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a series of questions

a series of questions

Hi guys, i’ve just recently started up PE (or hanging (mainly) and jelqing to be more specific) after many quickly ended attempts in the past (never made time). This time I have a hanger, a bib at that, and have a few quick questions about it.

1. How do you know when you are fatigued?

2. How tight should I tighten the bib hanger?

3. Is there a maximum to how much time you should spend hanging at the beginning?

4. Is it best to keep the pubic area heated while hanging?

5. Should i leave the theraband wrap on for a certain duration after removing the hanger?

6.Right now my sets consist of 20 mins hangtime with 3lbs, i will move to 5 lbs next week, for about 3-6 sets, with 10 minute rest periods between each. I plan to do this basically every day. Does anyone see any problems or have any suggestions about this?

Sorry to make ‘another’ post with questions, but it is hard to search for some of those questions’ answers.

1. Sometimes you don’t always get a feeling of fatigue during your workout. This doesn’t mean you should keep going. Work your way up. Start off with a few sets, and if that doesn’t seem to be working, add a set at a time until it does start working.

2. Tight enough to have a good grip, but not so much to were it hurts while you hang.

3. You should start off easy when trying new routines/exercises. Then continue to follow the advice in #1.

4. I heat before hanging, then allow it to cool while stretched.

5. I take it off and massage my unit. You can do as you like though.

6. I don’t see a problem with how you’re starting and the rate of increase, just make sure that once you hit a good spot in your routine to not increase it anymore. Get as much as you can from the smaller routines.

Hope this helps.

1) You sometimes have a light soreness, but then again, sometimes you dont….

2) Enough to keep it on! (But not too tight that causes pain)

3) Use common sense I’d say

4) Down to personal choice

5) Down to personal choice

6) Seems fine. But when you start gaining with a set weight/routine, DONT CHANGE IT. Stick to it for as long as gains continue.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Congratulations on your decision to finally make time for a hanging routine! The most important adjustment on the BibHanger is the toe-in, so play around with it for a while if you have to: most guys take a while to get it right. Don’t be afraid to drop down in weight when you feel that ache near the base of your penis (fatigue): don’t overdo it! Heat definitely helps the gains, and in my personal experience, using a traction wrap after hanging.


I’m with GlandMaster on this.Heat is definitely a good idea.I keep a rice sock type device on my pelvic area while I’m hanging.Not too hot,if it burns the skin it will definitely burn your willy.Also a traction wrap when your done is good sound advice.Helps to keep you stretched out,plus it makes you look huge in your pants.

>1. How do you know when you are fatigued?

Kind of a dull soreness in the shaft or ligs. It is never painful, pain is bad you see. If you are too sore/fatigued to hang a given weight, you can take some off and continue with lighter weight. This is a good thing.

>2. How tight should I tighten the bib hanger?

Like the guys said, tight enough to stay on while still being comfortable. Remember that during a set you might well need to re-tighten several times.

>3. Is there a maximum to how much time you should spend hanging at the beginning?

Take it easy in the beginning. Try an hour or two at low weights, then increase the time you hang and the weight gradually. 1 or 2 pounds per week, as for sets go by feel. It’s the weight that’s the main thing to keep a conscious limit on, as you might feel your ligs and tunica can take more, but the soft areas like the glans and skin may not. But by increasing slowly the soft tissues condition and toughen up. Also, no more than 20 minutes a set. If you are uncut, I recommend 10 minute sets as the foreskin can cause problems.

>4. Is it best to keep the pubic area heated while hanging?

The general rule I went by is use heat for for the first half of the first half of your sets. So 4 sets of 20 minutes would be heat for the first 10 mins of the first 2 sets.

>5. Should i leave the theraband wrap on for a certain duration after removing the hanger?

No you can take it off afterwards, but as long as it is set up at just the right tightness you can leave it on without re-wrapping between sets. Afterwards take off the wrap and jelq for 10 mins or so. You can put it back on after the jelqing for a traction wrap, which I think there is an article on somewhere.

>6.Right now my sets consist of 20 mins hangtime with 3lbs, i will move to 5 lbs next week, for about 3-6 sets, with 10 minute rest periods between each. I plan to do this basically every day. Does anyone see any problems or have any suggestions about this?<

Sounds fine to me.

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