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ADS plus heat

ADS plus heat

I use a gel pack sports compress for heat for warming up. This week I started heating it up and once I put my extender on, I put the compress flat against my belly, with about two inches to the right of my bellybutton. Then I flip the extender up,wrap the excess gel pack around the penis extender package, and pull up the underwear elastic and pants and belt it up like that, so I get a half hour of heated static stretching. I haven’t been abler to tell if it’s helping, as I’ve only been doing it a short while, but it seems like a good idea. Anyone else ever tried this?

HI Raybbaby,

I have also been doing something similar with a rice sock wrapped around, I heat the rice sock for about a minute then keep it on for about 10 mins until it seems too cool to be beneficial.

I always remove and replace my stretcher every 1.5 to 2 hours to keep circulation good and do a couple of stretches and a minute or two of dry jelqs, shake out my cock refit the stretcher and reheat the rice sock and away I go again.

It definately seems to help and keep the tissue more ‘pliable’ and it has enabled me to wind out the stretcher another centimeter or two further than if I just fit the stretcher without the heating.

Like you say it seems like a good idea!

"What do you mean 'it's small'? It's big enough to fill a pram!"

ray, are those gel packs one time use disposable? How much do they cost each?

Horny Bastard

I think it is a very very very good idea rababby, but I think the last hour should be without heat compress.

take care

This is a great thread about the use of heat and the methods and application of it!

Benefits of Heat in PE

"What do you mean 'it's small'? It's big enough to fill a pram!"

Originally Posted by mravg

ray, are those gel packs one time use disposable? How much do they cost each?

No, it’s reusable. It’s about 6”x8” and clear plastic with blue jelly inside it. Mine came with a neoprene wrap and would usually be used to apply heat or cold to an injury, on a knee or elbow. I’m sure you could get one at any relatively big sporting goods supply store. Mine came from the local “Big 5”. The heat is the secret ingredient” signature Is what got me to try it. I’ve been stuck at the same length since August, and I’m desperate to get some gains.

Agree with “glazino”.

Use the heat to allow stretch to a longer than cold lenght.

Take heat away for the last hour so that the unit becomes accostomed to being
at that longer length without external heat.

Makes perfect sense.

Originally Posted by raybbaby

No, it’s reusable. It’s about 6”x8” and clear plastic with blue jelly inside it. Mine came with a neoprene wrap and would usually be used to apply heat or cold to an injury, on a knee or elbow. I’m sure you could get one at any relatively big sporting goods supply store. Mine came from the local “Big 5”. The heat is the secret ingredient” signature Is what got me to try it. I’ve been stuck at the same length since August, and I’m desperate to get some gains.

Oh, so its one of those microwave ones right? I was picturing the emergency kind where you squeeze it to activate and it stays hot for a few hours. I was thinking that would get expensive.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg

Oh, so its one of those microwave ones right? I was picturing the emergency kind where you squeeze it to activate and it stays hot for a few hours. I was thinking that would get expensive.

Yep, microwave it for heat, put it in the freezer for cold. Awesome as a PE tool.

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