Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Originally Posted by Revolution

If you dont mind me asking, where did you get the Belkin straps? I went to Wal Mart and they only had a much cheaper version.

Any of the major department stores like Target or Walmart.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Instead of a string I used a paperclip, one of the heavy duty ones.

Originally Posted by sitrusen

I just wanted to let you know: I found a great way of making the stretch on my penimaster more stable and intense.
What I do is, I make a hole in each of the “flaps” on the Support base and holding band. Then i tie a piece of string
to each of the holes. Then, after wrapping and fastening the holding band on the grip level I want, I take the two
end pieces of string (the ends not attached to the flaps) and use them to pull back the “flaps” and tie a bow on top
of the head piece.

This makes the holding band stay in the exact same place without slipping, as I’ve found it tends to bump down to the
lower levels as I wear the penimaster. The stretch when wearing it like that was much more stable, and much more
intense! It also felt more comfortable, because slipping tends to put a little pressure on the head, for me at least.

Just remember; only use the strings to maintain the tightness level that you already have, don’t tie it down with full
force. A nice bow that you can let loose with a simple tug is more than enough. And always touch your glans every
now and again to check your sensitivity so you don’t loose circulation. That’s what I do at least. Some folks here say
to take it off every half hour, even though the manual says 60 min, and I tend to agree with that. For me, I can go
30-45 minutes, regularly checking the glans.

I wanted to post a couple of pics, but wasn’t sure how to do that when I’m not starting a thread.

My new problem is that I am getting the burning in my scrotum and can’t keep it on for even an hour after a few sets. I have read through this entire thread and can’t think of any dynamic suggestions on the burning scrotum besides the generic padding.

I was wrapping the base of the PM with Johnson’s wrap, but within a week the wrap starts to wear down and it starts to hurt again. I want to wrap the PM with something that will be a permanent solution. Hopefully, I can do some experimenting and figure something out.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Originally Posted by Revolution
My new problem is that I am getting the burning in my scrotum and can’t keep it on for even an hour after a few sets. I have read through this entire thread and can’t think of any dynamic suggestions on the burning scrotum besides the generic padding.

I was wrapping the base of the PM with Johnson’s wrap, but within a week the wrap starts to wear down and it starts to hurt again. I want to wrap the PM with something that will be a permanent solution. Hopefully, I can do some experimenting and figure something out.

Take a small sock, like a baby’s sock & cut the toe end off so it is a long tube. Slide you penis into this all the way down to the base of your penis. Then put the PM on over this. Then pull the end closest to your scrotum down some more so you can fold it up over the outside of the PM. You can double the thickness of the sock before putting it on if you need more padding. The good thing about this padding is that you can wash it quite easily.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Comfort strap same as PeniMaster

Someone know if the comfort strap for the Jes Extender seen here

Is it the same as the PeniMaster strap seen here

Looks like it doesn’t have the extra stopping things if you know what I mean.

Isn’t that the same link? Anyways, I bet it’s the same. Everybody copies everybody on that market.


6.75” to 7.25” NBPEL! (+1/4” BP)

I gained this in one month averaging eight hours a day.

I bought a similar product to the PM.

(I’m not going to say which one so you know I’m not an advertiser)

These things really work. I’ve been on thunder’s four years. In the first six months I gained an inch at most through rigorous jelqing, but lost whenever I slacked off. I tried clamping, hanging and pumping too with unsatisfactory results.

I also got a silicone sleeve style vacuum pump at the same time as my PM clone. It’s not as effective of an ADS but still a good stretch and much easier to conceal not to mention cheaper.

I built a captain’s wench too. Thumbs down using it for ads at least.

Matti and other’s progress reports encouraged me so I thought I’d leave my own. I plan to post again in early Oct, and Nov, where if I keep on at this rate I will have reached my goal of over 8”.

We’re into November and I’m not at my goal, but I am now at 7.625 nbpel. Just under 8” BP.

NBPEL Starting:6.5 Now:7.65 Goal:8

Macrotermitinae, you should reach your goal, within the year, growing at this rate.

It is really impressive that you have been PEing for several years and the ADS thing, really made a difference on your length. I am a very hard length gainer myself (about 0,2” per year) and testimonies like yours are valuable.

I am doing only manual stretches at the moment, I thought that after some time, I would give hand exercises a second opportunity. An ADS (probably vac-extender) will be my Christmas present.

Please keep us informed about your growth rate.

Happy PEing!

It takes time and devotion.


My Penimaster pro just arrived, and I’m trying to attach it but its REALLY hard to do. Once I have ‘pumped’ it in and I take of the ballon, it slides out again.. Does anyone have any tips about this?

I’m interested in this extender, any advice?

I see this thread has been inactive for a wile. I am currently using a spring style extender with a comfort strap, however when I am uncomfortable is because thw comfort strap is cutting off circulation to the glans!

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Originally Posted by cheeba
I’m interested in this extender, any advice?

I see this thread has been inactive for a wile. I am currently using a spring style extender with a comfort strap, however when I am uncomfortable is because thw comfort strap is cutting off circulation to the glans!

Other than the uncomfortable method of attachment how do you find the extender you currently use? In theory, all spring-loaded extenders are the same, it’s the method of attachment they use that sets them apart. Noose and strap attachments are the most uncomfortable and are more likely to yeild less gains because the user is less likely to stick to a regimented routine due to the pain and discomfort. A vacuum attachment is one of the better methods of attachment. Some extenders come with a vacuum style attachment, like the Penimaster, but you’d be paying a lot of money for a flashy replacement car when you really only want a new engine.

You can look around at Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device for something called the VacExtender, I think it’s the 4.1 version now, that is a modification that you can buy for the extender you already own. I bought one for my AndroPenis extender, it was so much more comfortable than the noose attachment that came as default. However, as I’m uncircumcised and so naturally have really sensitive glans, the vacuum still reduces circulation to the glans somewhat and has reduce overall sensitivity in my glans over time, but that’s only when I’ve stretching at really high levels of tension.

Here’s the link: Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device IF you do want to purchase one however, make sure to e-mail MB (the guy who owns the site) to see if it will fit your extender.


If you’re uncircumcised (or even if you circumcised but have a lot of ‘spare skin’) who could try the VLC-tugger. Its design dramatically reduces pressure and constriction applied to the glans when wearing the extender. The catch is whether you have enough foreskin to get it to stay on, uncircumcised guys will have, but many circumcised guys won’t.

Hope that helped Cheeba.

Last edited by K_F_H : 01-18-2015 at .

Can penimasterPro be used with uncircumcised penis? I am thinking to buy it.

I am uncircumcised. The foreskin is not tight.


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