Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Got my Penimaster today. This thing is damn uncomfortable! My glans keep slipping out and if I tighten any more, it hurts! I’ve tried putting tissue paper in between, it doesn’t help. Anybody made any modifications, to hold the glans?

Also, what is the best angle to keep the PM at? Does it depend on LOT?

My life will be complete with an 8X6.

Read the posts from the lasts 2 pages. Join the club. Try wrapping your head with a bandage or gauze and cinch down just enough to keep it from slipping out. Also don’t use too much tension at first to get used to it. You can e-mail the company and they will respond back rather quickly. They told me yesterday that the PM has been out in Europe for 2 years and in the U.S. for 3 months, so we are all in the same boat. Also they claim that you need to wear it 3 hours in the AM and 3 hours in the PM to achieve a 1 inch gain in 2-3 months.

Originally posted by GC24
Read the posts from the lasts 2 pages. Join the club. Try wrapping your head with a bandage or gauze and cinch down just enough to keep it from slipping out. Also don't use too much tension at first to get used to it. You can e-mail the company and they will respond back rather quickly. They told me yesterday that the PM has been out in Europe for 2 years and in the U.S. for 3 months, so we are all in the same boat. Also they claim that you need to wear it 3 hours in the AM and 3 hours in the PM to achieve a 1 inch gain in 2-3 months.

OMG!!! 1 inch in 2-3 months!!!
That would be like the holy grail of PE!!!
Since its already been out in Europe for 2 years…isn’t there at least one person in Europe thats used this dam thing for that period of time and can comment on it??? Excitement is building as evidenced by the fact that this thread never dies…

Somebody please post something…
The suspense is killing me!!!

WOW…I just made senior member with this post. Cool!!!

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Penimaster vs Penisstretcher

Hey guys,

I think I made a mistake and bought the penisstretcher from the Andro-medical site. I like the theory of all day tension but I hate the way the penis stretcher just has a thin nylon tube that ‘holds’ the glans in place. I have wrapped and still find it uncomfortable. Also when you begin to increase the rods that tube does not ‘stay’ with the section that you place your glans in. Kinda hard to explain but that tube kind of ‘lags’ behind the section where you placed your glans in when you up the rods. I think the attachment the penimaster uses looks more secure and more comfortable. I wonder I could purchase that attachment from the penimaster and use it with the penis stretcher. I really need to somehow do some modifications to mine so I can increase the comfort level. I guess what I am saying is from what I have experienced with the penis stretcher and from what I am reading about the peni master I would recommend the penimaster over the penis stretcher. From reading your guys interactions it seems more comfortable and is a heck of a lot less expensive.


'The force is with you young Skywalker.....but you are not a Jedi yet.' - Darth Vader 1980 TESB

Yea, they do have a forum, but its in German I think, so who knows what is really going on. The English forum there has 2 posts and are old. I don’t know about the 1 inch drowth thing. Sound good though. They said that guys with smaller penis’s would see a faster result. Got me.

2 week results!

Hey all!

Well, I measured again. It’s only been about 2 weeks now, but I have definite improvements. Not substantial, but I’m longer and thicker than 2 weeks ago.

Start: 7 1/2 x 5
Now: 7 5/8 x 5 1/8

The girth gain surprises me (although Penimaster literature claims the cell division will increase girth), but it may be partly due to the tourniquet/tie wrap thing I’ve been doing.

(Essentially I tourniquet the base of my cock with my beloved elastic bandage (1”x24”), get a nice expansion, then slid an adjustable tie wrap on, and clamp it down for 10 minutes. Release the tie wrap for a few minutes. Then repeat another 2 times.)

I’ve also included 500 jelques a day, just for the hell of it.

I’ve been wearing the Peni for about 3 hours (3 session of 1 hour at a time)a day on average.

The clamping is still a bit of a problem. As I’ve upped the tension, there is a tendency for the head (around the edges) to start to get ‘folded’. I’m experimenting now with different wraps/head placements to eliminate this problem.

I’ll keep ya all updated.

Overall, I am quite pleased. You always hope that you’ll wake up with a 9 inch dick, but it takes time. For what it’s worth, I have finally broken my 18 month plateau


(ps I have to re-iterate my beliefs on diet and excercisel. I’m on a bulking program and aside from my deadlifts, squats, and such, I’m taking Meso-Tech (a most excellent protein shake/meal replacement), Cell-Tech (creatine supplement from Hell), and L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, Zinc…and cabbage. I feel very strong, my morning erections are rock hard, and my overal weight gain is up 25 lbs from 2 months ago.)

The only downside is I seem to have developed a bit of acne on my back. It really sucks, but I suspect it has to do with my hormones in overdrive.


Japan will be mine.

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

hmmmmmm. Good report, but, a suggestion for you would be to not take Creatine and you should take a long hard look at what is in the products that you are using. Read the ingredients very carefully. If you want a better product that is pure and clean….. Jay Robb Protein Powder – The Best-Tasting Protein on the Planet® Look at his protein powders and other supplements. I think your acne is coming from what you are taking. I use his stuff and push Bowflex, no problems.

Thanks for the advice! I wrapped with a bandage and I managed to get a stretch for an hour. I shall do three, one hour sessions tomorrow.

I used the two smallest rods and left the traction force at default. The maximum stretch I get from the smallest two rods is 6.0 inches Bone pressed. Considering my actual bone pressed flacid stretched length is 6.5 inches, are these settings ok, or should I use the bigger rods?

My life will be complete with an 8X6.

Hi to all users,

I think i have the solution for the “head slipping problem” .

What i make is wrap as usual close behind the head with an elastic band (thera), then before you put the strap on make a kegel and with one hand squeeze the shaft (the kegeled blood in the shaft) to pump a little your head. Then proceed as usual putting the PM on.
This will avoid the slipping problem because the head is fuller.

With this technique you will stay also with a pumped head so long as you have the PM on, that means you make a tourniquete to your head wich could lead to a bigger head too. It gets also not so cold and blue…
I wouldn’t wear it anyway longer then one hour each time…

I am also lurking around in the PM german forum (i can speak german) and there are a few guys that claims gains. Do not know realy if they are lying because i do not know the forum very well, but they are to much to be a fake.

Something that got my attention in the PM forum is that the Service Team from PM are looking for PM users with before and after pictures.
They said if you send the pics to them they will pay 100 eruos (supposing the pics are not a fake…).
So you know what to do… I do not have a camera (shame…) :) :)

Cya, Matti
(frohes wachsen)

I have asked Service from PM to jump onto this Forum and lend us a hand( pardon the pun). Let’s see what happens.

My penimaster is now my friend! After my initial struggle, I am able to wear it comfortably, an hour at a time.

However, remember to shave your pubes, as when winding down the traction, hairs get stuck in the thread, which hurts!

A problem I have is that I cannot reach my maximum bone pressed flacid stretch using the two smallest rods. And when using the next set of rods up, I cannot get my penis to strap in. I have tried to push down the PM, but to no avail. Maybe an extra 1cm rod would help?

I am happy to use this for now, to increase my flacid hang.

My life will be complete with an 8X6.

I am using the PM w/o a bandage or wrap now, but I have another problem with that. I am between a rock and a hard spot. If I go up to another size rod, the head pulls out, if I go to a smaller size rod, then there is about 4-5 lines showing on the tension bar cranked all the way up.. I still have some tension on it so not sure what the answer is or just leave it alone. Seems to hold the head better though.

I can still only wear it for 30 mins at a time due to circulation problems, but I’m noticing that my flaccid is getting longer! I’m trying to find a way where I can use on and off throughout the day. I only wear it for about an hour and a half each day.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

I am able to wear my penimaster for 3 one hour sessions a day now. After each one hour session, my glans becomes very cold, so I give it a massage until it is warm again.

I have started to use the second set of rods (4cm) and am able to reach max tension over the one hour period. When I am able to reach the max tension straight away, I shall atempt to use next set of rods (6cm).

My life will be complete with an 8X6.

I can usually go for 2 -2 1/2 hours and then take a break. Then it seems that I can only do 1 hour shifts with after that. I notice that I have a stretch mark on the underside of my dick that goes pretty long. Oh, well, part of the deal I guess. I started out with the 6cm and 2 cm togather, then opted for the 4cm and 2 cm rods togather.. That feels alot better. Anyone useing a pump as part of their routine with the PM?


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