Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A ligament pull question?


Okay I’ll wait for a few more inputs before trying it. Thanks.



assuming 11 is left of 12 o’clock, that will place a little more stress on your left side. I think after time, you will not need to do this, putting the bib on comfortably first go takes time, I still have touble now!!



Put the hanger on as straight as you can. The weight will straighten out the tissues eventually. If you have more stress on one side than the other, that’s ok.


Thanks Bib
Will follow your advice.

Hay guess what?. I have got into BTC with my 4 kg weight today. Unfortunately couldn’t hang Sat, Sun or Mon due to lack of privacy but today when I awoke I could still feel that possible wrung out feeling that you talked to me about earlier on in the piece.

I’m spewing that I couldn’t hang more in the zone over the weekend but the positive I get from the forced lay off is price of mind that I’m getting better at this. Not going to check for any gains yet but like I said I could feel motion down there and it felt great.


Hell if you have company, just go ahead and hang anyway. It will make a hell of a conversation piece. Just ask Jelktoid.


“Scuse me folks…I’m just gonna sit over here and hang some weights from my penis….” LOL Yea that would be a fun topic. OOO OOOh!! You could say youre practicing for your new side show job at the circus! “Mandingoooo The Man with The Worlds Strongest Penis!”

Would it be fair to say that hanging SD could correct a curve? When I hang SD the left is quite taut, whereas the right side is under less stress, and I have a slight curve to the left. If they both even out, since the left it getting most stress, would it not also correct the curve?


>Would it be fair to say that hanging SD could correct a curve? When I hang SD the left is quite taut, whereas the right side is under less stress, and I have a slight curve to the left. If they both even out, since the left it getting most stress, would it not also correct the curve?<

Many guys have maintained this as true over the years. Hanging, as well as other forms of PE can correct a curve.



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