Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Girther... Real?


Originally Posted by mourningwood
This is just my experience, I’m by no means a pro

I’m not too sure about long term, but I get extra girth post extender session. Wearing it straight down or slightly down.

I do 30 min sets, heat to warm up and first few mins of extending, then leave it to normalize. Do that for however many hours I’m doing that day. I’m only onto my second month now with it, had to have a break from slightly injury. And the first month I stuck to half hour a day, as my penis was resisting the pull at first. So I’m referring to a ‘post pump’ state, not saying I’ve had long term results. My extender is set over an inch below npbel.

When I did 2 hour sets before the injury, it would only be longer with no real noticeable girth. With the extender set at NBPEL.

Do most people get what is almost a post pump feeling afterwards? With noticeable girth? Is this something that’s coming from shorter sets and shorter extender?

I apologise if this was stated somewhere else but I’m curious what kind of injury you had? I just started using the andropenis extender.

Originally Posted by deadly12xx12
Saw some article about how any extender can be used for girth expansion…
He said that when you pose the device towards ground it will help in length and if you pose it upwards i.e. against gravity then it will help in girth…
I don’t own an extender yet, but if you do have one give it a shot or if you had given it a shot do let me know if it is real or really works

I think extender focuses on length.
Mixed with good exercises, it’s the perfect match.
But it’s a long way …:-)


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