Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

It kinda amuses me; this was supposed to be the easy way for the gains…forget all the hard work! Just apply the cream, eat cerials and watch cartoons and see your penis enlargening! Look at all the trouble the lab rats have to go through, even if it works, which I doubt.

The latest beats them all: “Try not to wash your genitals too much”. This is getting nasty! :D ;)


I’m not dissing anybody, just wanted to point out something that amused me. Still, if it works, I’ll be damned if I don’t rush to buy some of the damn wonder cream the next day!

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

“It kinda amuses me; this was supposed to be the easy way for the gains…forget all the hard work!”

This is not easy. It requires work. You need to research. You need to understand how to make a trandermal gel. You need to take steps to reduce side effects. Rest assured, amplifying your body’s own natural regulator of penis growth is the safe PE method.

“The latest beats them all: “Try not to wash your genitals too much”. This is getting nasty!”

Nothing attracts a women like the male persperation. Pheromone science is a fact, there are dozens of studes prooving that natutral steroids in your sweat have mood altering behavior in women. Im not going to bother post studes, because it would take to long to list the important ones.
Just search PubMed

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

So if I don’t shower hot chicks will want me? Man I wasted my entire teenage years bathing in Drakar Noir. :D

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

>Nothing attracts a women like the male persperation.

WRONG!!! That is not true in the least. But a good smelling man will get my attention anytime. I dont care what the studies say. They can say anything they like but a sweaty smelling man stinks in my book.

Originally posted by DiamondWinds
>Nothing attracts a women like the male persperation.
WRONG!!! That is not true in the least. But a good smelling man will get my attention anytime. I dont care what the studies say. They can say anything they like but a sweaty smelling man stinks in my book.

Whew! That’s a relief! I haven’t gone showerless since the 60’s!


Seriously, though. Isn’t the bad smell mostly bacteria? Maybe the sweat itself contains the pheromones and doesn’t smell much. It’s just when somebody doesn’t shower for a while the bacteria build up and DW is grossed out along with the rest of us.

So bathe, sweat, and enjoy your airborne chemicals! :buttrock:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

“WRONG!!! That is not true in the least. But a good smelling man will get my attention anytime. I don’t care what the studies say. They can say anything they like but a sweaty smelling man stinks in my book.”

Pheromonal activity is subconscious. It doesn’t matter what you ‘think’. The studies prove that pheromones that you cant smell will influence behavior. You can say you don’t care what studies say, but that wont change the fact that you are influenced by chemicals in sweat which you can not consciously quantify nor qualify.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


I don’t think there is any conflict here. You can wash your body without washing your dick if you are careful. I guess showers are out. Sponge baths, anyone?

The pheromones are the ones you can’t smell, so the stuff you do smell is not what causes the turn on. Actually, according to my science and hygiene teacher, it’s the waste products, (poop), of the bacteria that smells as they eat your sweat and dead skin and the shit piles up. Pretty thought, eh? :D

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein


You stated you thought that we should not ejaculate during the time we apply our gel. Is it your thinking that testosterone levels drop after ejaculation? Otherwise, why would it matter?

Also, in one of your posts you mentioned that you were using other prohormones? What others are you using, if any?

There is a popular notion that DHT increases after masturbation. But I suggest to abstain for reasons which are entirely separate. It would take too long to explain.

Yes, I briefly tried 3alpha for a few days. Nothing significantly different.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

I’m with DW on this, you stink, you don’t get near me. End of discussion.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


For some people, taking a shower every other day doesnt make you stink.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
“WRONG!!! That is not true in the least. But a good smelling man will get my attention anytime. I don't care what the studies say. They can say anything they like but a sweaty smelling man stinks in my book.”

Pheromonal activity is subconscious. It doesn't matter what you 'think'. The studies prove that pheromones that you cant smell will influence behavior. You can say you don't care what studies say, but that wont change the fact that you are influenced by chemicals in sweat which you can not consciously quantify nor qualify.

The fact is that I am “influenced by chemicals in sweat” I don’t like the way it smells. I am not attracted to a man that stinks & if my conscious was to try & convince me I was I would set it straight. I am attracted to men that smell good & thats a fact. I don’t need a study to tell me that either. My nose tells me & I believe my nose. Maybe the study was taken by someone who doesn’t believe in bathing or from a place where smelling bad is considered attractive. How would such a study be conducted anyway so that they know subconsciously women are attracted to smelly men? How can they tell what you subconsciously are thinking?

Not taking any sides,

but I thought this was interesting.

From ABC Science Online:What women need: sweaty male armpits
Thursday, 26 June 2003
Being exposed to the smell of a sweaty male armpit can make a woman feel calmer, according to a new study by a U.S. research team.
Male sweat contains one or more chemical signalling compounds, known as pheromones, that can affect both a woman’s state of mind and her reproductive hormone levels, according to a study by Dr George Preti, of the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia, and colleagues.
In the study, reported in the journal Biology of Reproduction, Preti and team placed pads under the armpits of male donors to collect sweat. They then put concentrated compounds extracted from the sweat, but masked by a fragrance, under the noses of female volunteers. After being exposed to the smells for six hours the women reported feeling less tense and more relaxed.
Preti and team also measured the womens’ levels of luteinising hormone, which plays varied roles in triggering ovulation and in sex drive. Pulses of this hormone released from the brain increase in size and frequency as women approach ovulation. In the experiment, the researchers found when women smelt the sweat extract it induced a surge of the hormone.
“The underarm contains physiologically active pheromones,” Preti says. He also took part in an earlier study investigating why women who have heterosexual sex weekly have more normal menstrual cycles of regular length than those who do not. In that study, an armpit extract from male donors was also used to test whether exposure to it had any effect in its own right.
The menstrual cycle lengths of two groups of women subjects were evaluated over several months: one group was exposed to regular applications of the extract while a control group was exposed to a compound that had no smell. The women who received the extract were less likely to have variable cycle lengths and fewer of them had abnormal cycles.
In a report in Nature News Service on the latest findings, another Monell Centre pheromone researcher, Dr Charles Wysocki, speculates that women may have evolved to respond to signals that make successful reproduction more likely - the scent of a male partner might not only help to trigger ovulation at the right time but may make women more relaxed and receptive to sex as well.
Researchers at the University of Texas reported two years ago that men can tell by smell alone when women are at their most fertile. The had male subjects sniff T-shirts worn by women during fertile and infertile stages of their menstrual cycles and found the men overwhelmingly rated the smells from the shirts to be most pleasing or “sexy” when they had been worn during a fertile phase.
The latest findings also suggest that if the active pheromones in male sweat can be isolated they may prove to be the basis of new fertility drugs or relaxant perfumes for women.
Bob Beale – ABC Science Online

Also, I sweat every day when I workout and it doesn’t stink. Sweat itself doesn’t stink, it only starts to stink when bacteria build up.

5/02 5.8" BPEL x 4.3" EG 7/03 6.5" BPEL x 4.7" EG Goal 8.0" BPEL x 6.0"


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