Thanks to all for the responses.
Sparky, so far the skin is not sore.
You wondered how the breaks would affect my gains, are you saying that it would be more beneficial for me t hang all my sets in either the morning or the evening?
If so I may be able to re-arrange my hanging schedule.
I had assumed (maybe wrongly) that it was better as far as gains were concerned to spread the sets out throughout the day, to keep the ligs stretched.
Also, am I right in thinking that I am mainly hitting my tunica with OTS, rather than my ligs?
Sheneedsmore, I don’t feel fatigue in the same way as I did feel fatigue in my ligs when hanging BTC.
I can only tell you that I feel a good stretch in my penis while hanging OTS.
I understand what you are saying by getting to the stage of fatigue but I can honestly say that I do not know what exactly I should be feeling while hanging at this angle.
Also I think I may have confused myself regarding heating.
Are you saying it is best to use heat for the first half of all of my sets, even my last set?
What about in between sets, should I use the heat-pad then?
Monty530, I sometimes wear a Penimaster for 45 minutes after my evening hanging session, any more is too painful.
ADS or PEweights is something that I am interested in to keep the ligs stretched.
Do you have any links to the best method of ADS or PEweights?
What do you mean when you say “You could conceivably drop to just a morning or evening session without any loss in gain rate.”
Is it best to hang all my sets in one session rather than some in morning and some in evening?