Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Will you teach your kids to PE?


Originally Posted by higherone

I think you hit the nail on the head. Present the information. Let them choose for themselves.

In this Internet age, most pubescent boys will have probably already scoured the web on such things. I believe you’re right here, I found PE at a young age, I’m sure most young men have come across similar things.

[BPEL Length 8.5] [NBPEL 8.0 - 8.5 Depending on EQ!] [BEG- 7.2] [MIDSHAFT 6.4/5] [GLANS- 6.1]

PE for life!

Originally Posted by navarro
I’m just curious about this:

Are you going to transfer this valuable knowledge to your boys when they grow up? (in case you have). Or will this be your own and very private secret until your death?

I’ve thought about this for ages, my wife currently does not approve despite what trauma I told her about as a late teen due to my thyroid condition. My thyroid condition screwed up my circulation for a long time during puberty causing my extremities to be cold much of the time. Therefore causing to have a much smaller than possible penis both hard and soft than I probably could have and should have had during puberty and a young adult. I had some guys laugh at me and a couple of girls.

This is let me tell you at any age especially a young age for a young lad is quite traumatic. I never want my son(s) (whenever I have one) to go through that.
Some of you might be saying, “Oh what’s wrong with your wife? Why is she lame or a party pooper?” Well I finally understood and have to agree with her. Neither of us want our son or daughter (when we have them) to grow up thinking that the only way they will get by in life is to “use” their body in what ever manner they have to.

My wife and I want our kids to value themselves as people first and not just pieces of meat.

I read an interview just recently from a very popular black pornstar (forget his name) who is endowed and in great shape, tall etc…. He was as what he likes about the porn industry and sex. His first reply was “To please women at all cost” in his work life and personal life.

He was asked when he lost his virginity. He replied “At 11 years old, by his 3 slightly older female cousins (Perhaps distant? Still wrong IMO) who tricked him and raped him all night long. When I was in my 20’s, I would have thought this was cool
like any other guy would. But now, I think this is awful as he probably grew up thinking that all he
was worth was sex and to please women.

Back to the point, will I tell my son(s) when he’s old enough about PE/pumping? If he came to
me and told me he felt insecure about his size or he was made fun of, I would first tell him not
to listen to other people and that it’s him as a person that counts first. If he was really concerned
about his size say at around 18yo, I might discretely tell him that there are some exercises that he
can do to help out the situation. I would try to get rid of his fear and anxiety as much as possible to
let him know that he is a person and that counts much more than what others think and keep reminding
him of this (same if my daughter wanted a boob job or butt implant).

This way the child won’t grow up thinking that all their worth is a big penis, nice body, big boobs/butt
etc… But I would try to be as helpful as possible. I know it’s a lot easier to do PE exercises than it
is for a woman to enhance her bosoms and butt so it’s kind of not fair to the ladies with all do respect.
I’d tell my daughter that she’ll find a man who appreciates all of her qualities, that she probably doesn’t
want a guy who only sees her butt.

I had a few thoughts about this subject.

We cannot assume that a big dick will hold any importance, or significance for the next generation.

The benefit of having a larger penis will be outweighed by the harm of your father convincing your penis is inadequate.

The farthest I would go would be to take advantage of advances in genetic screening (or potentially selection) to guarantee that I pass along my own penis size genes.

Big to bigger.

Originally Posted by thefusionhead
In this Internet age, most pubescent boys will have probably already scoured the web on such things. I believe you’re right here, I found PE at a young age, I’m sure most young men have come across similar things.

All the more reason to let your son in on it. I’d rather him hear things from his father than being raised by the computer.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone
All the more reason to let your son in on it. I’d rather him hear things from his father than being raised by the computer.

I agree.
It would be nice to think that their genuine regard for themselves and others would be healthy and sincere. Although a lot of it would come from the parent, they’re only exposed to us for a few hours a day.
They’ll be bombarded with crap anyway, telling them how big they can grow their muscles, lean their waistlines can be, and how a porn industry secret can make their peckers turn into something you can trip over.

I really appreciate all the posters on this thread.
Hope it stays alive for a long time.
Thunders Place rocks! And you guys make it Rock.


How to tell my son

I was able to tell my teenage sons ( discreetly) about p.e. While watching t.v together one day a Viagra commercial came on , one of my boys said “why do They always show those”? I replied , its all about money! And while some people need that stuff there are stretches you can do in the shower at home while in private. Stretch to the left 30 seconds , to the right 30 seconds , up , down etc.. Do this while your young and you will have healthy privates as you age and get a bigger tool while your at it. I said but don’t tell your friends or they’ll steal your woman. I also said my dad told me and you guys are the only ones I’ve ever told. Its a private thing passed down from generation to generation. Their eyes lit up and they smiled as our show came back on. I did notice their shower time doubled .lol.

I will, if I’ll have any when they’ll reach 20 years old.

Starting November 2013 - BP 18.0 MSEG 14.0

March 2014 - BP 18.3 MSEG 14.5

Foto di Jugg

Originally Posted by tigercoach
I was able to tell my teenage sons ( discreetly) about p.e. While watching t.v together one day a Viagra commercial came on , one of my boys said “why do They always show those”? I replied , its all about money! And while some people need that stuff there are stretches you can do in the shower at home while in private. Stretch to the left 30 seconds , to the right 30 seconds , up , down etc.. Do this while your young and you will have healthy privates as you age and get a bigger tool while your at it. I said but don’t tell your friends or they’ll steal your woman. I also said my dad told me and you guys are the only ones I’ve ever told. Its a private thing passed down from generation to generation. Their eyes lit up and they smiled as our show came back on. I did notice their shower time doubled .lol.

haha you must be a comedian, pe story at it´s finest:)

I´m “just” 18 but i will tell my kids about pe when they hit puberty, something similar to your story

I would teach my daughter(s) (if I ever have any children) things that would help them in their life, about sex- like doing kegels & other fitness exercises for strong pelvic floor muscles.. I think if a father told his son about PE to help them, then, cool beans. :) I don’t see a problem. :)


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