Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes


Thanks for your quick reply. I went ahead and order the A-derm product.

I’ll keep you posted.


Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

Yikes, this is the fastest moving thread in one hell of a long time.

Anyone testing this seen Holy Sh*t! results?

Also, I really, really hope that all of those testing this out have read the entire thread at Love-scent, as well as doing a poop load of research to be absolutely current on the science. Remember, if it does kick you patern baldness into gear or turn your dick green, or whatever….

it’s nobodys fault but your own.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


This may be off topic and if it is I’ll take my answer off the air, but my 6 year old son’s foreskin is too narrow at the tip so it doesn’t retract. The urologist prescribed him some stuff called Clobetasol Propionate that he was to rub on his penis twice a day. I read on the web that it’s a Corticosteroid with potentially unpleasant side effects:

We tried it for the prescribed four weeks and it didn’t work. But now, of course, I’m wondering if it has any application for PE. Was it supposed to somehow losen or expand his foreskin, and if so could it losen or expand the skin of an adult penis? I don’t plan to experiment because the word “steroid” spooks me, but I’m still wondering…

Hey Thunder. Yeah the problem is that the article was in sattelite stacks, my library has this service where they email it to you. Of course there is a warning, I cant just post this anywhere, there are copyrights here. And it would be pritty easy to nab me . If anyone wants to verify that I am not lying, the only interesting things about the study was that 17 year old, just go to the library and look that study up.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Last edited by Jones8315 : 07-25-2003 at .

Ike, that drug is an anti-inflammatory. Thanks for the input, I haven’t found anything relating Corticosteroids and PE.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

That’s why I said to email it to me, I’ll post it and be liable for any copyright infringement. Leaving you in the clear and letting everyone else see these things you keep referencing, without going through the trouble you have to go through.

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The warning, “no further distribution electronically further is permitted”, sorry I cant forward this email to anyone without potentially getting in trouble. As I said before, anyone can check it out on a visit to the library.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


Did your doc say that it was suppose to make his penis a little bigger? Was that the goal of therapy?

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

I just don’t want to be kicked out of my university. Anyone can take 5 minutes next time that they are at the library.

Nowhere else in the scientific community are you required to do anymore then quote, summarize and cite.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Just balme it to the authorities on me. Everyone does. I have yet to have the secret service to the house, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.;)

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Since there are many scientists here, I figured that this would qualify as a scientific community. If one can only cite studies that they can electronically post, then we would be severally limiting our research. I think those that really need PE deserve information from both postable studies, and un-postable studies.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

The problem is your selective use of text from the unposted studies. You know dam well that 90% of the guys reading this thread won’t bother to track down the study, that’s the part that I have a bitch about.

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