Your thoughts on my routine.
Moderator, Please remove my other thread (Was Hoping For More.) I changed the title as you can see but it did not register. Thanks
Now that I’m just past 3 months and just started Memento’s FG routine plus my own ideas, I’d like to know what you, the good gainers (gained at least a solid .750” in length) thought of it. I didn’t gain much length in 3 months maybe .187” but it’s my fault. I didn’t up my length routine after 1st month thinking I was getting enough out of jelqs. I was hoping for at least .500”. I also hung 5 lbs. for an hour (20min increments) twice a week just to try it.
So at the begining of 3rd month I did add more time and pull to stretch routine. Which I am continueing and is below with rest of new routine. I’ve gained the same .187” in girth so I guess that’s ok. Erections are better and I have alot more veins.
Mem’s routine but only 11 minutes for now.
Then I stretch SD, SO, N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SW, hold for 90 sec’s each.
I jelq N, E, W, SE, SW, 100 each 2-3 sec’s.
He says to do Horse 440’s. I do ULi’s.
Days: 5 on 2 off.
Is this enough or should I pump with innertube for length? PEforeal told me to add pumping but that’s when I was doing other routine. I hope to hear from him on this. I really want to pump but don’t want to over do it. I also stretch with ADS.
I’m glad Mem said some pain is ok because I do get the same pain he describes as being good for gains.
(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625
(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87
2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50