Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

I am no expert in the medical field but from what I do understand about the human body is that their are homosteosis mechasisms that keep things in check. Like blood pressure, the pH of the blood, body temperture, etc. to make sure they stay within a range. Well it makes sense to me that the body has something simiar for hormones. Now IMHO adding a single squirt of a PROHORMONE (not raw test or DHT BTW) a couple times a day for 2-4 weeks isn’t gonna raise ur test levels by some dangerous amount. That is why the local application makes sense to me. So that little increse will HOPEFULLY have effect. So IMHO there is a risk, but not a huge one. There is also some risk in leaving the house but do you stay inside all the time and miss out on life? I didn’t think so.

But just remember there are some risks. I would suggest anyone with a known propensity, like family history, for prostate problems, to avoid it.

There are some agents we are exposed to a lot more in our environemnt that are reported to have estrogen like effects and we are exposed the to those a lot. Don’t hear anyone whinning about those.

Good point Dino.

“I think we all can agree that it is dangerous to some extent right”. Picking your nose is dangerous, you could accidentally get a deep cut and bleed out 6 pints and die of hypovolemic shock. I guess my point is, we all take risks everyday, so, just because we do something dangerous doesn’t mean we are crazy.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


You should stick to your experiment because whenever you try to communicate a point other that stating scientific stats and facts that most dont have access to see you seem to come off like a spoiled kid playing pretend to be a scientist. Your experiment is slightly more dangerous than picking your nose and we have had doctors come out and say that, not 2nd year college kids like yourself.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Last edited by Dino9X7 : 07-28-2003 at .

Druid, good point.

“I am no expert in the medical field but from what I do understand about the human body is that their are homosteosis mechasisms that keep things in check”

The body has a way of bouncing back, once your off cycle, your body is wired to get back to equilibrium.

Good point about phyto and xenoestrogens. They are in milk, soy, and (from excreted birth control hormones) the water.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Has there ever been a thread with 440 posts? Is this a record or something?

Do I get a prize for being the 440th post????????A free 1/4 inch?


It’s a great thread, I don’t think it’s a record but it might end up being one before the thread is over. I will try to find what the record is.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


You said, “Yes, I considered it. But I am several days off all my supplements. My erection angle and length is the same.”

That’s an interesting point. There are a couple of possibilities that I can think of. The chemistry of your penis tissues is still under the influence. Or, your penis behind the ligaments has grown in length. If your entire penis body grows in length the portion behind the ligs will create more tension in ligs and would give you a higher angle. That is unless the ligs are also growing at the same rate as the penis body.

so afterall does the shit works or not


It’s on going, you joined the thread in the middle of the experiment.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


This is a great thread, sure glad you came here!

Could you explain this statement:

Good point about phyto and xenoestrogens. They are in milk, soy, and (from excreted birth control hormones) the water.

I drink a ton of milk. I am also overweight. An estrogen connection? Birth control hormones in the water? Drink up, girls! :D

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

Originally posted by Dino9X7

You should stick to your experiment because whenever you try to communicate a point other that stating scientific stats and facts that most dont have access to see you seem to come off like a spoiled kid playing pretend to be a scientist. Your experiment is slightly more dangerous than picking your nose and we have had doctors come out and say that, not 2nd year college kids like yourself.


That was huge

I’m hoping we can stay on the subject at hand, anybody have anything to report about the juice. Who’s still on it? I know jones is off cycle. and I think cya went off for personal reasons. So who’s still on?


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I am still using it two times daily. Tomorrow will be two weeks for me.

As I stated earlier, I was a little bit longer last week and my hang is thicker. I am sure I have gotten thicker at least at the base. How do I know? Not so scientific I guess. I was edging a few days ago not long and not squeezing just playing around wearing my 1 3/4” metal cockring. It was really hard to take off with lube. I had two big blood spots on my dick from it being too tight. Yesterday when I edged some I used my new 2” metal cockring and it worked fine. Trapped my blood flow nice with no marks afterward from being too tight….just right. Did a few uli’s with it on. I have done no regular PE or regular pumping for two weeks. Seeing how it goes.

I notice no difference in me otherwise. Same old same old guy.

” I have gotten thicker at least at the base”

I have also noticed that. My overall girth has grown, especially at the base. I think it may have to do with 5AR concentrations being greater the closer you get to the scrotal area.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by wol0003
…The chemistry of your penis tissues is still under the influence, or….

4-AD has a relatively short half life (hours), so I wouldn’t expect to see more than trace levels in the system a few days after cessation. The only reason it has a 12 hour re-application recommendation is becuase of the slow release effect of transdermal administration due to the ‘dermal pooling’ effect of transdermals in general. Without that it would be degraded in no time.

There is a lot that could be written about phyto-estrogens, but that sounds like a thread topic in its own right. I’ve got a few pointers to throw on the table if you want to start a thread in the appropriate place.


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