Using springs in traction devices?
While planning the build of my first AFB hanger I had a question pop into my thought process. At first I thought that a hanger is a way to keep a constant tension even as tissues stretch and for continual traction of constant level of force. I wondered if there was a way to have that traction force reduce gradually as the the tissues stretch beyond what their initial max stretched length.
Example: 6.2” flaccid would initially stretch under traction to 6.4”, after 15 minutes maybe increases to 6.5” then 6.6” over even more time. With a hanger the force is constant but would there be a benefit to the force being gradually decreased so as to be able to stretch to increased extended lengths for a longer period of time?
Might one be able to employ traction more comfortably over longer periods of time with this gradient tension approach? My first thought to achieve this involved a large spring or several springs in an extender type device.
Has anything like this been tried yet by anyone?
Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"
First goal: 6"x5"
Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"