Anymore insight into this topic?
I think I seen this post awhile back and thought it could be a good idea to get hanging results using an extender. One of the benefits is only having the to wear the device for shorter periods.
I ended buying an apex extender using their vac cup on their site as well as totalman silicone sleeves. I’ve been at it a month and just starting logging this week. The first month I was acclimating to it. I have the clip on pounds of pressure markers so I can see about how much lbs I am stretching at. I started at 3lbs for two 20minute sessions. I changed angles through out. Mostly straight down, then straight up and then straight out. I did the straight out to kind of find a good consistent way to measure and log. I don’t measure bone pressed. I measure from the top of the base of the device where the rod comes out. It’s an easy repeatable spot I can measure from while in the extender.
I was at 6 5/8” maybe a week ago. Yesterday I was at 7”. I am not adding in the 5/8” that the base height is taking up, because I am trying to get a good idea of length I can actually see, not the 1” I lose in the fat pad. I have worked up to 5lbs and wear the device for 1hr daily. I plan on staying at this weight and only slightly increasing time for as long as I see any measureable gains. I am not sure if i have actually gained 3/8” yet. That can be a lot of variables. I do notice a longer looking erection. I think I’m just tapping into my pre-existing potential. My EQ has been better. The night erections are helping me heal in an elongated state.
Anyway, I hope to have a good week getting a minimum of 1hr, but if time allows, am trying to work up to 1.25-1.5hrs daily, 5 days a week. Maybe shorter sessions on my days off just to get a quick stretch. If my EQ is negatively affected, then I won’t do that. I will keep measuring.