Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes


I am not discouraged, I intend to use my whole bottle of $40 gel I bought and give it a good chance. I drink wine regularily when I cook dinner or grill outside.

I am 53, very fit for my age, I cycle 9 miles about 3 times a week and do other exercises.

I will do my best to abstain from all sex and leave my rod alone other than the two applications of product and lay off the red wine. I will also stop taking tongkat ali if that is a negative for this project.

Sounds like an oath doesn’t it. LOL


“I´ve read the phermones board but I prefer counting the guys over here, besides, one guy could sign up for 10 boards under different names and post his results. That would still only be one result. Here we have a good chance of knowing that 1 guy is 1 guy. I think that´s fair with everyone. “

Are suggesting Whitehall and I are the same person? You are forgetting that I am also on that forum. And he has been there much longer then me.

Are not certain enzymes needed to convert these prohormones to
the target hormones? I thought those enzymes were produced
in the liver. If the 4AD is placed on the penis, how do the enzymes
get to that location to convert them there? Are they circulating
through the whole body?

Yes, they exist locally.

skeetersonme: That product contains micro-crystalline cellulose and is really a cocktail of PH’s. It is also overpriced. Get your powders at

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315

Are suggesting Whitehall and I are the same person?

No, why do you assume that?

I simply ment what I wrote. You don´t have to get defensive about it.

The art of conversation is not a martial art


Think about your responses in the context of why you came here and what you hope to accomplish. Dino and Rocco did not maliciously attack you. They simply know and trust many of the members here. For all they know, someone could register under multiple names at the pheromone board. Logically, what difference does it make if one name was registered long before the other? None. I am not saying that I think you and Whitehall are one and the same, and I highly doubt Rocco was implying that either.

Again, think about what you came here to accomplish. You sidetrack goal with your curt responses.


I don’t think I overreacted. I just wanted to know if he was accusing me of something. That is all.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Do any of you guys have wives or girlfriends? I am thinking about starting this adventure, but wonder what’s going to happen to my dating life. How long can you go without physical contact? Not having sex is out of the question for me. I’m going to try to cut back, but you never know!

Once it dries, is it in the skin? If I think I am going to get laid, how long should I wait after rubbing it in? Would a shower wash it away?

Any comments?

Dino 9x7 said quote”I don’t give a rat’s ass…”

Love that New York talk.

Originally posted by skeetersonme
Do any of you guys have wives or girlfriends? I am thinking about starting this adventure, but wonder what's going to happen to my dating life. How long can you go without physical contact? Not having sex is out of the question for me. I'm going to try to cut back, but you never know!

Once it dries, is it in the skin? If I think I am going to get laid, how long should I wait after rubbing it in? Would a shower wash it away?

Any comments?

Well, I’m married, and my wife and I pretty much have sex every
day, and we want to have kids, so abstinence is totally out of the
question for me. How long can I go without physical contact?
Not very long. Wait time probably depends on what is used,
but my Androgel says leave it alone for at least 6 hours. I
definitely wash it off before sex.

Maybe Jones can explain why abstinence is important in this
particular case.


if you´re trying to conceive I don´t think it´s the best time in your life to experminent with hormones. I´d say safety first.

The art of conversation is not a martial art


Rocco is right bro, you should sit this one out for the wife and the future baby

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally posted by Jones8315
DHT does everything testosterone can do-except turn into estrogen.

Sorry, I’ve been busy without the proper time to really look at this thread, but some of the mis-information on here is unreal.

DHT and Testosterone are almost completely different in action.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is considered androgenic relative to testosterone since it is essential for the virilization of the external genital organs. On the other hand, DHT is not considered anabolic because it is not active in skeletal muscle (it is enzymatically deactivated); testosterone is anabolic in this regard, being responsible (along with other hormones and growth factors) for the development and maintenance of skeletal muscle.

Dihydrotestosterone binds the androgen receptor much more strongly than does testosterone at the same concentration, yielding a higher degree of ligand-receptor stability. When the concentration of testosterone is increased however, the receptor stability increases to a level similar to that seen with dihydrotestosterone (1). This has led to the proposal that the weaker androgenic potency of testosterone compared to that of dihydrotestosterone in target tissues such as the prostate resides in testosterone’s weaker interaction with the androgen receptor. Yet it is well known that some steroids which are very potent anabolic agents, such as stanozolol or oxymetholone, bind the AR only very weakly (2).

(1) Grino PB, Griffin JE, Wilson JD Endocrinology 1990 Feb;126(2):1165-72

(2) Saartok T, Dahlberg E, Gustafsson JA Endocrinology 1984 Jun;114(6):2100-6


Thank you for the information.

I won’t say what I want to say, to Jonesy but………

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally posted by Dino9X7

Rocco is right bro, you should sit this one out for the wife and the future baby

Thanks guys for the warnings. I understand them. Recall that
I stated I am already under a doctor’s care for the transdermals
he has prescribed for me. I don’t plan to do anything against his
medical advice.


Would this still be the case if it wasnt deactivated by 3a-HSD into its metabolite 5alpha-androstan-3a,17b-diol ?

Originally posted by biggerandbetter
Thanks guys for the warnings. I understand them. Recall that
I stated I am already under a doctor's care for the transdermals
he has prescribed for me. I don't plan to do anything against his
medical advice.

Hey man,

Run this past us again.

A doctor has prescibed what for you?

Because any kind of transdermal androgen (i.e., androgel) will impact HPTA axis and one of the first things to be surpressed would be spermogenesis.

Seriously, I’m not questioning your doctor, but I am wondering what the doctor has prescribed for you, and if he is aware that you’re trying to conceive.


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