Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster Progress

The Penimaster is the same thing as Sizegenetics right?

Originally Posted by gainerihope

The Penimaster is the same thing as Sizegenetics right?

It’s similar but I’ve not used one.

Are you guys wearing the comfort strap of the noose? If so how do you wear your comfort strap?


Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

I’ve never used a noose. I use the comfort strap (I’ve got a penimaster, that’s what it comes with).

Right now I’ve got the comfort strap at the loosest I can possibly have it and still keep the penimaster on at the lowest amount of traction (I’ve got the traction set at 230g). That way I can wear it for a full 90 minutes without circulation becoming a problem. With that configuration I have to remove it due to fatigue rather than circulation. But obviously everyone’s different (plus I’ve been for a while) so your mileage may vary.

The penimaster website suggests cell production occurs between 400g and 1100g (although it doesn’t categorically state that it has to be between those weights) so I’m not completely sure that the 230g setting will produce results but it certainly feels like it’s working. If it doesn’t and I increase the force and then do get gains than I think that’s basically the holy grail of PE right there, but I’m pretty confident that I should get gains at this lower force. I’m certainly not going to be increasing the force any time soon (at least not until I can rule out gains at 230g).

Originally Posted by Mr. F
I’ve never used a noose. I use the comfort strap (I’ve got a penimaster, that’s what it comes with).

Right now I’ve got the comfort strap at the loosest I can possibly have it and still keep the penimaster on at the lowest amount of traction (I’ve got the traction set at 230g). That way I can wear it for a full 90 minutes without circulation becoming a problem. With that configuration I have to remove it due to fatigue rather than circulation. But obviously everyone’s different (plus I’ve been for a while) so your mileage may vary.

The penimaster website suggests cell production occurs between 400g and 1100g (although it doesn’t categorically state that it has to be between those weights) so I’m not completely sure that the 230g setting will produce results but it certainly feels like it’s working. I’m certainly not going to be increasing the force any time soon (at least not until I can rule out gains at 230g).

At what length is your penis in the device and how does this compare to your BPFSL and BPEL?

Originally Posted by joey999
At what length is your penis in the device and how does this compare to your BPFSL and BPEL?

To the tip it’s a little less than my BPEL I think because the section of it above the strap isn’t erect.

To the bottom of the comfort band it’s about 5” to 5 2/8”

I don’t generally measure my BPFL

Last edited by Mr. F : 11-02-2010 at .

Hmm I see. What I was told was to wear the device 1cm past your bpfsl. When I start up PE again I think I will only stretch 0.5” past bpfsl. ( Have the size genetics by the by) What I have noticed though is it is impossible for me to reach that length when wearing the comfort strap even at low force. My penis just seems to shrivel up and pull through the strap. And thats it with the strap being fully strapped in. Sometimes it’s strapped on pretty good but my head seems to change colour or it starts to hurt.

Do you guys wear it right below your head or at least a cm or 2 below head. I had just watched a vid on the penismaster site and it shows you he strapped it in at least 2 cm below the head but he had all this skin bunched up which it just silly.

I have been suggested to contact the size genetics site but I can’t right now until my girl friend changes shifts. I steal PE. She’s go of her rocker if she heard me on the phone.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Last edited by shiby916 : 11-02-2010 at .

I’ve not heard that before. I’ve always gone by sensation and how long it takes me to fatigue etc. and I don’t record bpfsl. I think the main thing either way is to get some sort of stretch going and feeling fatigue.

If you’re pulling out of the strap with it tightened fully but set to the lowest pressure it sounds like it’s a problem with the way it’s attached. I do attach it about 2cm below the head (just behind my circ. scar) and I have found that the skin bunching up a little has helped it to stay in place. I think the Penimaster instructions tells you to attach it behind the head but if you watch the video on the site the guy attaches a centimeter or two behind the head. Personally I can’t keep it on if I attach it right behind the head.

Try not to tighten it so that it goes cold, or you loose feeling or it goes purple. It basically means you’re cutting off the blood supply and that can lead to permanent injury.

Thanks man for getting back to me but unfortunately I’ve tried that. When it’s strapped right down I get a good stretch but it hurts and my head goes blue. If I take it just a notch down it slips through the strap. If I have it loose and at low pressure I don’t get any stretch at all :(

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916
Thanks man for getting back to me but unfortunately I’ve tried that. When it’s strapped right down I get a good stretch but it hurts and my head goes blue. If I take it just a notch down it slips through the strap. If I have it loose and at low pressure I don’t get any stretch at all :(

I’m not recommending that anyone do what I do, so don’t blame me if you try what I do and then end up with a broke dick.

I wear my ADS from 4-6hs a day everyday of the week, with added extensions that I have to literally pull hard to place the strapped unit onto the extensions. Also the strap is cranked down nice n’ hard so I get no slippage, so this leads to my gland becoming somewhat blue, just like a mild blue, but it is blue throughout my entire session ( 4-6 hrs) and I have had zero side effects from doing this. Like I said before, don’t do this if you possibly want a broke dick. I have a give no shit attitude, so I don’t mind taking the chance with my dick. Oh, I have been doing this for 6 months now ( maybe 7 ) with almost a 3/4” gain in length.

Stock Cock: BPEL 6.187" EG 5.25"

Current: BPEL 7.00" EG 5.5"

Goal: BPEL 8 EG 6 My new goal is now 9" BPEL X 6" EG So I can blow my wife's pussy walls out!

Last edited by Flashpoint : 11-03-2010 at .

I do what Flashpoint is doing, but I remove ADS maybe every hour or so after gland looses feeling or becomes numb and re-circulate some blood and get some warmth back. Then I strap the ADS back on.

Ah! I see now. Yeah I guess I had been putting it on the right way after all. Sizegenetics told me it was wrong.

Flashpoint. Does it hurt at all when your strapped in? Judging by your photo is looks kind of painful. Also do you think you have gained any girth from the extender?

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916
Ah! I see now. Yeah I guess I had been putting it on the right way after all. Sizegenetics told me it was wrong.

Flashpoint. Does it hurt at all when your strapped in? Judging by your photo is looks kind of painful. Also do you think you have gained any girth from the extender?

Nope, no pain when I am strapped in. I will say, if I didn’t use baby powder, my dick would be really sore. For girth, I have gained 1/4” at the base.

Stock Cock: BPEL 6.187" EG 5.25"

Current: BPEL 7.00" EG 5.5"

Goal: BPEL 8 EG 6 My new goal is now 9" BPEL X 6" EG So I can blow my wife's pussy walls out!

Originally Posted by Flashpoint
I’m not recommending that anyone do what I do, so don’t blame me if you try what I do and then end up with a broke dick.

I wear my ADS from 4-6hs a day everyday of the week, with added extensions that I have to literally pull hard to place the strapped unit onto the extensions. Also the strap is cranked down nice n’ hard so I get no slippage, so this leads to my gland becoming somewhat blue, just like a mild blue, but it is blue throughout my entire session ( 4-6 hrs) and I have had zero side effects from doing this. Like I said before, don’t do this if you possibly want a broke dick. I have a give no shit attitude, so I don’t mind taking the chance with my dick. Oh, I have been doing this for 6 months now ( maybe 7 ) with almost a 3/4” gain in length.

Did you monitor the rate at which you got the gains? Have they been consistent or have they been slowing? Were you doing pe before getting the penimaster?


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