Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

Originally posted by Dino9X7

Why not? I would like to hear from another professional like yourself on what you thing is going to happen. Thanks


As I have stated on other threads, you should make your lifelong objective to minimize your bodys’ exposure to dihydrotestosterone, period. DHT will make your hair fall out, which is superficial, and increase blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol and atheroscherosis, which is life threatening. You cannot control your body’s conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is genetically controlled other than taking finasteride or leuprolide, but you can at least avoid addit’l exogenous exposure to it, including topically. Whether it works or not is moot, as its not worth the risk to me.

If you find other medical professionals who know pharmacology who think DHT administration is acceptable, even advisable, we all welcome their input on this forum which is afterall a free exchange of opinions and ideas.

Personally, I think this idea is the height of madness. That is MY opinion.


--- Southpaw

“If you find other medical professionals who know pharmacology who think DHT administration is acceptable”

DHT is administered every day by MDs.
You are incorrect and uninformed.
Millions of doctors prescribe androgel.

Androgel is testosterone, which we know to be quite anabolic, but nothing compared DHT. Taking testosterone has the same effect as DHT, just less powerful on a molecule to molecule level.

If DHT were taken at doses 1/6 of testosterone, the effect would be EXACTLY the same. In fact, in Europe, DHT replacement has been conducted to treat falling levels in aging males.

Nothing convincing has ever been shown that DHT and T act on different receptors. As far as you body is concerned, they do the EXACT same thing, one is just more powerful then the other.

DHT should not be ‘avoided’. I am sorry southpaw, but your making sweeping generalizations. With no androgens, your penis will shrink and your muscles will atrophy. You make the point that there are adverse sides effects associated with high serum DHT levels, but getting there requires steroid abuse.

Androgens decline with age, as do with most hormones. If they are the enemy, then why are we supplementing them? If androgens are bad for us, then old people should be healthier then young people. sigh.

I would never advise my peers to use a product that should be avoided at all costs. Would you like to know my opinion? Your personal objections have clouded your judgment.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
I am sorry southpaw, but your making sweeping generalizations.

Well, this does seem to be the thread for it.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


Southpaw is a highly educated person on pharmacy issues. His opinion is well informed and deserves merit and serious consideration. What we are doing is dangerous and must be medically evaluated. It should not be undertaken in a cavalier manner without serious thought. It is a somewhat dangerous experiment as he has explained. Even the short term application of this gel should be medically evaluated by your personal physician. Just my opinion….

Hey I just started a cycle of Avant Labs 4-AD today, I used 2 squirts and rubbed in while still erect from my squeezes…the only thing, I didnt get any burning sensation from it and I had it slathered all over. I hit the weights 5 days a week, drink lots of water and eat well, I have gained .25 of an inch in 1 year in length and girth using PE. Hopefully this will give me some extra gains

Good Luck

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

what gels / sprays are you guys using and where did you get them from! I am an interested tried everything with minimal gains PE’er.
I am also based in the UK so would need someone who can ship!
Any ideas?

PS - some of these gains seem too good to be true, sounds familiar in our world!

Get in contact with Shiver. He has some for sale and lives in the UK. 4aderm is what most are using here.

Does the cream have something in it to absorb into the skin? I have a bottle of test (injectable) and was wondering what would happen if I rubbed some on the hog. Is it only the cream and gel that would work?

Also, what do you think (theory) is actually causing the increase? I have heard of people injecting steriods in targeted areas to gain muscle or loss fat. Is this the same case?

I am currently on Androgel for the past 3 months. Without reading all the post what exactly are you trying to do ? Might consider trying it.

skeetersonme: We are all using pure T or pure 4AD, what bb’s would call ‘base’, I assume you have a test ether? Ill have to look something up before I know, but I think i may work. You would at least need to add that stuff to alcohol and IPM.

stocktrader8: I dont recommend you try this without understanding the risks. Read my first post. Pretty much we thing that there is something special going on in the skin of the penis. Night erections and local application probably produce a local effect.

ie. When we use bengay, while the medication is penetrating the skin, it has its desired local effect. by the time its diffused completely into the blood, it doesn’t do too much. same theory here with androgens.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
skeetersonme: We are all using pure T or pure 4AD, what bb's would call 'base', I assume you have a test ether? Ill have to look something up before I know, but I think i may work. You would at least need to add that stuff to alcohol and IPM.

No. Esterfied steriod molecules are too large to pass through the skin. The ester will need to be cleaved from the test molecule.

Test prop = 300 + 74
Test ananth = 300 + 130
Test und. = 300 + too much

As you can see: prop/anath make it under 500. Nearlythere isnt completely wrong, most T’s are und., and are too big. But if its prop or ananth, your fine.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


I have test prop! Is there a chance that this could work? Could you give me a little more info on adding it to alcohol and IPM? What is IPM?


Also, would it make a difference which test to use since some oil based injectables slow the release into the bloodstream.

Which do you think would be the best?


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