Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

Originally posted by bigone0749

I was 8 1/4 for the last couple of months, this morning 8 3/8 …It could be that I was really excited. I am bigger but not a lot yet, but like I said my hang is thicker I am sure of that. If I hit 8 1/2 I will know its a growing rod.

I’d say that’s a heck of a lot bigger.

5/02 5.8" BPEL x 4.3" EG 7/03 6.5" BPEL x 4.7" EG Goal 8.0" BPEL x 6.0"

Yeah man, 1/8 in a week is a damn good gain after 2 months of nothing.

Have to give this a cycle or two and see if it works. Measure carefully the same way each time. If I get a 1/2 inch I will damn well know it.

Good job bigone, measure careful you have a ton of guys depending on you being accurate.

Also are you seeing anything different outside of your dick, anything good or bad that could be related to more “T” you know like better workouts improved strength. How’s your sexual drive?


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Southpaw weighs in (jeez, this thread is two weeks old and a zillion posts deep before I get here! Someone give me heads ups on these threads….):

All of you who know me know what I think of DHT. DHT is what shortens a male’s life and is basically singelhandedly responsible for the 7 yr difference in life expectancy vis a vis females.

HOWEVER… there one instance where I would use test cream on myself? Yes, and that would be to help chafed penis skin heal from too rough/frequent/improper workouts. Testosterone enriched penile and scrotal skin becomes darkly pigmented. If you rubbed testosterone cream on your forearm or abdomen or wherever it will not turn dark. This tells you penis skin is different than elsewhere and indeed has a greater concentration of androgen reducing enzymes, as one would suspect it does. Testosterone enriched penis skin that has otherwise been insulted will recover and regrow faster. I would say apply 3 or 4 days then stop. Once a month, max. I would have no problem with that myself personally if used only for dick first aid, and keep your penis’s healthy glow.

But as a penis enlarging agent, applied chronically? Not on this Ph.D pharmacist’s schlong.


--- Southpaw


Why not? I would like to hear from another professional like yourself on what you thing is going to happen. Thanks


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I am the same horny guy as always and just as crazy. I am trying my best not to jack off, but have a few times the last few days. I am only one week today. I can’t go cold turkey on playing with my rod , he is much too cute for that to be ignored by my Rosy palm.

So, libido the same, still get hard, still take tonkat ali, still rub it some before I get out of bed in the morning to make sure he is working ok and excitable. I don’t see a big difference in one week, but there are some changes notable. Also, my dick moves around more than usual.

I appreciate Southpaws expertise on these subjects and I know this is risky ( I can’t loose hair I have a buzz on what’s left), but I don’t see it as risky as what weightlifters are using. I get checked next month on a full lab work out and if nothing substantial has happened in three weeks I will take a rest and reevaluate at that time. I probably won’t tell my urologist what I am doing, unless there is something negative in my lab blood work.

I still don’t recommend it to anyone, especially young guys, too risky.


Great Bro, do you think it will show up in your blood work? I have to ask what does move around mean? does it mean getting some wood for no reason?


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

from too rough/frequent/improper workouts. Testosterone enriched penile and scrotal skin becomes darkly pigmented. If you rubbed testosterone cream on your forearm or abdomen or wherever it will not turn dark.

… How come my penile and scrotal skin is the same color as the rest of my body?

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Southpaw, I appreciate your concern but I believe Estrogen isnt much better for the prostate and erection. Are you going to block 5ar and aromatase? If you only block 5ar then your prostate may still grow from excess E.

Let the results do the talking. I will done forever with PE and testosterone treatment in 4 months at this pace. No more pulling, no more workouts in general. So I am willing to take the risks for that long.

I believe Dr. Reicher may have a different opinion on this.

Cya, have you noticed any gains so far?


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

Yeah but I am not totally convinced. My erection is out of this world so it could be from that I guess. My erection angle has changed considerably. Never seen it this hard before. I will let you guys know for sure when I know for sure.


My blood workup always includes a testosterone level which runs high normal for me.

My dick sometimes feels tingly kinda moving around like when I first start to get excited sexually. Not an uncontrolled hard on when I don’t want one. Viagra doesn’t even do that. And I am not 19 anymore (but sometimes my dick thinks he is).


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