Thunder's Place

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Any Static Stretcher update or progress reports


Any Static Stretcher update or progress reports

Hello gentlemen! I’ve been out of the loop for quite some time due to illness and time constraints and am eager to get back to PE! I was wondering if anyone had any updated information on the Static Stretcher, a device that seems rather simple and safe as an ADS. I remember some threads about it quite some time ago, but I’ve found nothing too recent.

Have you made it part of your PE routine? Does it work well for you? What kind of gains can you attribute to utilizing it?


Hey bro you may want to look in the review forum, off the top of my head I don’t remember reading any success stories but I wasn’t following it very closely

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I got one coming in on Monday ill let you know how I like it.

Sorry I will let you know on Monday how I like it.

Originally Posted by diesel220

Sorry I will let you know on Monday how I like it.

So.Do you like it?

I gave the original one a shot about this time last year. I wore it for about six weeks, averaging about 16 hours a day. I even wore it at night many times. All I got for all that effort was a temporary increase in my flaccid length and a lot of new baggy clothes. I came to the conclusion that the device really doesn’t keep a constant ‘static tension’ on the tissues, which makes it ineffective. Maybe if someone were to remain perfectly still for the next year it may work. But, sitting, standing and walking moves the device around too much. I also don’t believe it provides sufficient tension.

I ended up modifying mine to stretch shaft skin, and for that I’ve found it to be effective. It’s now my turkeyneck, shaft hair elimination, extra skin for hanging device. I’m also experimenting with the ‘static wrap’ as a wrap for glans enlargement. I plan on recouping my hundred dollars somehow - damn it.

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)


Would you say that the original static stretcher would be descent for simply holding the penis extended to around BPFSL length in most situations?

In a BPFSL stretch, would it be able to grip the shaft/glans securely without being too tight and without slipping?

Some of us are looking at using the original static, in a most day situation after using a heavy stretcher or hanging.

I ended up getting the whole kit and I’ll admit it took a while to get used to it because I did have the problems mentioned. But I managed to figure it out after emailing them and asking about usage and they said that too often too much tension is used causing it to not work right. All in all I like the thing especially for after hanging that’s when I use it.

I got the entire kit.

The “new” one or the “heavy duty” can hold up to 15 lb of force. I use it up to close to 10LB today and it is a substitute for hanging, with the ability to lock
In various angles.

The static stretcher guys are now touting the “original” or the “medium” duty to be used after hanging or “heavy” work to keep the penis in an extended position at low tension. People have found that it is best to supplement heavy work with light duty extension to allow the tissues to heal in the extended state. If thats not what exactly is occuring, the technique is showing the best length gains.

My thought was to use the heavy in 5-15lb load for 1-2 hrs, followed by 4-8hrs of medium duty at no more than 2lb of tension, at or close to BPFSL.

Princejohn I love the static stretch and just received the heavy static. It works great. I use the heavy device in place of hanging.

Since I received the original static I have noticed as did my wife that I hang larger all the time and she says it has gotten bigger I will not measure for the next 2 months want to give my total routine 3 total months of hang, static stretching and using the Jess as my low weight stretcher.

I have now just started doing jelqs again 400 per day 2 days on one off just stared this week. I have never had good results from jelqing but it seems to be helping know. I think this is because I never let my cock turtle up. When I jelqed before I would look smaller the next day, I think this rebound retraction effect is from the body responding to the trauma of jelqing.Just like when you work out with weights the muscle feel tight the same type of response happens with the penis after a good PE work out. This retraction is want I think hinders people from gaining with Jelqing alone. Since I started back jelqing this last week erections are harder and fatter.

I clamp for ten min then jelq for about 20 min then take a hot shower, get out of the shower strap on the static for at least 2 hours if not more.Main thing you have to remember with static stretching is that the whole premise of the device is that you stretch the penis till it tight then leave it alone at that length for 30 min this allows the penis to relax in this stretched length.

You must then increase the tension on the device to keep the penis taunt you will know the penis is relaxed and the tendons and ligs have been stretched and relax in it’s current length by the way the shaft feels it will be soft and pliable the top tendon will not be tight as it was when you first attached the device this is when you increase tension and repeat the proses again in another 30 min to an hr.

The goal is to hit your flaccid stretched state or more with out the penis being tight at that length. Over time the tendons and lig will be deformed and keep the new length.

Static stretching is not like dynamic tension this stretch must be increased several times while you have it on that is the whole point of the stretcher. Dynamic tension has it’s place. I still throw some Jess extender hour in there to get the best of both world dynamic tension will be better in the body reaction to increasing cells in the penis but it is not the best way to increase ligs and tendon stretching.This is because it is some what ballistic when you walk around with the device on tendons have these little nerves in them called propoceptors they are what cause the tendons to tighten up during a shocking movement so the constant flux of tension from the springs causes them to retract some. The way to counter this effect is to use tension warping or the static stretcher.

Most guys think the static stretch is like the Jess it not total different type of stretching. Dickbuilder stated that the device lost tension this is because the tendons and ligs in the penis relaxed in it’s stretched length this is when you increase the tension on the stretch to keep it tight.I received a thicker wrap with the heavy static to increase the stability of the cloth base I folded it and put it in the cloth base of the medium device this has increased the base tension so when the device is pointing up you don’t lose tension from the cloth base.

All These gizmo’s we buy have there place and we should use them the way they are meant to be used.

I just got the heavy static and it works better then the grip vac hanger I have. I love the base it’s made out of a rubber not hard plastic like all the others that were out there, you can’t tell from the web site that it made of a semi hard rubber it makes the base pain free. I also like that you can work different angles like monkeybars product.The see through dome helps you make sure the the vacuum pressure has not changed over time this help to decrease fluid build up.

I have noticed some head enlargement from using monkeybars modified head piece with the Jess and know using the dome from the static seems to increased this effect all day.I am not sure if it’s permanent size increase but I noticed it yesterday when I was having trouble getting the head to keep flush in monkeybars modified head piece so I am getting more fluid build up may have to heat it up and make it bigger like he shows in his videos.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Optimalss you have notice the heavy at 6 lbs compression springs feel much heavier then that. It feels like I am hang 10 lbs from the grip. I agree it has been showing the best results thus far.If the wife say it hurts then I know I am growing but measuring can blow confidence if it not a huge gain on the ruler so I avoid it till the 3 month mark.I takes 90 day to whip some one in to shape at the gym so I will leave at least this much time on any program I am doing with my cock.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5


I might have some questions on getting whipped into shape at a faster rate than I done before. I’m going to take my first measure after using ADS at the end of may, and monthly thereafter.

We can see how much tension the thing is doing by using a spring scale or a weight from it. We can also replace the sent springs with others.

I’m at a tension where the rubber base wants to deform a bit, I mentally envisioned a solid aluminum base after this.

Were all doing similar things, and the concepts are somewhat proven.

If I can help you out in any way let me know I gave RandomGiant a program he seems to like it. I am only using 6 lbs and about an inch and a half left on the rods. That’s plenty for know. Where do you get the new springs with higher weight. Dud you have to check out the bathmate pump thing is the best pump I have ever used I have the LA pumps 2 different cylinders and the medal pump with gauge but never use ity after I got the bathmate you keep that size that you have in the pump with out a cock ring after you are out for the pump for at least 2 hr. It kick ass you would like the device almost no fluid build up if you use it for 10 min any thing over that you will get some but no where close to a air pump and the quality is really good.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Originally Posted by diesel220
Most guys think the static stretch is like the Jess it not total different type of stretching. Dickbuilder stated that the device lost tension this is because the tendons and ligs in the penis relaxed in it’s stretched length this is when you increase the tension on the stretch to keep it tight.I received a thicker wrap with the heavy static to increase the stability of the cloth base I folded it and put it in the cloth base of the medium device this has increased the base tension so when the device is pointing up you don’t lose tension from the cloth base.

I have to correct this statement. I didn’t say that the device lost tension because my penis relaxed into the stretch. After logging in as many hours I did, coupled with many e-mails back and forth with the company, I have a very good understanding about how it works.

First off, the device is to be used at your erect length, (I measured from the side like the gentleman in the video), plus a sixteenth, not your bpfsl. In fact, it took several hours of slow incremental adjustments in order to achieve that length without forcing the static wrap over the glans (very painful). It also took several days of practice in order to consistently wrap the static wrap just right so that it wasn’t so loose that it slid over the glans or so tight that it cut off blood flow. Once you’ve achieved that balancing act there is only so much tension that can be applied, which isn’t very much.

What I found was that changing positions throughout the day, you know, like walking and sitting varied the tension. For instance, every time I walked up a staircase, the skin in my groin tightened up with every step, pushed on the abutments and slowly forced the static wrap over the glans. If I remained motionless the tension was consistent, you know – static. Now, with that said my thoughts were that it may be effective on someone in a coma. But, for us active adults, it may be a little ineffective.

I don’t think it would even be effective as an ADS in conjunction with hanging. An ADS that has the ability to pull your penis out to bpfsl would be more ideal in that situation. The static stretcher doesn’t have that ability. It wasn’t designed to be used at bpfsl.

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)

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