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Static Stretcher success stories


Static Stretcher success stories

I am about to purchase the static stretcher, but I would like to have this thread note all or any of the success stories associated with it.

I don’t want people just discussing it in general, we have enough threads on it.

I want this one to be success stories only please.

Please talk about your methods, time involved and gains received. I would like to compare notes as mine chugs along (hopefully).

Thanks and lets begin!

I gained 1/8” from about 600 hours of wear (alone). I recently added hanging and it seems I gained another 1/8”-1/4”.

I love GOLD

I posted this on another thread but I think it qualifies as a success story.

For me a static stretcher alone is not as effective as using it as part of a bigger routine.

When using an ADS: As far as tension goes less is more. As far as time goes more is more. If I use too much tension I tend to get pull back and some turtling. That doesn’t happen when I keep tension low for a long period of time

I started in May of 06 at 6 3/4” x 6” BP. I did the standard newbie routine (jelqs and stretching) and by October I was at 7 1/4” to 7 1/2” x 6 1/4”. And that’s where I stayed. I was trying everything hanging, fulcrum hanging, O bends, ballooning, fowfers, and an ADS for short periods at very high tension, still jelqing and stretching. The only thing I got was a sore dick, no more growth.

So this April I adapted my ADS with a larger hanger head and started wearing it all day, 8:00am till bed time. I only took it off to have sex or go to the bathroom. I would start on very low tension and increase gradually all day long, sometimes backing it off and gradually increasing again. I am at the point where I feel naked with out it. Anyway, the composition of my member started to change. It is much more pliable when flaccid. It hung looser and would fold over in the middle which never happened before, still the same size though.

In mid May I started jelqing with horse squeezes and O-bends a couple times a day, ballooning a couple of times a week, hanging once or twice a week and stretching in the hot tub a couple of times a week. Still wearing the ADS for as much of the day as possible.

This weekend after a fulcrum hanging session I measured and I had hit the promised land 8” x 6 3/8”.

I get the feeling that it works like one of those long thin balloons that clowns make animals out of. You can blow on them until you blow an o-ring and nothing happens but stretch it a few times and it fills right up. I think keeping constant low tension prepared and loosed the tunica for whatever work out I was doing that day.

Interesting to hear Purple Hammer, what type of ADS did you use.. The static wrap or an actual ADS. Also are you cut out of curiosity?


I use a vac-u-extender with a vac-u hang head so its a traction device, and I’m cut.

Very interesting.

I planned on wearing only the S.S. For the first month

Or so, and then restart basic exercises.

I’ve been on the decon break from hell, and really want to hit 7”.

I’m 6” now nbp, which has held pretty well since I’ve been off

Of the exercises for a few months.

And I look forward to this method of stretching to get some length, which has

Been my hardest to gain.

So keep them coming, this is beyond motivational!

Purple, how was there any circulation problems with vacu extender?

Sorry, I mean, was there any kind of circulation problems with your ads?

Originally Posted by gold_member
I gained 1/8” from about 600 hours of wear (alone). I recently added hanging and it seems I gained another 1/8”-1/4”.

What is your hanging routine that you do with the device? I have been hanging with close to 10lbs for an hour and then wearing the device the the rest of the day.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
Are you saying you would use the static stretch idea before hanging or other things? What about afterward?

I made a post about this in the hangers section. I found that if I would use the SS for about 6hrs then do a hanging session it would loosen my dick up so much it felt like it was going to pull right out of my body. No one seemed to understand what I was trying to say in the post though.

Originally Posted by GonaBeBig
I made a post about this in the hangers section. I found that if I would use the SS for about 6hrs then do a hanging session it would loosen my dick up so much it felt like it was going to pull right out of my body. No one seemed to understand what I was trying to say in the post though.

But did you use the device after hanging too? I can understand the loosening effect prior although I never tried that. Did you re-don the device afterward? Are you saying prior is the most optimum effect?


I was using it about 14hrs per day and about 9hrs into it I would do a hanging session. I gained about 1/8th inch in a month. That was a lot for me since I haven’t gained in about a year and a half I think it has been with deacon breaks and trying everything. I’m taking a break again and just doing 120 jelq every other day right now. My fsl and el are = so for me it would over train my dick so I will start up again soon with it I bit below my fsl. That seemed to work better for me.


I do it before and after. Definitely after sex, provided it isn’t right before bed. Always before and after my jelq, horses and O-bends. And I can dial up to max length right after a hot tub stretch. Essentially if I’m not working it or using it I’ve got it in the ADS.


More circulation issues at first but I seem to have conditioned my member to longer periods of confinement. I have found that by positioning the head piece differently you can minimize circulation problems. For example, if I seal the sleeve so that only the glans is inside the head piece I tend to get small purple dots near the surface after several hours. They usually clear up over night. If I move the seal farther down the shaft I tend to get the donut effect. This clears up in around 15 minutes. I have been opting for the donut effect. It also gives a really heavy feel to your hang while the swelling is going down.


I just got my Penismaster today and I was taking it for a test run. Is your glans supposed to get cold or cool? It doesn’t go numb but it definitely get cool. I’m a first time user of the pm device so I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right.


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