Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

A cow milking machine perhaps Dino? No I am just waiting for more data from this thread first.

Speaking of cows, I heard that a milked udder grows bigger from the jelqing like methodolgy. So is that a good enough bit of evidence? I don’t want to go to the FDA or Agriculture Dept website. I am too fat and lazy. I just want a bigger pee pee with no money down and no work.

Note to the Informed guys on the subject: Please explain it out as simple as possible. Summarize the real technical aspects for us PLEASE. Thank You.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I personally would like to allow for some time to see if Jones is going to resume this thread. He began this journey and I would hate to step in at this point. If he chooses to not return then I will post everything I know on this subject.

If 4ad has results for everyone then we have no problems. Here are some links on what to look for concerning an enlarged prostate.

http://www.boeh ringer-ingelhei … benign_sign.asp
http://www.pros … arged/signs.asp

If you have experience any of these symptoms then discontinue use of the PH.

Here is a link on steriods in general.

http://www.kuri … et/steriods.htm

Hey people,

I have a killer test tomorrow, so I wont have time to respond to the hundreds of questions until either tonight or tomorrow. Why would people think I left?


Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Read this post before Thunder deletes it

OK, here goes, my personal take on things:

I think Jones is a troll; but, I do not think Jones came to Thunder’s to do some trolling. What the f*ck am I trying to say? Jones’s pathology and style of writing is classic troll. If you need more info on the psychology of trolls use a search engine. However, in my opinion, Jones is a true believer in cutting edge juicer technology. I expect he really did gain a half inch or so while dosing his dick with this stuff.

I suspect that Jones has a hard time not reacting in a troll like fashion when guys start jumping on him a bit. That is why all of my posts in this thread have had the same message, “Your style of communication is getting a negative reaction, not your message.” That is why I suggested he take the time to browse Thunder’s and become conversant in our shared culture and language. In Jones’s posts at love-scents he will occasionally start to get Trollish and then back off. Why? Perhaps he values that board enough that he makes the extra effort to stay on good terms.

All of us at Thunder’s are here to get a bigger dick. By inference that means that none of us felt that we had a big enough dick to start with. Is it any wonder that some of our members can be a bit touchy at times? Thunder has done a wonderful job of keeping the peace here by having a zero troll tolerance policy. Lots of great boards have been shut down by troll activity; Thunder and his band of merry mods have no intention of letting that happen here. Most members are unaware of how many trolls get stopped and banned after a handful of questionable posts. Many have been banned for much less than Jones’s initial refusal to use the spell check.

So why didn’t Jones get is ass banned way back when? This site is about penis enlargement in all its permutations. Jones was a little rough around the edges, but he seemed sincere and was bringing something brand new to the table. The dosing your dick method needs to be explored, and Thunder’s is the largest PE data base / research team in the world…bar none.

OK, now for the part that will get this post deleted:

Jones has not been banned. He is still welcome to start playing nice and stick around. Post a list of who has gained what, and when guys question his science just say “Yep, it might not be safe, the damn experts can’t even agree, do your own research, plenty in this thread to get you started.” If he refuses to get in tech fights the guys trying to start them will get jumped on, I promise.
If Jones won’t or can’t step up to the plate and be a man, no reason to close this thread. Please, to the guys trying this, post your routine, timeline, stats, etc. Let’s just stop arguing the science end of things, because nobody knows for sure, you are doing the research to start finding out.

Oh, and to the new guys that actually think this might get deleted for not towing the line in some imaginary “get Jones” policy? Please take the time to really read through the archives, I understand that crap like that is rampant on line, but Thunder’s aint like that.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

“You could say that moderators don’t have responsibility in users doings. Mayby they don’t, legally, but they DO affect on the doings of our members. They are the authorities (and even idols to some) here and have the responsibility. What do you think they should do? Encourage everybody to risk their health and lives in the name of science?

If this site would not be able to take any differing opinions, do you think this thread would still be up or would you still be a member?”

I agree 100%!!! But neither side can medically prove their point without a doubt! Why is one side so dominating than the other? Everyone wants Jones to back his side up, but no one can really back this up! It’s all theory and opinion.

Anyway as iamaru says,” Let’s just stop arguing the science end of things, because nobody knows for sure, you are doing the research to start finding out.”

Back to business people!!!

Originally posted by iamaru
Many have been banned for much less than Jones’s initial refusal to use the spell check.

Thats’ because, while he may be a rough ride, he did bring something to the table.

Originally posted by skeetersonme
“If Jones’s ideas are wrong (notice that I say IF) you can always pull your pud bigger.”

Can someone provide me with medical proof that I can pull my pud bigger? I would like medical links to support your claims? And not links on weights after the ligament has been cut.

Yep, it might not be safe, and its already been posted to death. Do your own damn research, use the search function to get started.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

And yes, skeetersonme and I are planing on starting a vaudville routine.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


“OK, I am accusing you of something. You are using basic Troll techniques. Specifically: Misinterpreting anyone questioning your data or intentions as a personal attack. ”

If I am being defensive, it is because I was attacked on this board. I was almost banned for spelling and grammar errors, while dozens have since broken that rule without the public reproach which I endured. My unequal treatment is legitimate grounds for a defensive approach.

If I ask for clarification of someones statements, it is not a misinterpretation-it is a request of clarification. I think you are reading something into my statements that does not exist.

“Refusing to provide links to support you claims”

I have already covered the reasons why some studies could not be posted. If you have been reading this thread, they should be clear.

“Dodging legitimate questions. Attempting to portray your self as the voice of reason beset by unreasonable and entrenched authority figures.”

Even If I am beset by unreasonable authority figures, I still do not see how that is relevant. How could be responsible for such a ‘portrayal’? I am only one person. Is there a question that I have dodged? Which one specifically?

“The point is that you are using standard Troll tactics, refusing to address legitimate questions and concerns, preying on the hopes and fears of OUR members and endangering the health of those members. A chemistry student does not have the knowledge or expertise to assure the safety of what you are proposing. Many of the members at love-scents have questioned the safety of your ideas as well. ”

They are not my ideas. I did not invent this. Perhaps you would know that if you have read this thread? And of course people question safety, it should be considered on a person by person basis.

“Everyone is capable of coming to there own conclusions….but…if they question you they are wasting OUR time. And once again you never addressed legitimate concerns raised by a member who has demonstrated his willingness to go the extra mile to help others. Once again you have attempted to cast your self as the everyman’s voice. ”

Hundreds of people read my thread every day. If they all said, “I trust you”, or “I don’t trust you”, it would take pages and this would be a huge waste of time.

“If Jones’s ideas are wrong (notice that I say IF) you can always pull your pud bigger. ”

Let us remember that Manuel PE has it’s very real risks.

“I AM questioning his honesty and intentions”

Ok, I will answer your questions. My intentions are to find the best ways to grow dicks. Thats all I am going to say. If you would like to come by with a polygraph machine then I’ll go for it.

“So Jones, put up or shut up.”

If what I just did qualifies as putting up, then ok. If not, then I will do neither.

“In Jones’s posts at love-scents he will occasionally start to get Trollish and then back off. Why? Perhaps he values that board enough that he makes the extra effort to stay on good terms. ”

This is baseless. Anyone can see that I act the same way on love-scent.

By the way, I think it is interesting that you have taken it upon yourself to redefine a word in the dictionary.

Your posts are self-admittedly a character assassination. You are wasting all of time so in the future I hope your posts are relevant to penis enlargement. Since character judgment is an innate sense, perhaps you could leave it to the individuals to decide.

iamaru, Since the theme is folklore, I will follow it. You are a unicorn. People who unicorn around distract threads from anything relevant. Stop unicorning. I hate it when people unicorn.

I hope we can now get back to discussing people’s results and ways to improve them.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

I say start a new thread “4ad and gains” instead of page 41 of the first thread.

>If I am being defensive, it is because I was attacked on this board. I was almost banned for spelling and grammar errors, while dozens have since broken that rule without the public reproach which I endured. My unequal treatment is legitimate grounds for a defensive approach.<

Just to be clear, perfection in spelling/grammar isn’t required; writing to the best of your ability is. Some guys here haven’t been to school, or if they have they slept through English and writing classes. :) Others are using English as a second, or even third, language.

It is in the best interest of all for each person to attempt to write clearly, with reasonably correct spelling and grammar. Some guys are reading this via a translation webpage. Others don’t want to endure sophomoric shorthand and wouldn’t bother to come here if it were prevalent.

Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes and typo’s, but please try to write to the best of your ability. You came close to being banned for “spelling” because you were at one point deliberately writing as an 8th grade flunkee, yet we know you are more intelligent and educated than that.

There is nothing in the rule book that says you can misspell just because you did not go to college.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Look, I am just trying to say that I was unfairly treated. Several members have acknowledged the abuse.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Here is a picture showing how to protect your balls from Adrogel or 4ad; /forum/attachme … =&postid=112589 I use a string to tie my balls away from my body and then put some lube on my balls. Then I stretch a condom over my balls. After the condom is in place I apply the gel. I leave it on for about twenty minutes so the gel can dry.

Oh yah… I started using 4ad two days ago.

Meds, sex, masturbation, PE, vitamins, 4AD brand? Could you give us some more info? Thanks.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


Just try to have a thick skin. If you stay away from the technical theories and such, I think you will get a better response. All anyone here is really interested in is getting a result; not what chemical pathway caused the result.


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