Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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You say that your erection level went from straight out to 45% upward. That would explain why you gained 6/10” length. Your erections have simply become stronger.

I naturally have a very high angle at full erection. I know from experience that my “straight out” erection is roughly 5/8 of an inch shorter than my 100% sky high erection.

Anyone who achieves stronger erections and higher erection angles will measure a longer penis. However, the length isn’t coming from structural changes in the penis, just a higher performing penis.

Your comments have been addressed in previous posts.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


Jones wrote, “Yes, when I grew, I went from straight out to about 45 above the horizontal.”

You haven’t addressed this question previously. I do understand that you took Yohimbe during your first measurement and all later measurements, so you could achieve a maximum erection. However, you did not state your erection angle during your first measurement.

“However, you did not state your erection angle during your first measurement.”

“Jones wrote, “Yes, when I grew, I went from straight out to about 45 above the horizontal.” “

These excerpts are from your post. It should answer your question.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

“Anyone who achieves stronger erections and higher erection angles will measure a longer penis”

You are incorrect. If your penis becomes bent, or curved, your true length is longer then observed length. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


So you are telling me that you had a 0 degree erection during your first measurement? Really, I’m just asking you a simple question. To be honest, I sense a bit of smart assedness (sic) in your replies.

It remains unclear to me. I know you previously had erection angles of 0 degrees and now you have erection angles of 45 degrees. I also know that you took Yohimbe when you measured. I assumed that your 0 degree and 45 degree erections have been without yohimbe.

Simply, what was your erection angle during your first measurement while using Yohimbe? Thanks Jones. I know you’ve been taking a lot of heat, but that’s just the way it is I guess.

Last edited by wol0003 : 07-27-2003 at .

“Yes, when I grew, I went from straight out to about 45 above the horizontal.”

I don’t understand the confusion. On yohimbe, I was straight out with no curve, initially. At the end of my cycle, my angle was 45 above the horizontal with a slight curve.

I thought I answered your question. I guess we have some problems relating to terms and definitions. Anyways, does this help?

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


You wrote, “You are incorrect. If your penis becomes bent, or curved, your true length is longer then observed length. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”

Achieving a higher erection angle is not about the penis bending along the shaft. For a given man, as his penis becomes engorged tension is placed on the pubic bone-penile ligaments; increasing engorgement leads to increased tension in the ligs and a higher erection angle. So, for a given man, the erection angle is directly correlated with the level of engorgement.


Yes, you did clear things up for me. For your starting measurement with yohimbe and a maximum erection you had a 0 degree angle. For your recent measurements with yohimbe and a maximum erection you had a 45 degree angle.

Do you think it might be possible that your penis is simply performing at a higher level? That would be my observation.

Yes, I considered it. But I am several days off all my supplements. My erection angle and length is the same.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

This thread is becoming nothing but bitching, carping and sniping. We all know its dangerous. You don’t have to do it. It may not work. This has been and remains way to personal. It’s boring. Lighten up.

If no growth happens in a few weeks, shit its over! It’s becoming periodically as sickening as televangelists preaching at one another. One side rants the other side rants…gimme a break. NO ONE IS CONVERTING ANYONE TO THEIR POINT OF VIEW. If you want to do it fine, it’s on your own head. If something bad happens to the gullable too eager souls, you can gloat if you choose to do so. Lots of heat and animostity has been expressed. This tread isn’t like other threads in that it lacks good will to the community.
Some people out in the world think regular PE is dangerous. Some would think hanging is dangerous. Live and let live. Wish each other the best once the potential consequences are rationally explained.

If it doesn’t work, it will fail quickly. Longterm consequences are a matter of individual responsibility. Everyone has been sufficiently warned.


THANK YOU…..I was tired of it too. You dont have to read the thread if you dont like the content. We are well aware of the risks. After all, over half the thread is about the risks. Now lets get down to the facts here please.

Edit: Except for you Thunder :hide:

Well said Big, points and counter points are useful but sniping is not. I have learned alot from you guys about this stuff and I really like to hear both the negative and positive sides. I think by hearing them and watching you guys for results is the only way anybody could make a educated choice about doing it or not.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

bigone0749, thanks you for making sense. The truth is, everything that people say about PE is being said to me in this thread. From it is dangerous, to it won’t work.

If you think it is dangerous, don’t do it. The goal is for us to try and find a PE method that works best.

Imagine if you were the person who came up with jelqing? People would call you insane. The only reason why we are making real progress is thanks to the information age-the ability to present and access myriads of studies.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


It’s your thread, it’s your idea and you came looking for volunteers so you need to take the good with the bad. Personally I think it’s a great thread.

So don’t take it personally, remember you came here looking for volunteers with a new but dangerous idea, I think we all can agree that it is dangerous to some extent right. So since it’s your thread and your experiment you have to expect criticism or support to be directed at you.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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