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Any Static Stretcher update or progress reports


Bathmate sounds good. Also cycling electric pumps seem like a good idea.

What really sounds good about the bathmate is your saying it will hold the size without a ring for 2 hrs. You have not stretched the truth
At least too far on any post I’ve seen of yours, so that is an awesome claim.

What I am doing is using the static stretch with the heaviest springs in the downard position. I am running it from 1.25” to 1.00” of maxing out the
Rods that came with it. The heaviest spring that was sent with mine is just over 1/2” and I am compressing to 3/8”, feels like around 8LB of tension. I have not tried to fully compress the springs yet, and using more of how much rod is left as my guide.

Like you I am readjusting several times to achieve this stretch length. The stretch length is greater than the BPFSL I can manually generate.

My unit usually retracts after using the heavy, but my avg flaciid, with enough rest time does apear to be going up.

The plan, which I have no started yet would be to go to the medium duty after wearing the heavy for 1-2 hrs, working the stretch to right around BPFSL and wearing that for 4 to 8 hrs.

I’m looking into assembling my medium duty tonight while I’m stretching.

Thanks for the bathmate info. I’ll query you on PM for strength related and weight/cardio tips.

Dickbuilder I was not sure if you were increasing tension on the device every 30 min or so to keep the stretch but if you were great. I have never had a problem with the device slipping of from too much are supposed to go to you erect length like in the video but not all at once put it on wait 10 min the head will get slightly bigger then increase tension and you will never have slippage problems unless you are trying to get to your erect length to fast it could take you 30 min or an hr to get there.slippage only happens if you extend the device to ck or to much all at once.

It only took me 2 hrs to figure out how to wrap but I am persistent till I get things right or perfect.I am a bit anal retentive in that sense as for being active I am a stay at home dad the wife makes the big bucks, we have a 9 month old and I’m constantly picking here up walking around with her changing diapers and since she is starting to crawl I have to bend down get up keep her out of things when she is on the floor.

Are you cut or uncut in cut I know the device doesn’t work good for guys who are uncut. They get a lot of slippage due to the extra skin.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Optimalss I compress the 6 lbs fully and about 45 min in the penis relaxes and then compress them again fully. We are doing the same type program. What do you think of what dick builder said about the static medium not being effective even after heavy sessions as an extender.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

It did not work for me

My thoughts is it’s just a tool. It should do what were expecting. It could be this or some ADS which grabs the unit and holds it elongated to the desired length.


I have a correction. I am compressing the heaviest springs which are .500” or 8/16 to 3/16 of an inch.

I had written “3/8 of an inch”. Going to full compression seems like a lot too quick,
Yet it is more stretch and tension than the spring set below it.


On it did not work for you, are you talking about the Static Stretcher? Original (medium) or New (Heavy Duty)?

Did you work it in with Jelq and/or pump?


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