Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Question For Tom Hubbard (re: your hanging experience)

A Question For Tom Hubbard (re: your hanging experience)

Tom in a past thread dated 2-14-2002 you said:

” With a homemade loop I could only get to about 6 pounds (built up to it over several weeks), but in four months (140 hours) that was good for 1.25”. No warmups, no stretches, just weights 10-20 minutes on, 10-15 minutes off; one hour hang time AM and PM.”

A couple of questions for you

1. Was this your 1st experience with hanging? and PE in general? or had you already made gains before using hand techniques?

2.On your old site you have an article about hanging weights and a small section about all day light weights. Did you do any of the light all day hanging before the loop? What was your starting weight with the loop?

3. After the four months is I assume when you started the swimcap? how much did you gain with the swimcap?

4. If you stopped after this, did you maintain the gains?

5. Did you do this everyday, or did you have rest days?

6. After you gained 1.25” any problems or mishaps of anykind along the way?

7.Do you think the swimcap would be just as effective as the loop you used? ( I know it is safer)

7.What are your total gains to date, and what is your total time period ?(hrs, yrs, etc.)

Basically, I’m trying to see If can do SOMETHING NOW. I believe the best way to gain would be to hang multiple hours a day with the BIB. But I’m anxious to start until I have the privacy to hang many hours a day and until I receive a BIB starter.

By the way I’ve already gained like 1/4-1/2 after only one week of jelqing!!

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Last edited by bigblackstick : 05-01-2002 at .

you are full of sh!t you didnt gain no .25-.5 in a week

most people dont gain .5 in a month

i think you need to measure again!



I don’t understand why it is hard for people to believe when others gain. I’ve spent literally hundreds of hours researching PE and these sites and am competent I know what I am doing, and if I don’t…I ask.

If you don’t want to believe me that is up 2 you. I keep accurate mesurements and a log of everything. I damn near draw blood every time I BP measure so I know it is real. I’ve measured my dick for months and always get the same thing before I started. Now, I continually post between a 1/4- 1/2 more.

And I did an extreme intense jelq at almost erect. I’m completely sweating after a 1hr- 1.5 hr workout. My hands would be wore out. And it was like 3 weeks ago, and I still have it.

I think I might be a fast gainer as well. I also have achieved like a 1 inch to a 1.5 inch ball drop in like literally 2-3 weeks using a weighted tension device. The usual time to gain was set around three months as quoted on the web site.

Watch who you’re calling full of shit as well. If you don’t believe it, then don’t waste my time responding.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Last edited by bigblackstick : 05-01-2002 at .

hey its cool man i guess i believe you now ive been researching pe sence december so i know alot to plus i come to this site daily




Its cool man…check out the “low ball sac” thread as well

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Hey BBS!

Great gains, but please take care! It’s very easy to get over enthusiastic and do too much too soon - that’s how injuries occur. The temptation after initial gains is to really go for it but try to resist this and keep working to your structured plan - it may save you grief.

At this rate you’ll have to change your name to bigblacktreetrunk soon!;)

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Okay Lil Biggie

I have completely laid off of jelqing as I dont want to stunt my hanging gains. I’m primarily after length anyways…. thanks

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Re: A Question For Tom Hubbard (re: your hanging experience)

1. Was this your 1st experience with hanging? and PE in general? or had you already made gains before using hand techniques?

I started hanging weights with the loop. I knew of nothing else. I began with two pounds, and was up to max (6) within a few weeks.

After reaching a plateau at 1.25” gain (.5” eg), I stopped any regular PE attempts. Every once in a while I’d get going again, but lose interest after a while. The swim cap was one invention I made along the way. I played around with light weight inventions at the same time…didn’t do much with either.

4. If you stopped after this, did you maintain the gains?


5. Did you do this everyday, or did you have rest days?

I had no choice but rest - couldn’t manage two hours of hang time every single day!

6. After you gained 1.25” any problems or mishaps of anykind along the way?

No - at least related to your question.

7.Do you think the swimcap would be just as effective as the loop you used? ( I know it is safer)

More effective - no head twist. Why you’d want to bother with the swim cap given the AFB is beyond me.

7.What are your total gains to date, and what is your total time period ?(hrs, yrs, etc.)

1.5” el, .75”eg. Most dramatic are the flaccid gains, illustrated on my site. First 1.25” was in 140 hours over four months. Now I don’t keep track of my time. With the AFB hanger, it’s a pleasure, not an ordeal!

Tom More Q's.......

1.You said 1.25”, is that BP or NBP?

2.What position did you hang in? BTC? seated?? or what?

3.You said flaccid gains were most the dramatic. How much did you gain flaccid?

4.What type of routine did you use? 5 on 2 off? or 1 on 1 off, or what??

BTW Nice hanging pic on your site..although 30 lbs might look a little scary to some of us new to hanging…..I’m sure i’ll get over it real quick when gains start coming…

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Tom for about six months or so (off and on) I have used the swimcap, but my problem is that after a week of using it everyday for three set of 30min and sat and sun off, I can get it to stay on. I allways do the same, wash it and me with warm water and Ivory soap and air dry everything then use a marker to warp the swim cap. and slip it on. sometimes it wount come off I have to unwrap it to take it off other times it slips off in a few mins. what can I be doing wrong. I think the swim cap is the best way to get a good streach, it pulls on the whole member not just the back. Tom I really need you help, I really want to do this.


Re: Tom More Q's.......

Originally posted by bigblackstick

1.You said 1.25”, is that BP or NBP?

Yes (I don't acknowledge NBP as a useful measurement)

2.What position did you hang in? BTC? seated?? or what?

Standing. I now do it seated at the computer.

3.You said flaccid gains were most the dramatic. How much did you gain flaccid?

See for yourself: http://penis-en largement-manua … -measure-3.GIF. Original flaccid was 1” across by 3” long.

4.What type of routine did you use? 5 on 2 off? or 1 on 1 off, or what??

This is straight off my AFB page: “If time allows, this is a very effective way to make gains. You start with a couple of pounds (1 kg) and increase weight gradually over a period of weeks and months. You hang weights for about ten minutes, rest for ten minutes, and repeat until you have done one hour of \’hang time.\’ Do that morning and afternoon, for a total of two hours \’hang time\’ each day. Over time, you can increase the time spent hanging to 15 or 20 minutes.”

BTW Nice hanging pic on your site..although 30 lbs might look a little scary to some of us new to hanging…..I'm sure i'll get over it real quick when gains start coming…

I’d be interested in your opinion: do you think having that pic there is going to encourage some people to be stupid?

Originally posted by jrvall_2000

Tom for about six months or so (off and on) I have used the swimcap, but my problem is that after a week of using it everyday for three set of 30min and sat and sun off, I can get it to stay on. I allways do the same, wash it and me with warm water and Ivory soap and air dry everything then use a marker to warp the swim cap. and slip it on. sometimes it wount come off I have to unwrap it to take it off other times it slips off in a few mins. what can I be doing wrong. I think the swim cap is the best way to get a good streach, it pulls on the whole member not just the back. Tom I really need you help, I really want to do this.

Why don’t you bring your dick over here some afternoon and we’ll play around with it and see if we can get it to work?

Seriously, I can’t give you much useful advice here except to make sure it’s on tight enough. If you wrap in a slightly aroused state and then your dick shrinks again, obviously there’s going to be more of a tendency to get loose and fall off.

Stupid people

You advise to start light and increase. If someone sees your pic and is stupid enough to imitate, we are talking about a seriously stupid dude. You wouldn’t have any trouble if he decided to sue.

Besides, as one usually attaches the weights after the hanger (or swimcap or be what it may), only a REAL STUPID GUY would place 30lbs on at the some time and then let his dick drop. And someone this stupid probaly lost his dick at a younger age trying to get head from a vacuum cleaner.



I agree with you about NBP being unuseful. I feel the same about a “straight” flaccid measurement since it varies so much. I think BP and flaccid stretch are really the only useful measurements in terms of tracking gains to reduce human error.

I tried the link to your flaccid measuremnt stuff but it didn’t work!!

I read the AFB page, and I understand about the actual work out times but I was asking about a weekly schedule, as far as rest days and what have you….in other words how did you know when to rest or set up your rest day schedule?

And, actually I see the pic as positive encouragement…and not as I opportunity to get “stupid” with it. I’m going to take it real slow and work my way up to a poundage like that. But that is just me. I would guess It might even take months or years to get to that weight….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

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