky in that with patience and perserverience we can tailor our willies to the exact length we want. Some guy born with a 10”er is kinda stuck.

I am always glad to welcome a new guy that has managed to find his way here, but I hope it never goes mainstream. Also as odd it as seems to those of us posting, most guys simply won’t stick with it! Analogy: more knowledge and resources for being healthy and in shape than ever before, yet the USA is a nation of fat asses.

Oh yea…Fight Club!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

iamaru, ofcourse she gets spam “Gain 3”s in 2 weeks” emails. I don’t think she expected this site to have so many members and to be so active though. I think she thought the penis couldn’t really be grown so a place like this would never stay around for long and wouldn’t become as popular and busy, with so many dedicated forums to so many techniques.

Infact I remember, when she posted a thread about it on another fitness forum, she mentioned in one of her posts, in a suprised way “It certainly seems very busy!!! The exercises look like an end in themselves rather than a means to an end. lol”

Anyhow, this isn’t the important part of the thread. Some of you seem to be focusing on the least important part of what I was trying to say. I only mentioned her so that you would know why I had written my theory on how and why Thunder’s had become such a subculture. Try to focus on the important part of my thread. Why Thunder’s is so popular and why it is such a thriving subculture.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>>Anyhow, this isn’t the important part of the thread. Some of you seem to be focusing on the least important part of what I was trying to say. I only mentioned her so that you would know why I had written my theory on how and why Thunder’s had become such a subculture.<<

I think it is understood. But I think there was a link that she and possibly others followed.

>>Try to focus on the important part of my thread. Why Thunder’s is so popular and why it is such a thriving subculture.<<

I am not taking you to task. You have a point. It is just that another valid point was made that I saw the value in.

>> Look what Thunder and the other founders of this site and numerous other free PE forums have done for us. They were unselfish and charitable enough in their hearts to help all of us, when they didn’t have to at all. <<

No argument there.

>> Where would you be without places like Thunders place to help educate you about what you can achieve?<<

I was already above what is considered well-endowed before I got here. But I understand your point.

>>It is important that we try to give other suffering men the same oportunity that people like Thunder have given people like you and me.<<

This is pizzapaul’s point that I agreed with. Will it matter that someone is 7.5” if the average changes to 8.75”? 7.5” will still feel inadequate with a larger size, if guys who are above average, like me, take up the hobby of enlargement.

There might be a perception that past a certain point, enlargement might be senseless. To an extent, yeah. There are women that would not have sex with me again. And I don’t ram and jam. There are others that like to be stretched like hell. And a lot in between.

There is a lot of internet porn out there like Brutal Dildos, denni, and fisting where some women like extreme penetrations. I have seen anal fisting, and didlos the length and thickness of almost a baseball bat, in some of these girls asses! Admittedly this would be a small percentage of the female population. But obviously, either these girls have worked their way up to it, or were blessed, or cursed depending on how you look at it, with that natuaral ability.

>>To keep it to yourself, for selfish reasons is to go against what this place stands for. You can’t just, take, take take. You have to give back. It is only right. We should help others the way we have been helped.<<

I am willing to help the guys who find their way here. No disagrement there. But if I was on the lower end of the scale, I certainly wouldn’t, metaphorically, cut my own throat.

>>Where would so many of us be now if people like Thunder took the attitude you do? Think about it.<<

The point that I saw the reasoning behind was: It wouldn’t matter if a guy gained, if PE was advertised to the point that, with a larger penis, a guy was still below average.

>>I don’t want other men in this world who might be small and emotionally hurting, to have to go through the rest of their lives thinking that nothing can be done and that they have to suffer such a tremendous emotional burdon for the rest of their lives.<<

That would be difficult to disaree with. But I can only think how ironic it would be to gain 3” to only still be below average. And that would be after spending countless hours, energy and effort? Sounds like the storyline for a hell of an adult-rated Twilight Zone episode.

You’ll do what you’ll do. I am not trying to convince you otherwise. It just seems that your efforts might defeat themselves, I would think.

Anonymous you’re a funny guy in some ways. You really need to get over this whole average equation in your head. Below average doesn’t automaticly mean bad if average and above average become too painful for women. Then below average would be better for women instead.

If you reach the perfect size for most women and so does every other man on earth, yours is still perfect. Just because more men have that perfect size, it doesn’t make yours any less pleasurable to a woman.

Now i’m not talking about shouting about Thunders place. All I did was put a Thunders link in a couple of my profiles. I figured, most wouldn’t even look at my profile and for those who might, the majority won’t even bother trying it. I believe that the majority of guys that come to this site and stick at it long enough to get big gains, were small or average. They fealt desperate enough to do it and stick with it. It is those desperate guys I put the link in my profile for.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Originally Posted by Gottagrow
I believe that the majority of guys that come to this site and stick at it long enough to get big gains, were small or average. They fealt desperate enough to do it and stick with it.

I have to agree with this. I started very small and I won’t be happy until I am at least 8 inches. If you want motivation try having a small penis and a chance to fix that. I love being at the center of a case study. :)

Back in the main idea of the thread I would say Thunder’s is the leading place for the PE subculture simply due to the fact that 1: It’s free to join, 2: no BS secret programs, and 3: the first two factors attract great people who in turn draw more in.

That’s my two cents. Interesting though that Thunders has to be the most well known “secret” in PE. Then again once Thunder runs with twatteaser for office, then everyone will know about us! The masked PE avengers will be revealed!


"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS


>>Anonymous you’re a funny guy in some ways.<<

Well hopefully that’s funny as in ha ha. As opposed to funny as in a peculiar set of indiosyncrasies. :)

>>You really need to get over this whole average equation in your head.<<

If you’ll notice, earlier in the thread I couldn’t even quote what average is. It might sound arrogant, but since I am beyond whatever average actually is, I don’t spend my time looking for valid sources to confirm or deny the figures in studies.

>>Below average doesn’t automaticly mean bad if average and above average become too painful for women. Then below average would be better for women instead.<<

Now this I might have to disagree with. A few months ago a met a Spanish girl. Long story short, we did the nasty. She was 25, but had been significantly attached to a guy since she was 15 and had a 10yo kid. Not uncommon for Spanish girls.

I was stretching her like you wouldn’t believe. She never said a word. I have had girls ask me not to hurt them and take it easy as I take my boxers off.

I know I was bigger than her SO. There was over an inch that I was never able to get in. I give girls as much as they can take. But once again I don’t ram and jam. I’m smooth, what can I say? I screw at a sensible pace.

I try to get everything I have in. And if there is a problem, I ease up. She never asked me to ease up. Inspite of the fact that, I was firmly bottomed out with plenty more to use. So I kept trying to give her more. It was pointless. I couldn’t get anymore in. But she never complained.

In fact, she had a tongue ring that she kept biting in ecstasy as I pressed harder. She came countless times.

I even asked to f-ck her in the ass. She didn’t say hell no, your dick is too big. Or look at me like I was a God damn fool, which has happened by the way. She just said no, that she just met me, and that she only did that with her SO.

Maybe her and her SO used massive dildos? I don’t know.

The point wasn’t how great I am, but about what would almost certainly happen if the average size increased. I only had sex with her once. What if she were my nighly fuck partner? You’d have to figure that she would get bigger and be able to take more. Hell people who loose massive amounts of weight have skin with stretch marks. So you have to figure that a woman who is regularly fisted or with a large penis is going to develop a larger vagina.

>>If you reach the perfect size for most women and so does every other man on earth, yours is still perfect. Just because more men have that perfect size, it doesn’t make yours any less pleasurable to a woman.<<

See above. It’s not like there will be one universal size. There will still be variances.

>>Now i’m not talking about shouting about Thunders place. All I did was put a Thunders link in a couple of my profiles. I figured, most wouldn’t even look at my profile and for those who might, the majority won’t even bother trying it. I believe that the majority of guys that come to this site and stick at it long enough to get big gains, were small or average. They fealt desperate enough to do it and stick with it. It is those desperate guys I put the link in my profile for.<<

Yeah but I don’t tink that you factored in narcissistic fuckers like myself, who love their dicks. And even though I was ahead of the game to start, am giddy over the possibility to make it larger (I’m not sure there is a joke in there or not. Not sure if that is hyperbole or just damned accurate :D haven’t figured out which).

I seem to possibly have drawn your ire. But I have to say that I really am not passionate about the issue. As I said, I was above average to start. So ultimately, either way, I think I’ll be OK.

It’s just that after seeing some guys stories about being undersized, I can understand their position. Hell there are Mods who would prefer that PE not be vigorously broadcast.

Another point to consider; does anyone really want women as a whole to know about PE. That it works that is. It’s one thing to PE for yourself. But I don’t think it would be my idea of a good time to have a woman to suggest that I should put some effort into making my dick bigger.

The tramatic stories would multiply exponentially.

But once again, you’ll do what you’ll do. This isn’t really my fight. I think I’ll manage either way. But you might not want to let any of the guys who are more zealous about the issue zero in on your location.

Might make (whatever is tough and fearsome) look like a bunch of sissies. Because there are some guys who would prefer that the effects of PE not be known. Not sure what lengths they would go to though. Just be careful if you think that you’re being followed. :D

PE doesn’t work man.

Just ask Esquire Magazine and real doctors.

Sorry, you gave them the wrong info. :warp:


There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

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