Thunder's Place

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Quick Extender Pro Question

Question for head falling out of the noose, any tips there? Lately I have been been trying gauze pads to try and make it harder for it to come loose, I’m sure it’s different with everyone. For me it’s right side. Also, I don’t know if it would be hard on the device, but it seems if you hold the springs inward while compressed, it will stay. I’m not sure if that would be hard on the device or springs.

Man, I’ve recently gotten into PE. Bought a QEP and I’ve just started using it for 2 days, it’s so difficult to use.

I have the exact same problem as Cunny Linguist, my D is extremely stretchy and I’m a grower, in fact it’s quite the big difference. My BPEL is 15cm but my FL is about 9cm, and my FSL is almost as big as my BPEL lol.

Strapping into this device is a nightmare and when I finally manage to do it I don’t feel any meaningful traction at all. It just feels like it’s constricting my D at the glans while slowly slipping off. And I get the usual cold glans after wearing it for a while. I’m uncut but I’ve tried all sorts of methods to properly secure my glans to it except hacksawing those parts like Cunny Lingus did. Is there anything I can do to have a proper securing method in place that also applies traction in a more even fashion?

Originally Posted by AndyJ
That is why that style of extender has fallen out of favor. The vacuum cap extenders are bulky and expensive, but slip is not a problem.

What about traction application? Is it more even?

Quick Extender Pro application for uncut people

Hello fellow growers,

First of all, thank you for making this site and sharing your experience and advices. It has been a great source of inspiration and help to me.

I’m writing to ask for further advices though. I bought a Quick Extender Pro and having trouble applying it to my penis. There are two main issues I am facing.

1, securing the penis without pain, slipping out or cutting off blood from the glans
- for uncut people, do you retract the foreskin before applying the glans piece?
- which area should I secure the straps to? Right behind the glans?
- I assume you need to stay flaccid, but putting pressure on my glans area will get my semi-erect. Is there any way I could tackle this issue?
- the only time I managed to secure my penis the glans were squeezed pretty bad, is this normal or was it due to an error I made?

2, connecting the base to the head piece
- I have not yet tried to modify the glans peace like Cunny Linguist mentioned, should I?
- instead I tried another method mentioned here, I secured the glans peace and pressed down the springs and stretched out my penis enough to be able to secure to the base.
(this latter one more or less worked, meaning I managed to do it once, without slipping out)

So my main question is how do I secure the glans peace? I tried using gauze and will try bandages as well. Maybe I should try other methods or replacing the silicone straps with something else? Perhaps a wide pad covering both straps would also help, like the one in the single strap devices? Did anybody have similar issues like I do? Please, let me know if you can help me start using this device.

Thank you in advance,
Yet another fellow grower

PS: I’m willing to share pictures or videos of the process, so that you could see where do I go wrong.

Last edited by hungerformore : 03-23-2024 at . Reason: typo

Originally Posted by hungerformore
1, securing the penis without pain, slipping out or cutting off blood from the glans

A little update:

It seems that I managed to solve the pinching and slipping issue to some degree. What I did is that I took a tipical foam yoga mat and cut a piece out of it which I placed under my penis. It is wide enough to wrap around and even the first try was successful, no pinching, no pain. I will experiment with different sized pieces and maybe even different materials as well.

Another thing is that I feel that the silicone straps are not necessarily the best solution. I would much prefer something more durable and something that I can secure properly and perhaps adjust the tension, like with a ratchet mechanism. Even shoelaces seem like a solution with proper padding.

Then the next step is to solve the tension problem, so I will need to look into the modification that Cunny Lingust came up with or somehow secure the glans piece well enough so that I could pull my penis out with enough force to reach the base peace mounting point.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Best of luck to everyone!

Originally Posted by hungerformore
Hello fellow growers,

First of all, thank you for making this site and sharing your experience and advices. It has been a great source of inspiration and help to me.

I’m writing to ask for further advices though. I bought a Quick Extender Pro and having trouble applying it to my penis. There are two main issues I am facing.

1, securing the penis without pain, slipping out or cutting off blood from the glans
- for uncut people, do you retract the foreskin before applying the glans piece?
- which area should I secure the straps to? Right behind the glans?
- I assume you need to stay flaccid, but putting pressure on my glans area will get my semi-erect. Is there any way I could tackle this issue?
- the only time I managed to secure my penis the glans were squeezed pretty bad, is this normal or was it due to an error I made?

2, connecting the base to the head piece
- I have not yet tried to modify the glans peace like Cunny Linguist mentioned, should I?
- instead I tried another method mentioned here, I secured the glans peace and pressed down the springs and stretched out my penis enough to be able to secure to the base.
(this latter one more or less worked, meaning I managed to do it once, without slipping out)

So my main question is how do I secure the glans peace? I tried using gauze and will try bandages as well. Maybe I should try other methods or replacing the silicone straps with something else? Perhaps a wide pad covering both straps would also help, like the one in the single strap devices? Did anybody have similar issues like I do? Please, let me know if you can help me start using this device.

Thank you in advance,
Yet another fellow grower

PS: I’m willing to share pictures or videos of the process, so that you could see where do I go wrong.

Hey there - I’ve been using the QEP for 3 years now, so here are my tips (not saying it will work for everyone, but it definitely works for me!):

- Only use one strap - and without that foam tube/padding. I use the one furthest away

- Definitely use it with your foreskin retracted!

- Measure your BPFSL - and set the bars to that or even a bit over (when you’re pushing down on the extender)

- Get a piece of thin sponge (I’m using a thing for your feet called "Toe Foam"!) - and cut it to size, so it will fit around the top and side of your glans

- Put the extender on (including the sponge bit, under the strap). As you’re putting the extender on, push down on it/the springs

- With your glans/head in the strap, pull on the back two strap pieces together so your glans should move up a bit (so it’s resting firmly in place on the plastic bit). You want it as tight as possible, while still being comfortable

- While still pulling the two back straps, pull them downwards so they are against the plastic - then wrap a piece of carpet tape (or thick tape) ALL the way ‘round the plastic (including your glans). You’re basically trying to make sure your glans - and the back of the two straps - are securely in place and can’t move.

- Your penis should now be at a very tight stretch - I can usually wear mine 1 and a half to 2 and a half hours at a time, before it gets uncomfortable

That’s it - I know it probably sounds awkward/fiddly, but once you get the hand of it, it really is quick and easy to do 👍.

Very helpful.. I just ordered the Quick Extender Pro, I’ll be trying some of this advice.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG


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