Originally Posted by Tiger65rick
I have had the same issue. I have found that wearing it for more than 30 to 40 mins in these first 2 weeks has a tendency to cause some purpling, numbness and occasional hard spots at the very tip by the urethra. I normally go in the hot tub before and after for massage and some light jelqing. It always seems to return to normal. I have definitely had a gain in the little over 2 weeks I have been using it. Also EQ seems much better, though some of that could be the BC reflex kegels I do in the hot tub. I’ve also noticed my foreskin coming back a bit. I’m guessing that some is getting sucked up along with my glans, though I try to prevent that by pulling down on the skin once the head has first popped inside from the vacuum.
I, too, am using the 4 girth band (I am 4.25 FG and 4.75 EG). My head goes in a little cockeyed as well. I seem to get some air escapage sometimes on the bottom side, presumably from the little valley of the frenulum where it runs up into the glans. This sometimes causes me to overpump to get it to stay. I have experimented with trying to release the air slightly but it’s hard to do without releasing the suction entirely.
So far the max I have done is 2 hrs, which is on schedule for what they refer to as the adjustment period but by the third 40 min session my glans goes numb for sure. I am hoping that once it gets used to it, this may not happen. However, the credo listen to your dick has definitely served me well. I have taken a couple rest days, usually prior to my progress measure. In addition, there has been at least twice in the last week where I have stopped after one or two sessions just because it got numb early. I was a skeptic at first but now with close to a 1/4in growth in 2 weeks, I am going to stay the course, though I may not wear it longer than a couple hours if I don’t start building up a longer tolerance for the suction.
Hi! Thank you for your informative post, can you give an update on your progress with this product?
I’m searching for an alternative to the regular stretcher