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Question about Extender

Originally Posted by Marc678816
PM Clone?

It’s called a vesco. It was cheapest one I could find on ebay.
I just meant it is not one of the major brands: Penis Master, x4labs, proextender, euro extender, but a similar product.
If I lost it or it broke I would probably go with a pricier one.

It’s adequate but I didn’t think about the fact that I would be living with this thing for months on end and even a few hundred dollars price difference for the best one I could find wouldn’t be out of the question.

Originally Posted by tweek13
It’s not from masturbating. It’s from natural genetic diversity, the same fuckin’ reason that our dicks are all different shapes and sizes :p

I have an Andro and I also have an upward curve AND a curve to the left. When wearing it I feel a lot more pressure on the left than the right, and they have real studies showing that it will currect such curvature. I’m pretty sure it won’t affect upward curvature.

Real studies eh? Link please.

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If you stick with it, you’ll probably gain some length, but 1.6" in 6 months would be a remarkable result.

This study suggests that extenders might reduce your curvature, although note that the men in the study had Peyronie’s, which you do not: Penile traction therapy for treatment of Peyronie’s disease

Yeah, I’d assume Fastsize funded it, and I agree that fraud is frequent in such studies. Still, the reported results are not at all implausible, in my opinion, and seem consistent with what many guys have reported here (e.g., their “shorter” CC grew more through stretching or jelqing).

Not sure, hard to quantify. I’ll put up a poll.

If anything, PE (hanging) made my curve a little more severe. I was thinking of pumping to straighten it (Mr. Happy reported good straightening results with that), but I haven’t ever been consistent enough to know whether that would work.

Originally Posted by ploktor
Anyone gained from Andropenis?

Yes I gained 0.7 in 6 weeks, I wear my andropenis 8-10 hours daily plus I jelq and stretch AM and PM

Originally Posted by horsedick99
Yes I gained 0.7 in 6 weeks, I wear my andropenis 8-10 hours daily plus I jelq and stretch AM and PM

6weeks including 15days of adaptation period ?

I’m now first week of evolution period but on special method where 6h is the max.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Real studies eh? Link please.

Admittedly just my opinion, but I’m two months away from finishing 3rd year physiology and genetics, so I thought I’d say it anyway.

Originally Posted by ploktor
6weeks including 15days of adaptation period ?

I’m now first week of evolution period but on special method where 6h is the max.

I was wondering what the ‘special method’ means. It doesn’t give any information on it other than how to do it. Do you have any other information about it? I guess I’m currently doing the special method too, since I can’t wear the thing for more than 4 hours a day due to how incredibly uncomfortable it is and work/uni constraints (mod VacExt the mail).

Originally Posted by tweek13
Admittedly just my opinion, but I’m two months away from finishing 3rd year physiology and genetics, so I thought I’d say it anyway.

I was wondering what the ‘special method’ means. It doesn’t give any information on it other than how to do it. Do you have any other information about it? I guess I’m currently doing the special method too, since I can’t wear the thing for more than 4 hours a day due to how incredibly uncomfortable it is and work/uni constraints (mod VacExt the mail).

Yes, as for gains the special method is the same as standard method you can wear it for 4h or max 6h.

You can find out more on this link http://www.andr … php?topic=123.0

Originally Posted by ploktor
6weeks including 15days of adaptation period ?

I’m now first week of evolution period but on special method where 6h is the max.

I’ve been wearing it 2-4 h a day!! I cant wear it more than that due to muy work, but I have seen some gains… 1 cm in about 90 days

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

Originally Posted by ploktor
6weeks including 15days of adaptation period ?

I’m now first week of evolution period but on special method where 6h is the max.

15days of adaptation period ?

What is that?

I don’t think you need 15 days of adaptation, is just a trick the company uses to excuse themselves for the pain ADS causes as they claim it will be a pain free;

If you have done your newbie routine your dick will be more than ready to take new challenge; see if you can get some silicone ring to wear around the glans to avoid the pain help you to wear it longer

Penile curvature can have different causes. Often the curvature is caused by a CC bigger than the other; in this case is hard to guess which method could correct curvature : it makes sense that stretching could correct a bit the degree of curvature; somebody suggests jelqing against the curve. Anyway, regular jelqing could make curve more pronounced, and this is even more probable with pumping (just my personal opinion).

Another cause of penis curves are fibrous plaques; in this case, gentle prolonged stretch is the best approach to correct curvature, IMHO, although it requires months or years and the degree of correction will be anyway not miracolous.

Adversely, stretching with high forces can make the curve worse.

About studies on extenders-curves, I found this:

"Penile Traction Therapy for Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease: A Single-Center Pilot Study

Laurence A. Levine, MD,* Mark Newell, PhD, † and Frederick L. Taylor, MD*
*Department of Urology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; † Medway Research Institute, North Augusta, SC, USA

Copyright © 2008 International Society for Sexual Medicine


Introduction. Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a fibrotic disorder of the penis whose etiopathophysiology remains unclear. At this time, there is no known reliable nonsurgical treatment. This study reviews our experience with external penile traction therapy to correct the deformity associated with this disorder. Aim. To evaluate prolonged external penile traction as a nonsurgical treatment for PD.

Methods.Ten men with PD completed this noncontrolled pilot study of traction therapy using the FastSize Penile Extender. Nearly all (90%) had failed prior medical therapy. Traction was applied as the only treatment for 2–8 hours/day for 6 months. All subjects underwent pre- and post-treatment physical examination including measurement of stretched flaccid penile length (SPL) and biothesiometry.

Main Outcome Measures. Curvature and girth were measured during erection before and after treatment with dynamic duplex ultrasound. Assessment of erectile and sexual function was further assessed with the International Index of Erectile Function and Quality of Life Specific to Male Erection Difficulties (QOL-MED) questionnaires. At 3 and 6 months post-treatment, SPL was measured and subjective assessment of deformity by the patient was recorded.

Results. Subjectively all men noted reduced curvature estimated at 10–40 degrees, increased penile length (1–2.5 cm) and enhanced girth in areas of indentation or narrowing. Objective measures demonstrated reduced curvature in all men from 10–45 degrees; average reduction for the group was 33% (51–34 degrees). SPL increased 0.5–2.0 cm and erect girth increased 0.5–1.0 cm with correction of hinge effect in four out of four men. International Index of Erectile Function-erectile function domain increased from 18.3–23.6 for the group. Changes in quality of life by QOL-MED were not found to be statistically significant in this small series. There were no adverse events including skin changes, ulcerations, hypoesthesia or diminished rigidity.

Conclusion. Prolonged daily external penile traction therapy is a new approach for the nonsurgical treatment of PD. Further study appears warranted given the response noted in this pilot study."


A curved penis shouldn’t worry anyone, as long it doesn’t affect sexual intercourses. Many women find a curved penis more pleasurable and visually interesting - kinda "Wow, a penis with a character!".

Edit: just seen is the same study linked by P-G.

Last edited by marinera : 09-16-2009 at .

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