A Quick question for my hero BIB.
Hello BIB,
This is my question,
If I am hanging at the angle of btc (Targeting LIGS) and have maxed out my gains from
btc angle because my LOT has changed from high angle (let`s say 9:00) into low angle (say 6:00)
and I will change the angle of attack focusing on Tunicae, am I gonna lose some of the gains
I earned from hanging focusing on my ligs? And If so will this following routine help maintain
my gains?
The routine:
=> I will hang SO starting with my maximum weight and decrease the weight
applied as necessary and if I feel very sore from this angle then I
will change hanging to BTC angle using lesser weight just to maintain
the gains I`ve or will earn from this angle. And I will observe my LOT
and when my LOT will change then I will also change the angle of my attack.
Thank You very much BIB!
And for my fellow hangers, cheers!
This is my first time posting a question I usually just lurk.:)