Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback.

Yup, Momento, I’m going to continue for the next week. Make it a full 3 weeks, then I’ll take a break from AD-4 and re-evaluate things.

As for today, I’m going to head down to Home Depot and pick up some hanger supplies…

I really like to play with different methods and philosophies, but recent (unrelated) experiences are really drilling home how much more important tangible results are than the different spins we put on our application of various strategies.

That was terribly wordy, sorry…

Take the advantage, leverage it a bit, prosper, and let the philosophers discuss the carnage.

And all you other guinea pigs out there, let us know your results with AD-4.


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

As a Moderator here, and someone who knows more than the average bear about male physiology, I need to caution all of you to be clear in your understandings of what you are reading in this thread.

Much medical theory and speculation is being mingled with some medical reality. You need to be able to dicipher one from the other before jumping in.

Some posters are suggesting that you take a chance and tinker with a hormonal system that even they admit they do not understand. Read back and you will see much evidence of that.

It’s your dick. It’s your future. You control both.

Think on that awhile.



Another lab rat for Jones:

I started Friday Eve 7/25 w/first application of 4Aderm.

ELBP - 6.625
EG - 4.5
PE’ing: none (in fact 1 week off prior to starting this experiment)
2 Applications/day 1 to 1.5 squirts, rubbed into hard or semi hard unit.
Have been taking supps for a while - but added Nitric Oxide this week.
Observations - superior morning wood.
First measurement Fri 8/1.


Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

“Some posters are suggesting that you take a chance and tinker with a hormonal system that even they admit they do not understand”

Not even doctors completely understand the mechanism of androgen action. But they still write Rx’s for Androgel.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Any of you guys take or plan to take any anti-estrogens on off cycle? Or you reccon that´s not needed?

The art of conversation is not a martial art

I am taking 6-oxo off cycle.

My 2 cents:

This thread is beginning to look like a bunch of guys standing around trying to see who has the bigger diploma.

The big questions seem to be 1) does it work? and 2) will it negatively impact the prostate?

When I looked into becoming a lab rat, question 2 weighed heavily on my mind. What I found is that bodybuilders take many times the PE dosage of prohormones and don’t seem to be overwhelmed w/prostate problems. Some of the transdermal PH application directions state the application should be made (among other body parts) on the groin.

As to question 1, only time will tell.


Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

And, you have to admit, for reasons very different from what you are proposing.

Your thinking is cloudy, as is some other thinking in this thread. You come in with a theory about highly complex chemical mechanisms that you only partially understand, asking others to play with their own chemistries because they, like you, want bigger units.

I am not flaming you. I am saying here to you and others what I know to be true.



Jones, you need to realize that it´s our job as moderators of this board to look out for our members. We´re not personally attacking you when we call for caution, we´re looking after our members.

You have looked into this, formed your opinion and you share that here with other people. Great. We want everyone to do the exact same thing, read up and make an educated choice.

I think it´s in your interest to work with us in this, you just look bad when you act annoyed at our concernes. If you have that little regard for our members then maybe this is not the place for you.

I find this thread interesting myself and I have nothing against you but you need to shapen up.

As for our members who read this thread, and I imagine you are quite a few, take a week to read up before you make any decisions. If this works as fast as said, then it´s no big deal to wait anyway and the results from others should start to come in.

The art of conversation is not a martial art

Originally posted by Rocco
Any of you guys take or plan to take any anti-estrogens on off cycle? Or you reccon that´s not needed?

A packet of Androgel is nothing like a shot of Testosterone Cypionate
every few days in the butt. I don’t think anything proposed here
is heavy enough test usage to require Anti-estrogen use off cycle.
I’m not a doctor, but I’m working on being a nurse, so I have
some knowledge of what’s going on (thanks avocet for the reality

Either way, my doctor says anti-e’s for what he has prescribed for
me. I current put the aforementioned meds on the back of my
shoulders and inner arm. The only difference between what I currently
do and what I would do if I decided to do Jones’ experiment is

So, I asked my doctor what would happen if I put this on my
penis, and he said “it would sting a little, then be absorbed
into the blood stream” and go do what it what do just like if
I put it on my inner arms, and he does not believe it would make
my penis grow.

Also, my testicles have not shrunk, and last semen analysis is
looking quite good, so I don’t think what I personally have
been during under medical care is hurting my HPTA. Oh, and
PSA is great as well.

“but added Nitric Oxide this week. “


Are you using NO2?

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Rocco
As for our members who read this thread, and I imagine you are quite a few, take a week to read up before you make any decisions. If this works as fast as said, then it´s no big deal to wait anyway and the results from others should start to come in.

I would like to add to that (and this is not a flame, penismith), that
you should not do it at all unless you tell your doctor, and he/she
says “ok”. Really. Get blood tests to see where you are at, stay
under medical care, and play safe.

Just because Jones says it works, doesn’t mean we all should do
it. He’s not a doctor, he’s not your doctor, and you really can’t
sue him if you take his advice and suffer for it.

If I’m one of the people Avocet has in mind, I apologize. I have
tried my best to understand what Jones is proposing without
advocating, and I’ve given up much personal information about
the regimen I am on.

Lest I should sound like just another guy who’s desperate to
be big, I did my jelqing 9 years ago, and my wife says I’m too
thick and long enough already.

Now we have a doctor saying that this is not going to make you impotent or infertile, thank you biggerandbetter.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
Now we have a doctor saying that this is not going to make you impotent or infertile, thank you biggerandbetter.

To be precise, *I* have a doctor who knows *my* particular
situation and following *his* directions for what *he* has
prescribed will not in his opinion make me impotent or
infertile. I haven’t asked him specifically about what you are
talking about with hormone precursors.

I hope you don’t take what I said to mean that my doctor is
blessing your experiment.

No, I was not. I meant what I said, your doc did not say topical penile hormones could cause impotence or infertility.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


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