Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Introducing The Tug-Of-War (TOW) Traction Strecher Device

Introducing The Tug-Of-War (TOW) Traction Strecher Device

Hi everyone! Since I don’t have the parts needed to make this device but know that it should work (because it works on the same concept as the Tug-Of-War and Dual Fulcrum manual stretches work on and people have gained from using those before) and have never seen anyone post on such a device before. I will post the simple plans I have created quickly in MS Paint on what parts are needed and what the device looks like and does. This device I call the TOW (Tug-Of-War) Stretcher. Bear with me if my writing isn’t perfect, writing isn’t IMO one of my strong points in life. :)

This new PE device is built off of a basic traction stretching extender type device (AutoEXT which is great BTW, I recommend everyone get one off Monkeybar who is a active member of Thunder’s Place and very nice guy) for PE. Basically I was doing some TOW/Dual-Fulcrum manual stretching the other day in the shower. After a while I got kind of tired of repeating the same motions over and over and my hands and arms were pretty tired. So then I thought to myself why can’t I just make a automated TOW manual stretching device where I can control the stress/tension intensity for the top and bottom of the pulling directions just like TOW manual stretch. Seemed reasonable to me. So I would do something like use two clamps (to mimic two hands like a TOW manual stretch) instead of one clamp and 4 adjustment connectors (2 connectors for each rod placed in between the clamps) to make this TOW Stretcher a reality.

So I looked around my house and had most of the parts BUT unfortunly I still needed another 2 adjustment connectors (like the AutoEXT has, as you can see I really used the AutoEXT as a model to build off of here… :) ) and another AutoEXT clamp to make my device comfortable and usable.

I decided to go ahead and draw the plans anyways for the TOW Stretcher since I had never seen anyone come up with, use, or make one before and I believe there is good potential here for gains to somehow come from this. Hopefully someone out there will have the nessesary tools and parts to do a expierment by creating one of these things and then being nice and reporting back on this thread about how they used it and what there expierence with the device is like.

If anyone else out there came up with this idea or posted about this before then I’m sorry for wasting space posting space here. Now that that’s out of the way… Anyone is welcome to give comments, thoughts, or expierences with this device here on this thread. I’d like to here from others.

BTW, check out the image I have attached to this post to see the basic design of the TOW Stretcher PE device I came up with! Also check out some of the posts below for a parts/tools list for making the TOW Stretcher and other useful information/theorys regarding this device…

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Last edited by LoveMachine : 11-20-2005 at .

| TOW (Tug-Of-War) Stretcher Parts List: |

- 2 Threaded Rods of same length (5", 7", 9",etc, depending on your flaccid length)
- 2 Clamps (AutoEXT clamps should work fine)
* - Rubberbands if using AutoEXT Clamps
- 4 Adjustment Connectors (These are called something different but can’t think of the word right now, I’ll post what I think of or find out later to clarify. Also one could go to the Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device site and look at the connectors to adjust the tension of the stretch and that is exactly what I am talking about)
* - 1 Base (This is optional but makes wearing this device more comfortable)

* = Optional part needed to make device.

Stay tuned people to new posts made below on how to setup and use this device and other theory/info…

Originally Posted by LoveMachine

- 4 Adjustment Connectors (These are called something different but can’t think of the word right now, I’ll post what I think of or find out later to clarify. Also one could go to the Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device site and look at the connectors to adjust the tension of the stretch and that is exactly what I am talking about)


I looked at google images and got a image similer to what looks like what I call the adjustment connectors. Link here —> . That seems to be pretty much the same type of hardware I was thinking about. Also if we go to this link —> … G=Google+Search we can clearly see that the definition of a turnbuckle describes what the adjustment connector as well. In particular this definition of a turnbuckle to me fits well with what I called the adjustment connector…

A turnbuckle is a device for adjusting the tension in ropes, cables, and tie rods. It normally consists of two threaded eyelets, one screwed into each end of a small metal loop, one with a left-hand thread and the other with a right-hand thread. The tension can be adjusted by rotating the loop, which causes both eyelets to be screwed in (or out). …

So I guess we have cleared up that issue. Thanks mg456! :D

Here is a repost of the above post below now with the updated parts list…

| TOW (Tug-Of-War) Stretcher Parts List: |

- 2 Threaded Rods of same length (5", 7", 9",etc, depending on your flaccid length)
- 2 Clamps (AutoEXT clamps should work fine)
* - Rubberbands if using AutoEXT Clamps
- 4 Turnbuckles
* - 1 Base (This is optional but makes wearing this device more comfortable)

* = Optional part needed to make device.

Bookmarked this thread; if you do end up making one I hope you keep us updated, this could be a game-changer.

Great idea, I’ve tried to implement the same thing with my hands, but it’s quite difficult to maintain and keep correct angles. Patent ASAP eh?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

This thread is five years old.

I believe alin has made one that works by the same principle.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Search “wild tunica stretch” for my adventures with a similar device!

I gained a full inch in length in seven months using mine.and the word is turnbuckle, and I couldn`t for the life of me remember it either until someone posted the term on my thread.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad

I believe alin has made one that works by the same principle.

That should read “a-unit:)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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