Thunder's Place

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A few questions for the hanging and extender vets

A few questions for the hanging and extender vets

Hello there gentlemen,

I know a lot of you have seen a majority of post flooding this forum over time and are probably exhausted from the numerous threads created by men who haven’t taken the time out to actually read everything. Well, I’ve taken the time out to read and study, and I think that my thread is going to be unique in its own right. I’m seeking some advice from the members of this forum that have experience with this category of PE, and not just an opinion on the matter. I was a victim of wearing an extender with a noose, and as a result of the pain that accompanied it; I was almost turned away from PE for good. I tried pumping, but I didn’t like the fluid build up under the glands so I gave that up. I’m still jelqing as it seems to be the most effective, so that’s not a problem for me. I’m also into clamping, and I’m actually progressing with that. I’m trying to reform some other areas of my technique, and I’m just looking for some guidance in that area.

I have been taking an interest into hanging, but is the “BIB” hanger the only one available that provides a good chance of gaining anything as far as length? I know every man is different, and that length gains aren’t promised to everyone, but I’m talking about the overall quality of the product as well. I don’t want to buy into something because of the hype; I want to purchase something that has the best success rate on the forum. If it’s the “BIB”, then I’ll just have to bite the bullet and purchase one.

I’m also going to purchase another extender (ADS) this time, but I want to purchase one without a noose that will allow me to move around at work freely without having the fear of it falling off on the ground while I’m walking. My other extender did that to me in front of a classroom, and all I could do was pick it up and walk out without looking back at the expressions of the people in the class. Another concern of mine is that the base of the extender needs to have adequate space for me when my girth increases.

I know that my experience on this forum will take me to the next level of PE, and I hope that by me being here I’ll be a contributing member for others in the future as well. I would love to hear about your concerns as well as theories. I’m thinking that hanging along with the use of an ADS should provide me with the most promising gains. A lot of the members have suggested this practice, but the products they had in mind weren’t being mentioned. If any of you have any suggestions, then I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanking you in advance,

I’ve had my Bib hanger for a couple of years now, but after my Auto-Extender Vacuum Hanger from Monkeybar arrived, that’s all I use anymore. I may try the Bib again just to make sure I made the right choice. The Bib has been lying on the floor next to this computer for the past month.


—-And that length gains aren’t’t promised to everyone—-

Yup, me!

Ad Bib:
Too expensive .. I had one too, but I liked the Hubbard I made much more. I was able to hang + 10kg with the Hubb. It takes the tissues from the sides. With the bib I had the feeling that blood flow was suppressed much more, because it too takes the tissues from the upper side where the deep dorsal vain is going. Further, for me the Hubbard was much more comfortable. Just my opinion.

Best idea: Go to your garage, make a Hubbard and start with low weight. If you don’t like the pressure or the way it takes your dick, you can still go for the Bib ..

Just a thought: after 1-2 months of hanging, try a fullcrumposition .. The theory is, that this works best due to just one side of the tissues is stretched much more than the others ..


Thank you for the insight fella’s, it’s really helping me out. I’m anxious to hear what other members have to say about the matter.


It seems, that you’re new to hanging. If you follow lil’s “beginning instructions”, you’ll be fine. Here are veterans like Piet, who gained best with custom made hangers and they swear on it. Try a custom made first before you spend a lot of money. Some say that hanging very heavy weight its just possible with the bib, because it takes the internal tissues best. I don’t agree with it because I was able to hang much more weight with the simple old custom Hubbard.
Though you are new you have to start with low weight anyway. Therefor you don’t really need a BIG hanger like the bib. This thing is huge. Try to get a feeling for hanging and then go for this monster hanger ..


Thanks a lot Lost, that’s all I needed to hear. I didn’t want to purchase something like the “BIB” and have to be set back $130+ dollars when I could achieve the same thing with a home made version. Not saying that the “BIB” isn’t all that impressive, I’m just saying that it seems to be for more of a hanging vet than for a hanging newbie.


Give vacuum hanging a try man, forget about the BIB. The BIB is almost like a vice on your penis, it will pinch and cut off your blood flow. MY dick would turn light grey/white and cold tot he touch when wearing the bib.

Vacuum hangers don’t mess with your circulation the way a BIB will. I can hang more weight and do it comfortably with vacuum. The Max Vac is what I use and I love it, I can’t comment on the Monkey Bar hanger as I haven’t tried it.

Hope this helps, I’m only speaking from my own experience.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
Give vacuum hanging a try man, forget about the BIB. The BIB is almost like a vice on your penis, it will pinch and cut off your blood flow. MY dick would turn light grey/white and cold tot he touch when wearing the bib.

Vacuum hangers don’t mess with your circulation the way a BIB will. I can hang more weight and do it comfortably with vacuum. The Max Vac is what I use and I love it, I can’t comment on the Monkey Bar hanger as I haven’t tried it.

Hope this helps, I’m only speaking from my own experience.

I appreciate the input. Seriously, I don’t want to purchase something again and be disappointed.

I obviously favour the AFB hanger ;)

(Haven’t really tried anything else)

I’ve had both the Max-Vac and monkeybar’s Vacu-hanger and respectable gains with both. Monkeybar’s hanger does not require a vacuum pump at all and is very easy to use. I was never able to master the no pump method with the Max-Vac and it is a much larger device. So, Monkeybar’s product gets my vote.

Started PE late August, 2005: BPEL 5.875"

Oct 1, 2006: BPEL 6.9375"; Dec 1, 2006: 7.125"; Dec 7, 2007: 7.25"; February 22, 2008: 7.375"

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