Have you ever played guitar? Do you know how quickly callouses develop? It’s pretty quick. The body reacts to what we do to it.
What you may well be doing is training your penis to resist a constant force. Extenders are designed to be pretty constant and pretty low power pulling devices. I have seen very little evidence that extenders actually help with PE and there have been a few studies.
What you may find is that you get the up to 0.5” of newbie gains from EQ and then suddenly it all stalls. Your reaction then would be to work harder and that might be just the wrong reaction.
By far the best tools for PE are your hands and your brain and it seems from the, admittedly anecdotal, evidence on this forum over the years that dynamic exercises have a better return than anything static.
So, if I were you, I’d follow Behemoth’s advice and start with the newbie routine. Throw away the kit, don’t buy any more and stop reading the adverts if your intention is to gain. Of course if your intention is to try all the flavours of PE equipment as quickly as possible and then decide that PE doesn’t work, you are on the right course.
I’m not sure that following a manual or hanging routine with extender use is necessarily advantageous. The postulation is that you are keeping yourself in an extended state for longer and this is beneficial. I don’t think there is anything to support that postulation. Certainly, I notice a lot of extender users complaining about lack of growth but this could easily be bias on my part. Research for yourself and come to your own conclusions.