"Wow, Impressive"
That’s the comment my wife made last night whe she pulled down my pants!
I’ve only been pe’ing for just over 2 weeks and made small gains of approx 1/4”-1/2” in bpel & bpeg.
She does’t have a clue what I’ve been doing and I don’t think she realised that there was actually any increase in size, but what I think she was commenting on was how vascular it looked (she wouldn’t have know why, probably just thought I was VERY pleased to see her!!)
Anyway, if a comment like that doesn’t give me the incentive to keep going, nothing will! If fact, it’s taking all of my self-control just to keep myself from pe’ing every waking minute of the day.
I’m not a religous person, but Thundersplace is my bible!!
By the way, the sex was great and lasted much longer than normal, I was actually physically exhausted before my dick, but that may have been due to the copious amount of alcohol consumed prior.