Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster Progress


Penimaster Progress

Just checking to see how everyone is coming along with using their Penimaster.

Here has been my experience.

Ok, I’ve been usng the Penimaster for 5 weeks now and have finally gotten the hang of it.

I did notice that the straps lose their firmness and it strarts causing circulation problems. I had to switch to a new strap and everything is working well now.

I also made a rice bag for heat when using the penimaster. It keeps the circulation going much better, no numbness, no discoloratoin of the head.

Last, I do not take any days off with the Penimaster. I believe in keeping my dick in an extended state while healing.

Currently I use the Penimaster 1 to 3 hours a day. This weekend I am alone so I am putting in 8 hours each day.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Ok Read my post again you Penimaster experts and give feedback.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

So far I have had mine for about 3 months & I use it for about 8 hours a day along side 4derm so far I have gained a full 1.5 inch in length. Feel the 4derm is speeding along my gains with the P.Master. Hope to use the P.Master until next Xmas & build up to 12 hours a day. Will stop using the 4derm after this bottle and hope to be at 9 x 7 nbpel by next Xmas.

7 x 7 1/2 NBPEL

Shooting for 8 x 7 NBPEL

Wow Freewilly that’s one hell of a gain!

I’ll go check out this 4derm stuff.

Anyone else have any experiences they want to share?

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Ok, read about 4derm. Jury is still out on this medication. Some seem to think it is bad, some think it is good.

Any other Penimaster owners have something to report?

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

>Some seem to think it is bad, some think it is good.

Some think its dangerous as hell (the phd in pharmacy gives it some weight).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks Memento on the link. Looks like I will need the next week to read through it. It’s huge :)

In the mean time, back on track.

Penimaster owners, are you still at it or have most of you just put it in a drawer?

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Falcon or any Penimaster users,

I am really curious to know how the penimaster works ? DO you think it works through traction or through stretching of the ligs ? Where do you feel the stretch ??



Tractor or Traction?

Johnny2, the Penimaster is a traction device.

It doesn’t create lots of pressure but it does keep your dick stretched. I like to use it 7 days a week. If I can…..

After a good workout I don’t want to see Mr. Rambo heal back to his original state. I want him to heal in an extended state.

There are many other devices on this forum that accomplish the same results but the techniques are different. Most are very inexpensive.

I opted for the Penimaster because I can strap it on very quickly and can take it off even faster.

The Penimaster is not my workout. It just frees my hands while I heal and allows me to walk around while taking care of business.

I ordered a Bib Hanger. Once I receive it and get busy I’ll post back on weather I want to keep the Penimaster or not.

In the meantime I want Penimaster users to give feedback on how they are progressing.

Just the facts……

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Do you feel the stretch in the shaft of your penis or at the base of your penis ?

Originally Posted by BenHur
Do you feel the stretch in the shaft of your penis or at the base of your penis ?

I generally feel the stretch in the shaft and the skin overall (but in various places at any given moment). I found that I have to put some tissue around the base ring to keep it comfortable there.

So anyway, I’m hoping to see some good gains. I’m not sure whether wearing it up or down is better. Some say that LOT has nothing to do with using a PM and that wearing it down at 6:00 gives a better stretch. I am trying both ways to see which yields better results.

Will keep you all posted.

So far after 2 weeks of PM (only, no other PE)

I went from 6.25 BPEL to 6.85 BPEL

5.00 BPFL to 6BPFL

I found that pointing down, my BPFL-stretched is like 7 1/8” after 2 weeks of PM.

All those gains were in the 1st week, the 2nd week showed no gains. I wore the PM down at 6:00 in my 2nd week, which according to LOT theory is not right… I wonder if that ‘s why I didn’t get any gains in that 2nd week?

Does it make sense that if I wear the PM down, it will help straighten my upwards banana curve? Or will the same be achieved wearing the PM at 12:00?


what is the penismaster???? please reply……

I just ordered one today and can wait to get started!

I’m thinking about this

Wow! It’s almost as though this thread was waiting for me. :D

I’m back in the Penimaster after a long long long break (I would call it a decon break but to be honest I thought I’d given it up for good) and I’m pleased to report my gains seem to be continuing.

Right now I’m cementing 7.5” and last time I measured I brushed 7 and three quarter inches. I’m aiming to stop at 8”, and if Penimaster’s projected gains hold true I could hit my length goal by January (although I’m sure I saw those projected gains somewhere before penimaster published them :cough:thundersplace:cough: :cough:maximumgainrate:cough: so I’m still a little skeptical.)

I’m getting fatigue with 230g over 90 minutes at the start of the day and fatigue (with 230g) over 45 minutes at the end of the day. The low strength means I can attach it lightly enough not to interrupt blood flow and keep it on much longer, which means less removing and re-applying. Tonight I even slept in it for a while and was woken up by the fatigue. (BUT PLEASE DO NOTE: if your device (whatever type it might be) is attached tightly enough to restrict blood-flow it can cause permanent injury.), so I’m NOT recommending anybody EVER sleep in their PE gear.

It states on the Penimaster website that “modern penis expander devices” exert forces of 400g to 1100g to create cell growth and mine’s only set to 230g so I’m not sure how successful that’ll be. It’s just so easy to use in that configuration that I’m willing to take the time to try and get the gains this way (plus, if that does work I think it would probably (almost) conclusively prove that less is more). If it doesn’t work I’ll just tighten it all up.

It does say that results in the first few weeks could be due to tissue expansion and I have now experienced a growth spurt similar to those I got from hanging after two or three months on deconditioning breaks, but that gets cemented pretty quickly. So quickly in fact that it might be worth doing just enough to cement that gain and going back on a decon break immediately, but that would require some quite close monitoring.

Really I’m just hoping that I can get to eight inches (from 7.5”) by February, which should be easy to do if Penimaster’s projected gains hold true.

On the flip side: When I got my new Penimaster the threads on the 8cm rods didn’t fit the other rods or the penimaster itself without a lot of struggling and effort and while they did send me out a replacement they actually sent me the wrong sized rods, so now I don’t have 8cm rods (because I had send the faulty rods back to them). I could probably have sent the replacements back again but it just seemed like a lot of hassle and I can do without them, although that does mean a bit more bother using all of the shortest extenders in the box. Having said that however, the first time around (when I first owned a penimaster) their service was exemplary…but now I wish I’d just hung onto those faulty rods (instead of being so pedantic about it) since they did almost line up perfectly, just with a lot of effort screwing them down.

Last edited by Mr. F : 11-01-2010 at .
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