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Hanging question

Hanging question

I have read a fair amount into the hanging methods, even though I realize this is not the proper forum for this question, it is the only one I can post for now. I have been hanging 5lbs for a few hours a day with breaks every 20 or so minutes to prevent damage. It has worked some, maybe 1/2 inch in 100-200 hours, over a period of maybe 3 weeks, 4 days on, 3 days off.(it just gets boring).. I realize jelqs are thought highly of here, but I`m not too fond of them b/c they promote a lot of girth and I don’t want any of that. I have been hanging for about 20 min, then rest for 10 min, then hang for 20 again. After maybe 5 hang cycles, I seem to jelq for about 5 min and that seems to work to my best knowledge. Physical exorcise (cardio, weights) every 3 hours for about 30min-3 hours. Regarding PE, I read somewhere that total should equal 1440 per day. With 5 lbs, thats around 4.5 hours per day.

Additional notes regarding girth were not clearly specified. With a girth of 6.5”-6.7” (depending on blood flow), what should I expect to increase to achieve the “1440” basic program? Most people would tell me with 8”bone press top, by 6.5” girth, that I should stay out of the PE forum.. Lol.. But you all know ;) I tell gals it’s like a thermometer, how often does it REALLY get to 140F.. Anyway, I want to know if anyone has any hanging exp with a 6.5 girth, I know it’s fairly rare to be born like that, without PE at all. My problem is how can I PE without ANY girth gains at all? 6.5” means even the magnum condoms are a little too tight for comfort and a reg is “no possible way”. Girth like that and I get turned down for sex often times.. I would like to see an extra inch in length, but as stated, NOTHING in girth. Any programs that might fit my rare needs?

Ps, I`m in late 20s and can heal very fast as well as a large amount of blood flow into that area. Lately, hanging with 5lbs seems to give me erections in the middle of hanging.. Lol.. Sometimes.. Is that normal?


10 hours with 7.5 lbs = 1/16 gains

After 30-35 hours:
Up to 8” 3/8 bone press while flaccid.
7.8” bone press erect, + 0.3 gain.

Wow, I wished I tried PE when I was 18 years old. Lol

Sorry dude. You a dreaming if you think it’s as simple as X weight times Y hours.

Also possibly there are more factors than simple X vs Y

I`ll know for sure whats going on after a month. I`m at about 30 hours with 7.5 lbs, the rest of the day I wear an extender so it never has the chance to spring back. The wang stays sore a lot but I have massive natural testosterone and I think it’s making a difference. Anyway, no need to cross counter my opinion, I`ll use this as a reference toward any future episodes of PE gains. It seems from my point of view, there is not very much to worry about when it comes to stretching and girth. So no matter how thick or thin a person might be, stretching seems to be the ticket. Maybe I`ll post an “after” picture of what a young man can do in 2 months. In regards to X vs Y, I think there is a relation to how much weight there is verses time involved. My first month hanging, I can prob do 10-12 lbs easy without any trouble at all.

The fact of that matter is, after 10 hours of 7.5 lbs, I gained a little less than 1/16 inch.
After 20 hours it was more like 1/8 inch.
After 30 hours, it was more like 1/4 inch of stretched gains. Thats the fact.

I can see after 40 hours more than 1/4” will be truth from after the point I started. Thats the fact. Not sure if everyone knows what I`m seeing, but I will state my facts. If mods need to move this thread again to the proper forum, I understand since my initial concerns were never addressed. I`ll turn this thread into a progress report.

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