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A ligament pull question?


A ligament pull question?

I’m hanging while typing this.
Me position is seated in a chair. Bib hanger and weights are pulling SD Between my legs.

If I am to lean back in the chair and scute forward I will be at a more BTC angle.

Me question is, I hang to the left. Therefore I’m thinking like my dick is like a bent tube. The inner radius of a tube that has been bent is always compression or shortened and the outer radius is always stretched. Now putting this into my penis terms to my way of thinking is:
that ever since I started hanging, first vacugrip and now BIB I always feel tension on the left side of the base. There is also tension on the right side but it is not as sore a tension as the left side. I’m feeling this tension or pulling effective while hanging.

Now finally getting to the question. Would it be fair to say that the reason I can feel tension on the left of the base mainly at the moment is because been dressed to the lhs the internal structures, maybe more so the lhs ligament bundles are shorter than the rhs bundles and at at my present weight the Lefties are tacking the stress more. Is this kinda like Bib’s next limiting factor stuff.

I have moved up to 4kg this week ands was at 3.5kg for about 3weeks previously. I got to a stage that 3.5kg seemed to produce towards the end of its circle an even pull. Also please bare in mind that hanging this week has been very sparidic, Lack of privacy, BUMMER.

Anyway have others gone through similar experiences when only two months into hanging?

I thing I have noticed is the the Bib and penis seem to twist slightly, kinda like hanging in a breeze. I am always on the look out for this as I have read that it can be bad for the slugs healthiness and longitiviity. However it doesn’t matter which way it swings (leftwards or rightwards) or staying central (which I always aim for), the pull or tension is in the left.

Have I got it right about tighter bundles on the left and have any you hangers had you slug come more straighter.


Many guys have reported the greater amount of stress on one side or the other when working with a bent penis.

This is not unusual even for someone with a straight penis concerning the ligs. I often felt more stress on a particular side, and it could move around. In fact, I purposely moved the area of stress to different angles to promote this singularity of stretch.


The next question is. I am back for the afternoon hang session. Ofcourse hanging now while typing. I’m not BTC today but SD. Now should I stay static SD while I have a good pulling feeling on the LHS or wait till the pull feeling in this hanging postion SD at this weight 4kg goes.? I’m sure I know the anwers to that one already.

I mean I feel like I’m in a groove here and want to milk it for all its worth while I’m feeling some pull. I take it that’s what trying to stay in that fatigue or working zone is all about?

If I where to go and vary it more towards BTC, obvivously with my newer weight I’d have same skin stretch adj to be made by my skin
To my thinking todate it could be better for me to continue hanging SD will seated and try to esay into a BTC postion slowly trying to optimize pull and limit skin stretch.

I mean we want to keep that working feeling right?

Now maybe 4kg is my base weight kinda like the first limiting factor is being attacked and this is why I’m feeling such a good pull(in the Lhs). When I finished 3.5kg last week in this position I’m hanging now I could nolonger produce this kinda feeling. What are your thoughts?
I hope I’m not jumping the gun or missing something. Am I on the right track here.

Well its 1.5hr since I was last here and I tell ya Bib, I had to drop the weight down to 3.5kg and am now sitting in BTC position and have one hell of pull. Still on the left side but never haad a pull with 3.5kg BTC like this before.
The base feels like a guitar string. There’s no skin stretch in the BTC position and this is the first drop set. The inner penis at the base feels more pronounced while hanging then ever before.

I have just noticed is that the penis is ofcourse divide left and right but it feels like the left side of the inner penis is slightly sitting higher then the right. Like a sausage that’s sliced in the center but one half is higher then the other. Must be the way my structure is.


>The next question is. I am back for the afternoon hang session. Ofcourse hanging now while typing. I’m not BTC today but SD. Now should I stay static SD while I have a good pulling feeling on the LHS or wait till the pull feeling in this hanging postion SD at this weight 4kg goes.? I’m sure I know the anwers to that one already.<

When you have a good stretch going at a particular angle, ride it.

>I mean I feel like I’m in a groove here and want to milk it for all its worth while I’m feeling some pull. I take it that’s what trying to stay in that fatigue or working zone is all about?<

That is correct.

>I mean we want to keep that working feeling right?<

That’s right.

>Now maybe 4kg is my base weight kinda like the first limiting factor is being attacked and this is why I’m feeling such a good pull(in the Lhs). When I finished 3.5kg last week in this position I’m hanging now I could nolonger produce this kinda feeling. What are your thoughts?<

Yes, you will find that as you continue, this will occur fairly often. Just go for the weight that will give you a good stretch and cause you to reach fatigue. Then, do not be afraid to lower the weight when needed.

>I hope I’m not jumping the gun or missing something. Am I on the right track here.<

Sounds as if you are dead on.



As for your pulling on one side more than the other, ditto here, it would frustrate me like nothing else.

My solution; just fiddle with the hanger, if you’re pulling more on the right, ensure that the hanger on the left side grips lower on your shaft therefore pulling more.

Another thing you may do is if it pulls on the right, point your dick and hanger to the right slightly you should feel more of a pull on the left then.

Also stretch the side which gets less attention by pulling in the opposite direction.

Hope this helps.



To be honest I wasn’t frustrated at all. I loved every minute of it. It was wicked getting a pull like that.

However I don’t understand “ensure that the hanger on the left side grips lower on your shaft therefore pulling more”

Can you try to disect it a little more for me?


>However I don’t understand “ensure that the hanger on the left side grips lower on your shaft therefore pulling more<

What I am saying is that on one side it should be lower to get more pull, the teeth will not meet exactly in the middle of your shaft, they will have a bias on your weak pulling side.

Hope this helps. How long have you been hanging know/PE?


I still don’t understand. Do you mean that the hanger lhs is further forward more than the rhs or rhs further forward then the lhs. I mean you can have the teeth grip forward or backwards. I’m confused.

I started hangin with a vacugrip last Sept. - Dec. then upgraded to the Bib in April. I hace been pumping for years with little success but since coming to the forum have learnt that I was not far off pumping successfully. I just lacked dedication and used pumping more like a sexual exercise instead of a PE exercise.
I’m hanging now and think the Bib Hanger is by far the superiour device. Not only is it application phsyical but it is involving a mental approach to. Something that I never got when pumping.
Does my teeth talk make any sense?


>I still don’t understand. Do you mean that the hanger lhs is further forward more than the rhs or rhs further forward then the lhs. I mean you can have the teeth grip forward or backwards. I’m confused.<

No, imagine a line splitting your shaft exactly down the middle, ideally the teeth would meet at that point, imagine now that the teeth on one side goes over that line therefore covering more of the total shaft.


I think I understand now mate.
If I look down at the slug and I’m viewing it from like a top view, the line dawn the middle is say 12 oclock. So the lhs wouldbe 1 - 6 oclock and rhs would be 11 - 6.

Is this right?

Now you are saying that where the top teeth come together that is my 12 oclock position. So if I twist the hanger to the rhs while keeping my slug static then close up the hanger then the teeth meeting line is somewhere between the 12 - 6 oclock postions.

Are you saying that this can effectively move the stress area around the base, while still hanging in the same BTC or SD postion or what ever angle position you want?

Are another way off asking this is by saying you can use a set hanging angle, have a specific attachment length from the head but alter the rotational postion of the hanger slightly left or right from the center postion of 12 oclock?

I hope I haven’t confussed anyone here or yourself. Please advise if I have got a understanding of it now.


I don’t know what you mean either.



>I think I understand now mate<

Nice to hear someone use some aussie lingo here!!

>Now you are saying that where the top teeth come together that is my 12 oclock position. So if I twist the hanger to the rhs while keeping my slug static then close up the hanger then the teeth meeting line is somewhere between the 12 - 6 oclock postions<

Bingo. I have found that this is only marginal, like you would not have it sitting at 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock, maybe 11 or 1.

Bib, I hope this clears it up for you.


I will put this into practice tomorrow and report how it goes.

I understand, just go either side of 12, either 1 or 11 o’clock.

Now could you just explain again which position to go 1 or 11. Does 1o’clock stress the right and 11 o’clock stress the left?
Thanks Mate.

If I get what you guys are talking about, it is a bad idea. You mean putting the hanger on so that the shaft is not straight inside? (like, the hanger turned to the left or right). This can put stress in places you dont want it to be, keep it straight is my advice.


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