Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes


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Better a wallflower, than the alternative

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

In a post several pages back there was a reference to IGF-1 increasing size, but the size diminished once treatment stopped. Is there anything to suggest that growth via Testosterone would be permanent?

The only person I’ve personally corresponded with that uses androgel was K M Reicher (who went from 6 to 10). He hasn’t reported any shrinkage though he still uses it (He’s aiming for 12, much to his wifes chagrin :) )

It makes me wonder what it is that maintains size. I’d always thought it was something like T/DHT/GH levels that generally support all tissues and prevent atrophy, but it seems to me that the IGF-1 study kind of throws a spanner in the works.

You mentioned that T/DHT have the same receptors, does that mean they can perform the same functions? I would have thought so except for the study with finasteride showing altered structures in penile tissues (I think it was Cya that posted the link). Your opinion would be much appreciated.


Good question I have been wondering the same.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Don’t even THINK about attempting this experiment. The blessing, if there is one with prostate cancer, is that most types are very slow-growing. Atopsies of men in their 30s who died of something else frequently reveal cancerous leasions in their prostates. By age 80, most of us have it.

This (usually) slow growth factor gives you a lot of time to think about which, of many, appropriate treatments to undertake if it is found that you do have it. Now and then there is an aggressive cancer, but not common. Cancer cells become highly reproductive in the presence of testosterone, real or synthetic. They just go whacko.

The rest of you:

What you men who are undertaking this absurd experiment do not realize is that return to normal testosterone production - once you have shut that down artifically - is not as easy as the studies referenced make it sound. This is why we do not yet have an effective and safe T-based birth control method for men. This (normal testosterone production) is not like a switch you turn on or off. Its function depends upon a whole orchestra of sub-hormones all required to play the same symphony, as it were. If you warp the bassoons (free T, say), or the strings (estradiol), or any of the other instuments, you may be listening to very lousy music for a very long time. Ask any endochrinologist.

Thousands of threads here and elsewhere contain effective methods of PE which will not screw up your hormone balance.

There are no Magic Pills, guys, there is only diligent and sustained work. To put your hopes on the results of one 17 year-old in the world who had initial problems you do not is complete foolishness.



There were several studies posted that examine testosterone replacement. In these studies, which used high doses, T production as well as all other hormones, returned to normal post-cycle.

You can believe Avocet8, or science.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

If you were a doctor trained in this area, I would give you more credence.

I talk, every day, with hypogonadal men with ED who use TRT to get back to normal balance. This is indeed “rocket science,” not some classroom science experiment.

Caveat emptor, men.



You mentioned that T/DHT have the same receptors, does that mean they can perform the same functions? I would have thought so except for the study with finasteride showing altered structures in penile tissues (I think it was Cya that posted the link). Your opinion would be much appreciated.”

DHT and T have different binding power for receptors. Removing a DHT molecule and replacing with T does’t leave the same amount of androgen activity in your body.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

“If you were a doctor trained in this area, I would give you more credence.

I talk, every day, with hypogonadal men with ED who use TRT to get back to normal balance. This is indeed “rocket science,” not some classroom science experiment.

Caveat emptor, men.”

Again, I am not claiming that I am an authority in medicine. I am simply posting scientific documents which clearly illustrate that testosterone levels will return to normal.

Also, we are not hypogonadal men.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by avocet8

Don't even THINK about attempting this experiment. The blessing, if there is one with prostate cancer, is that most types are very slow-growing. Atopsies of men in their 30s who died of something else frequently reveal cancerous leasions in their prostates. By age 80, most of us have it.

This (usually) slow growth factor gives you a lot of time to think about which, of many, appropriate treatments to undertake if it is found that you do have it. Now and then there is an aggressive cancer, but not common. Cancer cells become highly reproductive in the presence of testosterone, real or synthetic. They just go whacko.

Ouch! I was afraid you would show up here and let me have it! :D

I deserve it though, after the good advice you gave me. Question: is testosterone my enemy? I am a bodybuilder with a fat gut. I’m 6’3”, 300 pounds. Hard everywhere but midsection. :mad: Seems that squats and deadlifts are the things that really increase my muscle mass and in turn decrease my gut. But I have heard that squats and deadlifts really increase test. Seems like I’m fighting 2 enemies here: fat and prostate problems. Getting rid of the fat would improve my health considerably, but at the expense of prostate cancer not worth it. What ya think?

Lifting and dieting is only going to help you. You may slightly increase hormone levels. Doing exercises extends your life, period. Just do those dead-lifts right, or you will have back pains for years and years to come.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

10,000 views! In the words of neo, ‘whoah’.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
“If you find other medical professionals who know pharmacology who think DHT administration is acceptable”

DHT is administered every day by MDs.
You are incorrect and uninformed.
Millions of doctors prescribe androgel.

Androgel is testosterone, which we know to be quite anabolic, but nothing compared DHT. Taking testosterone has the same effect as DHT, just less powerful on a molecule to molecule level.

If DHT were taken at doses 1/6 of testosterone, the effect would be EXACTLY the same. In fact, in Europe, DHT replacement has been conducted to treat falling levels in aging males.

Nothing convincing has ever been shown that DHT and T act on different receptors. As far as you body is concerned, they do the EXACT same thing, one is just more powerful then the other.

DHT should not be 'avoided'. I am sorry southpaw, but your making sweeping generalizations. With no androgens, your penis will shrink and your muscles will atrophy. You make the point that there are adverse sides effects associated with high serum DHT levels, but getting there requires steroid abuse.

Androgens decline with age, as do with most hormones. If they are the enemy, then why are we supplementing them? If androgens are bad for us, then old people should be healthier then young people. sigh.

I would never advise my peers to use a product that should be avoided at all costs. Would you like to know my opinion? Your personal objections have clouded your judgment.

Jones…….testosterone is prescribed all the time. MOST—but not all—testosterone is converted to DHT. Still, it is **NOT** DHT per se. —other than for the focusing on an extremely limited circumstances such as some pediatric genital abnormality where hypodihydrotestosteronism is a contributing cause—there is no reason to prescribe DHT, period. Testosterone, yes, many times. If such said testosterone metabolizes to DHT, so be it, but you just don’t give DHT for anything other than those few, arcane indications.

Yes, I know Androgel is testosterone. I know doctors prescribe it, because they cometo me for prescribing advice, jones.

Plus, you are giving me a headache. I consider myself a pretty skilled writer, but I am just not communicating with you. I don’t think we are even addressing the same subject.

If you want to take testosterone, feel free. I might too, someday as I age. I would NEVER touch DHT, lest I want to speed my way to the morgue. You pontificate as if there is no material difference between free base testosterone and DHT, and you could not be more wrong.


--- Southpaw

Originally posted by Jones8315
“…Also, we are not hypogonadal men.

What is being missed in this discussion is the critical fact that anyone who closes down the testicular testosterone-producing fuction by applying synthetic T does become, effectively, hypogonadal.

Anybody can call the resulting condition anything he wants, but when the testes quit producing testosterone, hypogonadal is what he is.

Getting function back to normal may (or may not) be easy for young, healthy males. What of the rest of your readers?

This is not a game, Jones. Your suggestion in a post at another site you frequent that guys who try this are “rats” demeans us all.

“Man, the lab rats are really pouring in.

Jones8315 - Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

You are intelligent, imo, but you are miss-using your abilities in your zeal to find easy answers to highly complex functions. Sharpen your thinking and you could be a help to us all.



Originally posted by Ike


This may be off topic and if it is I'll take my answer off the air, but my 6 year old son's foreskin is too narrow at the tip so it doesn't retract. The urologist prescribed him some stuff called Clobetasol Propionate that he was to rub on his penis twice a day. I read on the web that it's a Corticosteroid with potentially unpleasant side effects:

http://www.nurs … propionate.html

We tried it for the prescribed four weeks and it didn't work. But now, of course, I'm wondering if it has any application for PE. Was it supposed to somehow losen or expand his foreskin, and if so could it losen or expand the skin of an adult penis? I don't plan to experiment because the word "steroid" spooks me, but I'm still wondering…

Thanks for the URL but I don’t have to look it up—clobetasol is a pretty common steroid. Clobetasol is what is called a glucocorticoid—so named because gluco’s cause blood glucose levels to rise sharply and could make a diabetic go out of control— meaning its properties are in the same class of drugs as hydrocortisone and the like. Cortisols are useful for inflammatory diseases such as asthma and is the active ingredient in one form or another in all spray inhalers, and yes, like all useful drugs, have some negative side effects. The first one that came to mind as I read your post about your son’s phimosis is the tendency of glucocorticoids to cause striae. Striae (STRYE-AY) are another word for stretch marks. You know those stretch marks that some women get on their abdomens when they are pregnant, and sometimes on their ass and hips even when they are not?? Those are striae. Considering how important it is for your son, I would not be concerned with the possibility of striae on

your son’s foreskin. (He might even want to brag about it in the future—hey my foreskin has stretchmarks! :) ) What the dr. wants to do is for reasons obvious to me, that is to likewise make the opening of your son’s foreskin to stretch. Makes sense. Nothing special about clobetasol in that regard in case you were curious. Most gluco’s will do it; switching to a different one may or may not make a difference (as you said the clobetasol was a therapeutic failure)


--- Southpaw

ps—about using a glucocorticoid on the penis for PE—unless your penis enlargement is being limited by your skin not stretching enough, I don’t see the advantage. And theres the stretchmark thing….the entire length of your penis (as opposed to your son’s 6 yr old foreskin, big difference). Cosmetically that might look bad. I would say no. We should all be so lucky as our units are getting so large the skin just wont stretch anymore, eh?


--- Southpaw


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