Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Quick Extender Pro Question

Personal attacks will not be tolerated and you are on thin ice here.

The notches on the rods do indeed convey important information, i.e., if the extender is set up properly they are indicators of the amount of tension being applied by the springs to the penis. If you do not understand how extenders work please do not comment on member’s questions about them.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by Juava
This year the Nobel Prize in Physics will probably go to someone else.

You obviously didn’t read all of my posts. I very clearly stated that the rods being compressed to one of the lines is an indication of how much tension the rods are creating, this is simple physics. If you press on the rods down to a certain line, you need to apply a force in order to compress the springs. The springs resist you pushing down which is why you feel resistance. The springs will push back with the same amount of force that you are pushing down on them (this is called equilibrium) unless you push down so hard that you deform or otherwise damage the spring. I also very clearly stated that having the rods compressed to one of the lines IS NOT necessarily the goal when you start using an extender.

I’ll take that Nobel Prize in Physics now, thank you very much! :)

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
You obviously didn’t read all of my posts. I very clearly stated that the rods being compressed to one of the lines is an indication of how much tension the rods are creating, this is simple physics. If you press on the rods down to a certain line, you need to apply a force in order to compress the springs. The springs resist you pushing down which is why you feel resistance. The springs will push back with the same amount of force that you are pushing down on them (this is called equilibrium) unless you push down so hard that you deform or otherwise damage the spring. I also very clearly stated that having the rods compressed to one of the lines IS NOT necessarily the goal when you start using an extender.

I’ll take that Nobel Prize in Physics now, thank you very much! :)

The springs can’t push down, on the contrary, towards the end, precisely because they must try to stretch the shaft and in fact, the more powerful they are, the more difficult it will be to compress them.

32quarters, the sentence about the Nobel was not a personal attack, but a simple joke.

Originally Posted by Juava
The springs can’t push down, on the contrary, towards the end, precisely because they must try to stretch the shaft and in fact, the more powerful they are, the more difficult it will be to compress them.

32quarters, the sentence about the Nobel was not a personal attack, but a simple joke.

I do not understad what you are trying to say.

Have you, in fact, actually used the QEP? I have been using it for just over a year now, so I am VERY experienced in how it works.

1. Slide the penis through the base
2. Push down on the glans support/tension rods to compress the springs
3. Strap your penis to the glans support
4. Release (stop pushing down on) the glans support/tension rods.

When you push down on the rods (therefore the springs), you are adding elastic potential energy to the springs. If you release the tension rods, the springs want to return to their original uncompressed length. Now, assuming that your penis is at it’s maximum flaccid streched length (meaning it will not stretch any further), when you release the springs, the springs try to return to their uncompressed state, but they are prevented from doing so because your penis is now secured to the glans support (which is attached to the tension rods). Does this make sense to you?

Almost, first of all because the QEP, as any other extender can’t — and shouldn’t — pull the shaft to the limit, the manual stretch make a much greater force, moreover, as previously said, the more powerful the springs are, the more they will tend to distend, even taking advantage by elasticity of the shaft, since by definition they are «a body capable of stretching when a certain force is applied, and then to return to its natural shape». .in fact, ScaccoMatto, applying weaker springs, has see the notches going under the first section of the battens, something that he did not notice with the original 4000 gram springs.

Originally Posted by Juava

Almost, first of all because the QEP, as any other extender can’t — and shouldn’t — pull the shaft to the limit.

I (and many others) would disagree with you. I absolutely am able to stretch my penis to it’s maximum flaccid stretched length with my QEP. Penis extenders don’t stretch cells, they work by causing microscopic tears in the cells of the penis. The body responds by growing more cells. Tose tears don’t happen unless you stretch your penis to it’s maximum flaccid stretched length. It’s the same process that happens when you strengthen your muscles with excercise/weight lifting. Does anyone gain muscle mass by NOT lifting weights to their limit? No!

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
I (and many others) would disagree with you. I absolutely am able to stretch my penis to it’s maximum flaccid stretched length with my QEP. Penis extenders don’t stretch cells, they work by causing microscopic tears in the cells of the penis. The body responds by growing more cells. Tose tears don’t happen unless you stretch your penis to it’s maximum flaccid stretched length. It’s the same process that happens when you strengthen your muscles with excercise/weight lifting. Does anyone gain muscle mass by NOT lifting weights to their limit? No!

Sorry, but the right answer is, yes.

Well, reading this is a bit perplexing and disheartening. I cannot get the QEP to “hold tension”. Ordered it, ordered the 4K springs and currently have one of the 1” and 1/2” bars added on each side. Started with a 1/2” and then added a 1” extension. No amount of adding “rods” keeps the tension lines hidden. The issue is that I simply can’t stretch myself to the end if I make it any longer. Currently, with the 1” and 1/2” on each side added, the only way I can get the glands to the end is to fully decompress the QEP and strap in. Once I release the compression though, it extends all the way out. I don’t feel a stretch though. If I added another 1” rod to each side, I would 100% not reach the end. Kind of frustrating that I found this a week into usage only to discover that I can’t get it to stretch me the way it was designed to stretch.

Originally Posted by mac2678

Well, reading this is a bit perplexing and disheartening. I cannot get the QEP to “hold tension”. Ordered it, ordered the 4K springs and currently have one of the 1” and 1/2” bars added on each side. Started with a 1/2” and then added a 1” extension. No amount of adding “rods” keeps the tension lines hidden. The issue is that I simply can’t stretch myself to the end if I make it any longer. Currently, with the 1” and 1/2” on each side added, the only way I can get the glands to the end is to fully decompress the QEP and strap in. Once I release the compression though, it extends all the way out. I don’t feel a stretch though. If I added another 1” rod to each side, I would 100% not reach the end. Kind of frustrating that I found this a week into usage only to discover that I can’t get it to stretch me the way it was designed to stretch.

really? what’s the total length from base to top of rod at a 90 degree angle? (without the cradle on).

what’s your bpfsl?

Do you have extra rods? you might just get a screw of same measurement and use it as an extension if you don’t, as long as it fits perfectly you’ll have no problem. The DIY sudaca solution 😜 if it doesn’t match don’t force, you’ll break the screw. Avoid that. Get enough pull and see how it goes.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by mac2678
Well, reading this is a bit perplexing and disheartening. I cannot get the QEP to “hold tension”. Ordered it, ordered the 4K springs and currently have one of the 1” and 1/2” bars added on each side. Started with a 1/2” and then added a 1” extension. No amount of adding “rods” keeps the tension lines hidden. The issue is that I simply can’t stretch myself to the end if I make it any longer. Currently, with the 1” and 1/2” on each side added, the only way I can get the glands to the end is to fully decompress the QEP and strap in. Once I release the compression though, it extends all the way out. I don’t feel a stretch though. If I added another 1” rod to each side, I would 100% not reach the end. Kind of frustrating that I found this a week into usage only to discover that I can’t get it to stretch me the way it was designed to stretch.

Mac2678…even though it’s not mentioned anywhere in the literature, THIS is where the threaded rods at the base come in to use. You can ‘unscrew’ the tension rods and this has the effect of increasing the tension rod length up to 1” (25mm). I have been doing it this way for about 2 years with great success. I also came up with a modification for the glans support that makes getting strapped in mych easier…just take a look at my progress thread.

One very important thing, IF you are going to make use of the threaded rods, you will need to secure them to the base with some thread locking compound so that they don’t unscrew from the base while turning the tension rods.

the piece of wood in the pictue below is a gauge I made so that I can make sure I unscrew the tension rods evenly.

(302.1 KB, 245 views)

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
Mac2678.even though it’s not mentioned anywhere in the literature, THIS is where the threaded rods at the base come in to use. You can ‘unscrew’ the tension rods and this has the effect of increasing the tension rod length up to 1” (25mm). I have been doing it this way for about 2 years with great success. I also came up with a modification for the glans support that makes getting strapped in mych easier. Just take a look at my progress thread.

One very important thing, IF you are going to make use of the threaded rods, you will need to secure them to the base with some thread locking compound so that they don’t unscrew from the base while turning the tension rods.

The piece of wood in the pictue below is a gauge I made so that I can make sure I unscrew the tension rods evenly.

I did see your thread on the head modification. I have done that to mine and it helps, but I still cannot, for the life of me, get the QEP to fit in a compressed manor. I have thought of unscrewing the rods. Like I said, currently, I have two rods on each side, a 1” and a 1/2”. If I warm up with a couple of stretches, I can strap into the end with a single strap(not two) and loop the underside of the noose back into the open holes for security. I have to fight like hell to get it on, but I can get it on with great stretch. The bottom side of me feels stretched to the max, but when I compress the rods to get it on, they just decompress once in place(go to showing all 3 tension lines). If I added any additional length to the rods, no way I could fit. I have to have great stretch just to get in it in this fashion. Being up front, I am 5’11”, 235lbs, so there is a decent amount of fat pad. My NBPEL is 4.5” whereas my BPEL is 6.1”. I am wondering if that is an issue. Working on that as well, but there isn’t exactly a “firm base” for it to rest against. Another issue I am running into is that my MSEG is 6.25. When stretching, the least bit of blood flow causes it to be a bit of a task to fit through the base. I always get in there, but at the base, it is quite tight, sometimes downright uncomfortable.

I would go the route of unscrewing the rods. It sound like you are probably a grower like I am, and it takes about 10-15 minutes for my to reach my max flaccid streched length…which is where you want to be for the extender to be effective.

This conversation about tension and springs has completely lost me to be honest.

I’m using the Quick Extender Pro as well and surely the only purpose of the springs is to allow you the ‘compression’ to actually fit into the device. Once your glans are attached into the double loop system, the springs push back and release all the tension and it allows you to have that full stretch on your penis and be held in position.

After a certain amount of hours, you undo the screws and add an additional 0.2cm tension bar so that the device’s overall length is increased.

You keep working this way with a view to keep increasing the overall length of the device as you improve/increase your overall FSL. Every 56hours another 0.2cm tension bar is added.

What this does is allows you to keep your penis in a fully extended state under tension. However, under no circumstances do you want to be using this device whilst the springs are compressed.

What if they slip for example. You are going to full lock the device back out and in the process completely rip your penis as the device goes back to its fully unlocked position. I’ve watched the video thats included with the device and it suggests usage exactly as I have mentioned.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest
This conversation about tension and springs has completely lost me to be honest.

I’m using the Quick Extender Pro as well and surely the only purpose of the springs is to allow you the ‘compression’ to actually fit into the device. Once your glans are attached into the double loop system, the springs push back and release all the tension and it allows you to have that full stretch on your penis and be held in position.

That is ONE of the functions of the springs. The springs also act as a ‘shock absorber’ to help prevent excessive force being applied to the penis that can occur when moving or changing positions.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest
After a certain amount of hours, you undo the screws and add an additional 0.2cm tension bar so that the device’s overall length is increased.
You keep working this way with a view to keep increasing the overall length of the device as you improve/increase your overall FSL. Every 56hours another 0.2cm tension bar is added.
What this does is allows you to keep your penis in a fully extended state under tension.

Yes, that is PART of how the QEP works.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest
However, under no circumstances do you want to be using this device whilst the springs are compressed.

Sorry, but that is incorrect. The MAIN function of the springs is to apply tension to the penis, and it only applies tension is when it’s compressed to some extent. What would be the purpose of QEP selling different strength springs if the springs didn’t do anything?

In order for the extender to work, tension needs to be applied to the penis AFTER it has been stretched to it’s maximum flaccid stretched length. That is the reason you push down on the rods/glans support when getting your penis strapped in…so that when you release the glans support, the springs decompress, lengthening the tension rods, thereby stretching your penis. Ideally, you want your penis to stop the springs from completely decompressing so that the springs will apply some tension to your penis. Unfortunately the springs/tension rods only compress about 1cm when you push them down, so that means the QEP can only stretch your penis about 1cm. If you are one of those people (like me) who are unable to fully stretch out their penis when getting strapped in, compressing the tension rods only 1cm is pretty much worthless. For me to reach my maximum flaccid stretched length, my penis needs to stretch an additional 2.3cm AFTER getting strapped into the QEP glans support. This is where the threaded rods in the base come into use. By unscrewing the tension rods (up to a maximum of 2.5cm) from the base, you effectively increase the length of the tension rods until you reach the point where your penis has reached it’s maximum flaccid stretched length. For me, it takes about 15-20 minutes of gradually unscrewing the tension rods for my penis to reach its maximum flaccid stretched length.

Once I have reached my maximum flaccid strecthed length, I DO want the springs to be compressed a little so that tension is being applied to my penis.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest
What if they slip for example. You are going to full lock the device back out and in the process completely rip your penis as the device goes back to its fully unlocked position.

I really don’t understand what you are trying to say here. How can the springs ‘slip’, they are completely enclosed in the tension rod housing.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest
I’ve watched the video thats included with the device and it suggests usage exactly as I have mentioned.

I have also watched the video AND I have been using my QEP for 2 years, accumulating over 1000 hours of extending time. I have successfully increased my BPEL almost 2” (5cm) using ONLY the QEP, so I believe I have very good first hand knowledge about how the QEP works.

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
Unfortunately the springs/tension rods only compress about 1cm when you push them down, so that means the QEP can only stretch your penis about 1cm. If you are one of those people (like me) who are unable to fully stretch out their penis when getting strapped in, compressing the tension rods only 1cm is pretty much worthless. For me to reach my maximum flaccid stretched length, my penis needs to stretch an additional 2.3cm AFTER getting strapped into the QEP glans support.

If you are maxed out as suggested surely you just increase the length of the overall extender by adding more tension bars so that it just provides a longer length. As you penis increases in length you keep adding tension bars to match your total length?

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
I really don’t understand what you are trying to say here. How can the springs ‘slip’, they are completely enclosed in the tension rod housing.

Cunny I don’t doubt you here and appreciate what you are saying. You have obviously used the device longer than me so have more knowledge of it. However, there is absolutely NO way I am going to use this device whilst these springs are not fully released. The device is ‘well-made’ to a fashion, however its hardly a piece of quality Swiss or German engineering. I’ve used the device for a few months and already the springs seem quite weak. When you press the device in to ‘fit’ to the device it doesn’t always compress evenly. The tension bars arn’t the best quality. I mean as far as extenders go its ok, but theres no way I’m trusting my dick with compressed/tensioned springs that could could break and shock open at any point on my penis. Absolutely no way. I have read other threads on here where people have changed/replaced the springs. They have a history of breaking or at least getting worn out.

Originally Posted by Cunny Linguist
I have also watched the video AND I have been using my QEP for 2 years, accumulating over 1000 hours of extending time. I have successfully increased my BPEL almost 2” (5cm) using ONLY the QEP, so I believe I have very good first hand knowledge about how the QEP works.

1000hours in 2 years is approx 1.5 hours a day. If you have honestly added 2inches during this to your BPEL then thats an amazing result. Did you add any MEG as well?

I’m using this from anything between 2 to 6 hours a day, 5/6 days a week. I am not sure if you are doing this but I find the head of my penis (where you get locked in) gets quite cold (a sign of decreased blood flow I guess) and I reset every hour. During this time I like to just stretch the penis a bit and get semi-erect, to get some blood back into it. I then way to go back to a flacid state and lock back in again. The hardest thing about the device is changing between standing and sitting positions. It can come off which requires getting strapped in again. I also find it very difficult to ‘strap’ into the device in a sitting position. Can you manage that?

I also have a mini USB power bank and an IR heating pad and if you can wear this device with no one around, I would 100% consider using IR heat with it. The stretch seems much better, the penis seems to recover better and research suggests it would be better for cell activity. However I wear mind when a small number of people are around (office) so its not been practical for me right now to do so.


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