Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Hi to all,

Has anyone tried Penimaster?, I have ordered one today (about 149 euros)

I think it is a Germany based company who sale that streching device and it looks very good, even better as others more expensive. They claim, aswell others, that it is a clinical device.

In my opinion a constant light strech is the best way to increase lenght do to celular multiplication. I could be wrong but I will test it by myself. Off course I will add some light dry jelk to cement the possible gains (and for girth too…).

I would much appreciate some feedback on this device.

By the way, Im about 7’ bpel

Thank you for this wonderfull forum…


Hey Matti what was the link you ordered from. And how long did they say delivery on that stretcher was. Ive been lookin around at different stretchers and this one if alot cheaper than 2 other ones i checked out. Also did this company give you an invoice in your email that confirmes that they got your order. I get skeptical about ordering from the net sometimes.

Let us know how things go

slim pee p

Hi Slim pee,
Just tip on google “penimaster”, it should be easy to find the sites.

I ordered via e-mail, they gave me a delivery time from 10 working days (european country).

I haven’t got any invoice, just the confirmation by e-mail that they will proceed to send the box. Invoice paper should be included in there…

I gave the number of my visa electron (yesterday) but it has not been charged now. I know that international payments always takes 3 ó 4 days till is charged

Im also skeptical but since you can regret any payment made with your visa card in a time frame from 15 days, its not so risky to order trough the net.
Anyway, I would’nt fill any of those order forms…



Here is the link in English.

I see that the prices have come down a lot. This device (or very similar) is (or was) used by doctors here in Spain. The patient went to the clinic on the Doc put it on for an hour, under vigilance.

Two points.

i) it is a stretching device, using a type of noose (which in this case appears quite rigid).

ii) most of the pictures in the site are fakes, used in other sites. For example, one guy just happens to be using the same underpants, pulled down to bunch up exactly as in the first photo 7 months later. Others are flaccid and uncut, yet in the second photo the head is visible, or that picture is zoomed.

Having said this, I am not against the device completely, but take into account it must be worn for many hours to gain 1 or 2 cm.

Matti, I will be waiting for your feedback.



Of course, I’ll keep you informed.
I noticed the fake pics too, but the devices “per se” seems to be a good one (compared with the two other ones that i’ve found in the net).

For the nose, i think i will wrap the penis with some neoprene or thera band…
I planed to wear it about 1 hour daily, this should’nt cause any disconfort. Its not to much but I want to take things slowly, you know, pe’rs must be patient and don’t give up…



The device is finaly arrived last friday. It took only 4 days transit time (europe intra-community shipment).

Paying and sending procedures were both ok (invcoice was inside).
It’s included one device + 3 nose trap strips, wich are wellcome cause the strips seems to me not very durable (they are like latex ruber…)

The device looks very good and after the first tryouts i can say it is confortable to use. No glans strangulation, etc…
Anyway, i don’t want to exagerate things and I put it on only one hour each time, after that masage the unit and wait some hours to put it on again.

I will not use the maximum strech because i want to take it easy, and it is also recomended not to strech to hard to get the best results…

I plan to use it 3 hours a day (depends on time available) for about 6 month to 1 year, so i have enough time to take it easy and to report any gains to the forum.


matti, any reason why you don’t just get a BIB hanger instead?

specifics pls

Hey Matti, could you go into a little more detail? Just how comfortable is it? If there is no glans strangulation, where does it seem to grip the penis? Where do you feel the pull? What about angling? Is it possible to wear walking, sitting, etc? Although they say it’s possible to wear inconspicuosly (which I think is laughable), what is your opinion?

And anything else you can offer, like if it would be possible to replace latex tips with anything.



I didn’t get a BIB hanger, because i have tried already a selfmade hanger and dosen’t like the feeling of having something (heavy) hanging there. It is, in my opinion, not necesary to put so much stress to your unit to induce grow, but a constant light strech to promote cellular grow and also, when you wear it you strech your ligs a bit too…, thats why i came to the strech device.

I will try to explain as good i can, since im not english speaking and not having much experience now (3 days) with this device…

> Just how comfortable is it?
I wear it about an hour whit no pain

> If there is no glans strangulation, where does it seem to grip the penis?
It grips the penis right behind the head. If you put it right and not to strong, you will be able to wear it a minimun of one hour each time. I hope as soon as my unit is conditioned to the new situation i will go for more wearing time with more strech force. So, strangulation depends on how much you force it…

>Where do you feel the pull?
I feel it on the shaft

>What about angling?
If you mean a posible head torsion, if you put the ruber strip right it should not happen. It should be weared placed up or down but not to the sides
They claim as well that it would correct penis curvature (i have one to the right), but i must see it before i belive it…I don’t think it is posible unless a operations.

> Is it possible to wear walking, sitting, etc?
Sitting no problem, assuming you have loose dress…
Walking, have yet to test it better…(I think it should depends on dress and walking distance)
Anyway, you should keep your eyes on it during the wearing time to avoid any complications (blood flow, bruises…)

> Although they say it’s possible to wear inconspicuosly (which I think is laughable), what is your opinion?
Acording to the above answer, sitting is not appreciable

> would be possible to replace latex tips with anything.
They include 3 ruber strips…, and a 24 months warranty, if something brokes, no matter what, they replace it. But that should be tested, since i haven’t got problems till now…

Aside this, the main handicap i see is the “put the ruber on” procedure.
It is not so easy, because if you don’t put your finger inbetween the penis and the traction thing before you thigt the ruber, is posible to bruise your penis skin. So you need to try a lot before you find out the right technik…

I will keep you informed,

I have mine on order, as well.

Should arrive within the next few days.

I, too, have a reluctance to strap heavy weights to Mr.Happy. I seem to be a little prone to injury, and/or have difficulty determining when something is too much.

I remember strapping about 8lbs on and the next day feeling sharp little twinges in my pelvis.

That was it for “heavy” weights for me!

(Admittedly, I probably moved up in weight too fast, but the delicate balance between gains and injury seemed too close.)

That said, of course, I am awed by Bib’s gains and contributions to this field.

Nevertheless, I’ve decided to embrace “gentle-tension-over-time”
(G-TOT) in my quest for a monster cock. There is no rush. Users of all-day stretchers do appear to make gradual gains in length, about 1/2 a centimeter a month, but it seems fairly consistant. 5 months should give you about an inch.

“Gentle-pressure-over-time” (G-POT) should take care of girth nicely. A Magna Thera-p wrist strap for an extended ulie/tournique (for girth) should plump up the snake nicely.

I think this is an ideal strategy that provides enough stimulation for growth while keeping the risk of injury to a bare minimum.

I fail to see how the body would fail to adapt with your cock gently being pulled under tension throughout the day, punctuated by sessions of maximum engorgement.

(perhaps “punctuated” was a poor choice of words!)

But I could be wrong.


“Keep doing what your doing, and you’ll keep getting what you got.”

Great quote, huh?

Hi Northstar,

It would be interesting to know your feedback on this devices.

Im too using a tornique (i do it with a piece of theraband) to help with girth. Everytime i take the device off i do a massage than some dry jelq strokes and than use the tornique (3 x 10 minutes).

Looking to hear soon your feedback…

Ciao, Matti

We should start a group!

The “Gradual Tension and Pressure” club.

Club G-TAP!

(If you’re wondering, I delight in making clever little acronyms)

We could have our own forum, groupies, maybe even T-shirts!

Just kidding.

Actually, it sounds like you’ve come to the exact same conclusions I have. Once my Penimaster arrives, it will be interesting to compare notes.


Hi Northstar,

Do you wanna start a new “Club G-TAP” forum….he,he,he just joking….

Lets make this Thunderplace to the PE reference in the net….

By the way, wouldn’t be more appropiate “G-TOT” (“Gentle-Tension-Over-Time”, instead: “G-POT” (“Gentle-pressure-over-time”)….

Seems to be we are the same ideas about PE. It is wellcome for interchange experiencies…

Ciao, Matti

Do you guys think that the claims that those kind of devices can fix penis curvatures is true ?

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