I’ve tried quite a few different types over the years, the noose style one’s are awful I don’t understand how anyone can wear those things beyond a couple of painful hours per day, the vacuum style one’s are 1000x better in my opinion.
I’ve tried a few different vac extenders too, a couple of cheap knock offs from ebay which were okay for the price butthey were flimsy and broke, I bought 2 different types from autoextender which were decent but I have a Phallosan now with the extender add on which is definitely the most comfortable one but its expensive as hell and you can’t get the tension very high because it uses a little push button to create the vaccum which isn’t so strong.
If I could go back in time I’d get a Silistretcher 2 vac hanger and a Total Man Rod Extender 2.0 as I think this would provide the highest tension possible.