Tom in a past thread dated 2-14-2002 you said:
” With a homemade loop I could only get to about 6 pounds (built up to it over several weeks), but in four months (140 hours) that was good for 1.25”. No warmups, no stretches, just weights 10-20 minutes on, 10-15 minutes off; one hour hang time AM and PM.”
A couple of questions for you
1. Was this your 1st experience with hanging? and PE in general? or had you already made gains before using hand techniques?
2.On your old site you have an article about hanging weights and a small section about all day light weights. Did you do any of the light all day hanging before the loop? What was your starting weight with the loop?
3. After the four months is I assume when you started the swimcap? how much did you gain with the swimcap?
4. If you stopped after this, did you maintain the gains?
5. Did you do this everyday, or did you have rest days?
6. After you gained 1.25” any problems or mishaps of anykind along the way?
7.Do you think the swimcap would be just as effective as the loop you used? ( I know it is safer)
7.What are your total gains to date, and what is your total time period ?(hrs, yrs, etc.)
Basically, I’m trying to see If can do SOMETHING NOW. I believe the best way to gain would be to hang multiple hours a day with the BIB. But I’m anxious to start until I have the privacy to hang many hours a day and until I receive a BIB starter.
By the way I’ve already gained like 1/4-1/2 after only one week of jelqing!!