Extender, how many hours a day?
Hi guys
I read users saying it´s better to put no rest days in extender campaign.
Others recommend some day off.
I found many bruises or injuries, including blisters, can heal while still doing 3-4 hours a day, whereas above 7 hours a day would cause any wounds to stop healing or go worse.
So I can consider 2-6 hours/day are to be moderate intensity, or even maintenance.
Some guys around here claim they put ADS or extender for 1-2 hours a day, which is in general terms not helping gains as far as extender routine alone is understood.
Some users and even studies say it´s ok to use 4-6 hours for gains, but others recommend 8-9 hours.
Some Users go beyond and say under 8 hours is useless.
I myself noticed gains only above 6 hours/day and considerable gains only in the 10-12 hours/day range.
But I never was able to keep a 12 hours a day routine because regardless of the extender I am using, noose, penimaster, vac externders, etc, all efforts lead to a severe tax in the glans health and usually wounds or small blisters appear, later evolving into holes that need care by reducing the hours i put in it.
Seems like above 9-10 hours a day is not sustainable for me.
is there any consensus on how many hours/day can be considered a true contribution to gains?