I’m impressed by the quality and the comfort. It arrived in a small white box with no mention of “penis”, baffled the nosy people at the front desk, and for all intents and purposes, has exceeded my expectations.
It arrived with 3 replacement clamps, and more rods than I’ll ever need, along with a 3 year warranty.
I’m still fiddling with it, but I believe it will work.
I’m not certain how someone could wear it 8 hours straight, as my head does begin to get cool after an hour, nonetheless…I think once you know what your doing, taking it on and off will be relatively quick and easy.
Those ordering it will probably receive it within a week (unless it is sent to the UK, and you’re in the US).
Instructions are far more professional than the advertisements for it.
So, it’s one approach to PE. I’ve been stagnant for over a year (after receiving nice gains through manual approaches), so I’m going to give it a whirl.
The advertisements suggest 1/4” a month is possible, we’ll see if this is true.
One nice thing:
For those who are getting fed up with PE on the mind constantly, greeted with the same measurements week after week, driving yourself into a tizzy as to why your not gaining…
It’s a welcome relief.
Just strap it on then let time and physics do their work.
(I’ll keep everyone updated on results. I’ll be alternating it with tourniquets. As a matter o’ fact, think I’ll go register with Size’s database right now)
(And again I’ll emphasize, this is just one approach that might work. I might well end up buying a Bib in 5 months…)