Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Will you teach your kids to PE?

Originally Posted by Shabernack
But PE as Penis Enhancement, as healthy exercise with the nice side effect of a bigger schlong - that’s the way to go as I believe and that’s how my children will get it told. There is this evil “to small”, but a “to healthy” doesn´t exist.

This is what I am thinking as well. One has to be very careful with some words when it comes to these things. Portraying this as exercises to promote penis health should be a good approach. This is how I will let my son in on the secret once he is at the end of puberty.

When I was 16, I would never ask my father about the size. I think I would rather die. What if your son starts to tell his friends. Teenagers like to brag and it can get out of hands. Pretty soon the PTA will call you to testify. I think you can order some jelping material and “accidentally” have them send to your son.

PS BTW, testosterone topical can help a growing boy’s penis grows big. It doesn’t work on grown up.

Basically not unless there are mitigating circumstances

Blue eye, blonde latino

Definitely will, but more in an educative way => learn how to take care of your unit and help it grow if you want, just like body work out.


Penis health is a critical part of a high-functioning alpha male. A large, well conditioned dick with staying power can literally change your life.

If my dad knew about this shit and didn’t tell me about it - I would be like “What the fuck man?! Why did you let me roll through my twenties with an average dick?”

Nope he gonna know at a young age. He will thank me later

The pervading law of all things organic and inorganic, all things physical and metaphysical, all things human and super-human,and all manifestations of the head, the heart, or the soul is that life is recognizable in its expression. That form ever follows function.

This is the law. -Louis Sullivan

Originally Posted by newblood99

Penis health is a critical part of a high-functioning alpha male. A large, well conditioned dick with staying power can literally change your life.

If my dad knew about this shit and didn’t tell me about it - I would be like “What the fuck man?! Why did you let me roll through my twenties with an average dick?”

Nope he gonna know at a young age. He will thank me later

Stupid mistake for giving him your hang ups. Sure hope you rethink this. Stop with the alpha crap! Of you were a real alpha you wouldn’t stake your confidence in the smallest part of who you are!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Stupid mistake for giving him your hang ups. Sure hope you rethink this. Stop with the alpha crap! Of you were a real alpha you wouldn’t stake your confidence in the smallest part of who you are!

! !

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

You can be an alpha male even with an average dick.
You can be 6’6” and with perfect body and perfect looking face 8inch dick but the critical part of an alpha male is the brain.

If you are not self confident woman aren’t attracted to you.

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Family Secret

I would definitely pass it on as soon as he’s emotionally and socially mature enough to handle it in a healthy manner.

The entry into adolescence and adulthood talk that I’ve given to my nephews (my own son isn’t old enough yet) have all worked out really well.
All frank and in a matter of fact manner.
Presented with respect and providing information that you wished you had growing up, and all the while bearing in mind that it isn’t about you.
The feedback I get is pure relief. I think it works better after they’ve been experiencing the changes for a while so they know what you’re talking about though.
High school is an important time where they make or potentially break their futures.
It’s hard enough for them as it is, let alone obsessing over things that don’t matter through shame and or confusion.
That means better grades and a less moody teen! Healthier choices because they have real information that their teachers aren’t allowed to give, and their moron buddies bullshit information about those same issues won’t stick.
With the issue of drugs, it helps to have someone they know like a relative or whatever that overdid it and stuck with the long term effects. I tell them “Whether we like it or not, you probably will experiment. Just don’t overdo it. Just look at so and so. See him? Yeah? Well that’s a damn good reason to say no to drugs. What do you think?” First comes the micro expression of fear, and then the smile and “Yeah!”

(Sorry, I don’t mean to hijack the thread. Overall this is a father-son talk thing, but back to the topic now)

I’m planning the same with my son.
However, with the PE talk much later on.. It will be passed on as a “Family Secret” that is passed on from father to son and should be given the respect that family secrets are due.
Even if size doesn’t matter to the boy, penile health is the last piece of the puzzle.
We train together and he’s quite the little athlete (I’m definitely not going to PE with him though. I’ll show him what to do initially though if I think he can handle it. If I have any doubts I’ll just get him to sign up here at Thunders!) Why not have the benefit of a healthy body that includes a healthy penis that will see him through good and bad times with a greater quality of life.
One negative could be that you wouldn’t be asking each other “How’s it hanging!” after that.

To withhold PE information that you know works for you (considering shared genetics) could lead him to damaging his unit if he ever tries PE uneducated.
Gents, remember how long it took you to see what techniques/routines etc worked for you to get healthy results? Maybe some injuries that could’ve been avoided? Wasted time and focus on techniques/routines that just don’t work for you that work for everyone else?

If you were an athlete and you had an edge, wouldn’t you pass that on?
EG. Body building - which exercises make optimum use of your genetics and overcoming weak points; Boxing - 1 shot liver punch knockout that you know you work better than anyone you know; Baseball - the perfect pitch; Academia - Better study and memory techniques; etc etc.
Why wouldn’t you pass it on?

Remember with kids, it’s not about you it’s about them. Ultimately, they’ll be making their own decisions.
Why not school them up so that they can choose, not guess?

Yes let’s not be precious here and act like we aren’t trying to impress visually and stroke vaginal walls satisfyingly, all skill being equal. It’s cool for me to get a great cock, but not my boy? Sorry, but 7 is WAYYY better than 5, obtainable to us clandestine geniuses.

Of course I’ll tell my boy, I love him and don’t think I’m deluding myself that 7 is way better than 5 and obtainable. Hell I’m almost there…

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

No I have a daughter though.

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

Originally Posted by SuperMSG
I would definitely pass it on as soon as he’s emotionally and socially mature enough to handle it in a healthy manner.

The entry into adolescence and adulthood talk that I’ve given to my nephews (my own son isn’t old enough yet) have all worked out really well.
All frank and in a matter of fact manner.
Presented with respect and providing information that you wished you had growing up, and all the while bearing in mind that it isn’t about you.
The feedback I get is pure relief. I think it works better after they’ve been experiencing the changes for a while so they know what you’re talking about though.
High school is an important time where they make or potentially break their futures.
It’s hard enough for them as it is, let alone obsessing over things that don’t matter through shame and or confusion.
That means better grades and a less moody teen! Healthier choices because they have real information that their teachers aren’t allowed to give, and their moron buddies bullshit information about those same issues won’t stick.
With the issue of drugs, it helps to have someone they know like a relative or whatever that overdid it and stuck with the long term effects. I tell them “Whether we like it or not, you probably will experiment. Just don’t overdo it. Just look at so and so. See him? Yeah? Well that’s a damn good reason to say no to drugs. What do you think?” First comes the micro expression of fear, and then the smile and “Yeah!”

(Sorry, I don’t mean to hijack the thread. Overall this is a father-son talk thing, but back to the topic now)

I’m planning the same with my son.
However, with the PE talk much later on.. It will be passed on as a “Family Secret” that is passed on from father to son and should be given the respect that family secrets are due.
Even if size doesn’t matter to the boy, penile health is the last piece of the puzzle.
We train together and he’s quite the little athlete (I’m definitely not going to PE with him though. I’ll show him what to do initially though if I think he can handle it. If I have any doubts I’ll just get him to sign up here at Thunders!) Why not have the benefit of a healthy body that includes a healthy penis that will see him through good and bad times with a greater quality of life.
One negative could be that you wouldn’t be asking each other “How’s it hanging!” after that.

To withhold PE information that you know works for you (considering shared genetics) could lead him to damaging his unit if he ever tries PE uneducated.
Gents, remember how long it took you to see what techniques/routines etc worked for you to get healthy results? Maybe some injuries that could’ve been avoided? Wasted time and focus on techniques/routines that just don’t work for you that work for everyone else?

If you were an athlete and you had an edge, wouldn’t you pass that on?
EG. Body building - which exercises make optimum use of your genetics and overcoming weak points; Boxing - 1 shot liver punch knockout that you know you work better than anyone you know; Baseball - the perfect pitch; Academia - Better study and memory techniques; etc etc.
Why wouldn’t you pass it on?

Remember with kids, it’s not about you it’s about them. Ultimately, they’ll be making their own decisions.
Why not school them up so that they can choose, not guess?

I think you hit the nail on the head. Present the information. Let them choose for themselves.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Of course yes. Gains are more easy when young.

I would like to think I will. Nevertheless, I’m uncertain on how I would go about promoting it without the insecurities that could come with it.

[BPEL Length 8.5] [NBPEL 8.0 - 8.5 Depending on EQ!] [BEG- 7.2] [MIDSHAFT 6.4/5] [GLANS- 6.1]

PE for life!


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